H 0 ft i Dr " G. R. SPALDING, Circus 1?roprietok and Manager. DR."^ AILBERT R. SPALDINO, wkoae portYftlt appeals on Uili paga and wbose death is teeorded in oar clrcns depamnent, was born elztr-elBht yean aso In CoeTmans, Albany Connty, N. T., and ttie tlUe or "Doctor" was geneially pre- fixed to Ills name by bis IMends and acqaalntances becanse, Itom abont ISiO to ISli .be kept a dmi- Btore at tbe comer of Lydlos and pearl streets, Tn Albany. Tbe cause of bis enterlDg tbe show bnsl- ness was tbe loaning of some money M Sam KIcIioUi, a weU-Uown clrcos-manaaer, wbo gave illm for Mcnrl^ a mortgage opon tils clrcns prop- erty. Bad bnsuiess prevented ur. Klcbols tTom re- kylng tlie money at the time apeclfled, and Dr. p^uiff foreclosed the mortgage, bnt permitted —iTNlcnolB to mn the show. Finding, however, that by porsnlng sncb a course he was not likely to speedily recover his money, he personally visited the clrcns wtth the Intention of rannlng It Into Al- bany;; and there disposing ofthe property by anctlon or private sale. Before reaching Albany he discover- ed that under his energetic management the show was nialdng money, and, as he Uked the boslness, he determined to contlnoe In the management for a time: at least— that time extended over a period of thlr^ years. The show was known as Spalding's North American Clrcna. In the season of I81T-S he visited Kew Orleans. La., and, coming North, upon reaAilng St. Lonls, mo., he divided nls company Into two shows, retaining the original title and ■ mAnagementof one, and putting Dan Bice at the bead of the other, with Cm. Van Orden (Dr. Spald- ing's brother-in-law) as manager. He chartered a etSunboatcalledthe Allegheny Mali, and in It the Xast-named company cnilsed on the Ohio, Uls- soorl and UlssUslppi Rivers. Amongthe perlbnn- CFB oT this company were Dau Rice, clown; FrakiAoaston, M. P. Madlgan, Bumell Ronnells and ihmlly, Hons. La Thome, W. B. Bnmlsh, John GOenroy, Ttiomas Osbomo, nirmm Day and others. In the Fail of 1848 Dr. Spalding sold to Charles J. Bogeis one-half of the North Amer- ican Olicns, and the following Spring the show started on the road newly organized and equip- ped: Among the novel features then present- ed Jut thS flrat time were the Appoionlcon, dran by tar^ bones, fonr abreast, and driven by oneman: ttUbanx portraying incldentii from the Uve*«r OeiLPotBam and "Mad" Anthony W ayne; and the cmyliig of u hone and rider on men's Btaonlda*. TbeJ>an Rice Show in the Winter of lUB-L'Btille traveling in the South, were compelled to dntaMOwliig tothe fearful ravages of cholera. In theErlng of IMS Dr. Spalding again .started Dan BWe at the head of what may betermsd In this connection a land show, traveUnglir.ngOns. In the Fan of the year, In settling op . the bus- iness, tbe entire show reverted to Dr. Spalding. ThTspaldlng & Rogera North Auencun uircos conttnned its travels, meeting with tucce> James Robinson, leR New T«ftk In the steamship Oald Ing Star Blareh so, 18tT, David Bldwell and Oei- ard C. Qalck accompanying them. The other per- fomera followed in steamsnips that sailed at later dates. After arriving In Paris, and when nearly- all the preparations for their showing had been made. It was discovered that a local law prevented ana »"» "i'S"?--,n,rTravVlini b» railroads, the erecUon of any wooden building within the ?^Mw'{SeV*^''iri«y p«i«^K^^^ SL»l.l^^li<'i^««.??i'=£Sf.'i^^^ b^rn^S: In iMiSpaldlng, Rogers A BldwclI (Dartd Bidwellhavlng previously been taken Into copart- nenUrtTSok a ten years' W of the FeUcan f hca- tre New Orleans, La., reconstructed Itwid mted It ?plS «cillTnt;tyli«> that It could l» used for either a clrcosor a Ibeafre. It was chrtatened Spald- dlDB * Rogers' Amphitheatre, which tlUe some vears later vras changed to that of the Academy of il^"cVMchltitHl«tiina. "liMiuiaereoK "I" eral reconstructions, U o^^^^Vy^'^^^^P^^i^^.- and U owned and managed by David BIdwell. DurtnK the next f*w years Spalding * Rogers had two and someUmes three companies touring Sta Muntty iSid Canada. traveUngby railroads SKV^Snd'pr^S?^ '^"JeeWaTdreSJln spectac^ ??nture ' was about to end in aunrer^en _lb^ Sffi-' imc, and from there they tranaftrred ttehr V* -* A. DAatAv, iVaMiL\ Theatre fthen tnnatsly opportunity was given the American com- pany to playfOr a brief tlme,.bat the t^ultwas Smrefcreerto the Bo8ton«S«>-| ^Iieatre (thM teown as the Academy of Music), where they ?»?d a talSuv auflcesstul engagement of some SSSto' duSSSn. *toalr!»i-S5FSf isaa a mag- 5fliSit.nortable. aniihJrtieMte was constmct- ed npon an entirely new plan, the biigaalte Bomiab was purchased and fitted with ocoommo- datlons far a circus cofnpanr and the next two years were passed In Branl, Dragnay, Bnenas Avres and the West Indie*. On the retamvoyup th; vessel was wrecked at Long Branch, V. J., the people and horses, together with some of the bag- gage, being saved, bnt ' the amphitheatre, ward- robe, properties and vessel were lost Notwith- standing this dUiaster, the venture was a great Bnancial success, and it is aald that more honon were bestowed npon tba oompany than had been received by any other similar troupe in a fbrelgn land. In IBOS Spalding A Rogen dissolved paitaer- ship. and Hr. Rogers retired irbm proflesslonal lite, and has since resided near Philadelphia, Pa. The copartnership between Spalding ic Bldwell contin- ned, and shortly afterwards they leased and rebuilt the Olympic Theatre. St. Li>*»™«tion nx wiu OerardcTQolck. John J. Nathans, Dr. O.B.8p»hV P'AiKKTci^vS^T.iftlil'XrJ:!}^^"^ "'CD's ingand David BldweU An edifice In which ■mobije ""'"^ ■ were to have performed was bnllt for the pnrpoae ' by Mr. Kennedy of Albany. N. T. It was of wood, with a canvas top, and had the following capaet^ not what had been expected. In 1872 Dr. Spalding again pat Dan Rice on the road with a show man- I aged by Harry W. Spalding, who vras dangerously ' woonoed ijy a pistol shot Id Baxter Springs, Kas., which was probably the remote cause of his death, which took . place at bis Cither's resi- dence in Sangertles, N. T., Peb. 4, 18T4. Dr. Spalding's last venture,, we believe, In the cir- cus business, waa during the tenting season «f 18K, when he was the principal backer of Mel- ville, Magtnley * Cooke's Centennial Circus and Tbesplan Company. Spalding A BldweU dissolved copartnership some few years ago, and in the division of the property David Bldwell retained the Academy of^ Music, New Oriesns, and Dr. Simlding tbe Olympic Theatre. St. LoDls, which h B been EnceesafOlly manaaea by bla son Charles for a few years past. SpaMIng A Bldwell had re- . cently tbrmed what may be considered a new co- partnership, as a few weeks ago they parchaaed the St. Charles Theatre, New OrtesiiB, la.; wUch they intended to restore to Its piwtona jgaUlon of » drst-class theattx The dwia>»i1 lea iiwMow and ,one.eon,CharML ^BetfdeaJ** — " wno ViCi" nicV umiy i,iimteii„T capable of accommodaUng nearly two tlmnsnnd , H'"^ togrtlier with the bIe Pi-rfomihe dJII «S 1 pereon8,theseatebelngaUcane-bottomohalrB. OoL I IL'.'^'t.^L'V-'J"- c««e» S«>do«new. By j. m. freInch Van Orden had t>een sent In advance to ParU t- - ' xi'h. »-jyni CIRCUSES. Prof. E. Hamilton's Great ITew York Cib- crs Is to give Its Ont exUbitlon Id Orwell. O.. M;i.v 1. ' ' Welsh i- Sands' New Orleans anp San Fban- CltsCU ClBCrs AND ROTAL ENQLISU MENAGERIE liave lie«D wintering In Topeka, Kan., and are to ojH-n tbeir searon In Leavenwonli April 13; ibence l» AlchlKoD 14, St. Josepb^ Mo., IS, Latlirop le. yrSto. VraDch paototDlmr down; O. H. De Castro anj ilkk Oulnbv. donii-, Mmr. Dc La Ccrtu. MUc Mimm- Iciia. Mil'-. tUr*. line. De OareoD. James Botch, C. W. Fnnjcle and Slona Ma^r, ct;neriu pvrfonncni; ttlr*n tuintili-n aod Irapen. A aTel>unier electric lletit vill be UMd. Thin Ktiow wUI trmTel by vuodh, rlaitlng cmaUcr towDif, n • menaeeiie being attacneil. TIM U KiTTH lea Chicago, UL, April 6, lojoin the W. W. Cole <;iraiB in St. LrfMils. CiRci'8 Suva nm m Wf»r I.vnixs— UArxAarxs PuMTu Kim, W. 1., Much il, IM>.— Mk. Fha-nk Qikcm— Dearstr: Thinking a Utlie ueva mifibt be awptable, 1 8co4 poKca of C. 11. Castle, general agent; F. H. Roue, |ir<:.'a<'tv-brlfpaJe, and elipht aaUatapti*. , OeorifeaiHj drew WbCrlsmnt. left Ldvande'a Ci-mpany and joined Cop- Couipany, at pre»b i> u Tlioyliavt hecn here iwowetHB. ThecompanylDcluiln ,i^,;l^,fiJvJthrJ^^!:r^,.iK^, O'ClOCIt P.H. Shrjuion nr.*. Hounburu Ram (JapAnitc), Andi April e at the reslueoce of one of tiU former part- -. - . -s r^. iiers. David Bldwell, In N'ew Orleaiu, Lii., where he iiuil ivcn In a precarlona conOldon Tor several , u'eekj*. - . . - . The caa!a]aDclog trapezlat; ana JamcA Melville's remarkably clever bareback rld- lui;. .Mr. Coup has alsoa fine collection of animals." THE ui-EiriA.s'K, euKuged for the Van Ambnnc left that evening for Valley FallHTKas XuIoSd^ j^>p FlIklDslsln town looking after the Interests of the ' - Coup Show, which Inaugnrates the tenting eeason here :!0 The Seas Show foUon-H ID Hay. John Robinson's Great World's Ezposition Asu ME.SAGEBiE 18 billed ID CommlDiiTtne, O,, April U, SedaoBTUle IS, Covington, Ey., 16, Fnltoa, O., 17. New Kidimond 19, Augusta -m, Hipley 21, MayHvlUe, Ky., 21, Manchester, . O., 23, PorLs- uouth U. A TOBCDLioHT PBO(xs9iON was given In Pblla- delpma on the night of April 10 by the united Cooper & liallej and Forepangh Shows. It wan a splendid paeeant. All along the route flreworks were con- Mtantlv being sent op from all partsofttae line, mak- ing, with the aid of 1,200 torcucs, borne by a cotre- Mlioiidlng nunilierof men, the streets as light as day. TliLTe were knightn In armor, ladles on noraebacR, several bands iif music, cages, lablean cara, ele- phuDtH, cameb«, and many other features to attract attention and e.arlsons, and parapbernalla of all klnd.H. The procesalon as a whole surpassed any former effort of the kind by circns people In the Qnakcr City, and was a titling Inlrodnc- ilon to the opening there ot the two allied great »hon'a for a Iwo weeks' eeoKon, which begins 1^ Ke^ircscnlatlvcR of the press partook of the taos- pliallty of MesTK. ForcimngU and Cooper i. Bailey at Hie Clrard llouHC, where an elegant repast of comfurtlnK Kollds aud cbccrlug uqulda wiia en- Jovod. and from the windows and balconies of which lio.'iiclry the knights of the lead-pencil re- vlcweil the parade. Aa the proceasloa wan paening Hie corner of Uroad and EUaworth Htreets, one of I he eiuplo.vcH was thrown from u chariot andcon- uldcrahly 'hurt. ACCIDENT.— .V corre -ponden! sends the following urciiuiit of rtniarkahle cudurance on the part of a shiiwiiian. uiid hd assistant editor of a local Journal vouclie** for Itn tmth; "SIgnor Montaulo, manager •if the Original Arkansas Travelers, and one of the proprietors of the Great New York Show, now or- Eaniziug In Smith Centre, Kss.. met with a serious accident at Stockton on Marcli ii. While perform- ing voine of his daring acts on the tight-rope, twen- t> ■el;(bt foi't from the ground, tbe rupe pirted, ^nd he fell iviin great forcti, alighting on Us feet and broaklng sevvral uf the boDLS in uls right heel and four, lie waR taken to the hotel, where he had tho liest uf medical attemlauce, laid all the boues re- set, anil, although In a nearly fainting condition, went on the stage at nlgtit aod played bis part or the prograiuiDu through, but fainted twice In so do-' log. Uc wa.<: taken to his home the uc.vt day, and IH now at hl.s farm near Smith Centre, doing well, with everv prospect of aapeedy recovery." TUE itirkv ftwiS. have the sideshow privileges with the Dr. Thayer Show this bcusoil Keatinu and liVAN, vaulters, tumblers and aerial performers, advertise that they will be dis- engaged after May 1. ALL TUB TEOPLE engaged for the Cooper & Jack- sou Shows are ordered to report at lluici's Hotel, SL IjOuIs, Mo.. April -a. A. lady trupeze or Dying- , ringa artiat Is wauled. See calL | I'EHFonHBRS and others engaged for Robert Siickney's Imperial CIrcna, Museum and Uenagerle are requested to report at Pittsburg, Pa., April 22. See Manager S. E. Stlckney's card. Tub uhbat New Yobk Show, now organldng at Smith's Centre, Kansas Is announcetl to start out June 1. A namber or performeni, Including manlclans. are wanted. The privlleses are also advertlwd for eale, and Jaa. Robeits is requested to write. Uappy Jack Lawton, crown, wbo Is speodlDg a few davH witb his DroUer in at. Lonl«, Mo., will travel this aeason ycitb Col. Uayward's Circus and Ulppodrome, whlcb starts from Pana, DL, May I. Cooi-KH A Jackmk'm ohkat Parimiajc Cibccs and EiikT'8 ^k.iAuaKlit AND UiKnm la urganiied as fol- luvn: O. V. Cuoptf in peiicrml BoaDaffrr; Ponnu II. tlluan. aMixtant manajier; l.yman X. Jurkaon, ma*- arrr; Martin J. EUIa, Ahantant tieuurer; COas. M. Prait, prru* aceni; Hiewait M. Darbi, eqaeatrlan director; lluGier B. Corral, doorkeeper; PruL Add. Vo«eU leader orclicBtra; J. M. Barry, aoperlDlcndeui of liorvs; J. U. Uoriiuni. mpKrlotvodrot *it caoTaa; Paul Edsooada, stew- ard. AdTauce brijcade — W. C. Bo^ geaeralannt; J, B. Keiinrdy, ■M'lHtitr.-. oeent; Wm. II. Suitoo, dlrecwr of rutt:)calt<>Qf ; Ed« uil CUlMtlaBil £. J. LukiDA, ntboarmiib :eutK; J. A. MuTiay. cMef bll]paaur;and K. U. Oabajp, iMUg and rvrry £:'^cTellH, anlKtAntA. Performeiv: BABVim's Boom.— At no prevloos season of P. T. Bamnm's "Own and Only GreateBiShow on Earth" In this city has the patronage l>een so lavish as that bestowed daring the early performances of the brief series of exhibitions Inangntated In tbe Amer- ican Institute Thursday afternoon, April 8. To give bis patrons a foretaste of the treat In store for them, a giand procession of gilded cbailota, onute animal cages, elephants, camels, trained stallions, a calliope, an orchesnrlon, ponies, the lai^ cannon from whlcb Zazel Is shot tbrongta tbe air, and nnmer- ouB otner attimctlons, which lack of space forbids as to mention In detaU, made a deloor April 8 tbrough many of onr principal sticets, wblch were crowded with men, women and children, eager to catch a gUmpneoftbepatslngsbow. On Friday night, when we were preMOt, noionly were enryicat and all the avall- md A Wataon's Tianaatlantic Coui MATa;nirze, P. R. They give tliel , ' Muy. Sunday. March 21. and leave 22 ff»r t^outh Areeriea. - t ^ -fL udfBlhn _ . _ . ^pADcHc). Andrew Watrlcant, 11. .X'elwn, Wm. Conrad, Vim. Watran, Senonta Ondliia, and a few .SpaniardHwhOMMxameii I liavcnotyet bcmuir riuiilllar with. Latkh, Harch ;3.— Tbe Porto Rico L011017 dma-inpi CAme olt to-duj, and lloumburoKaiu (JananeKe) hit one partofthe capital prize, whlcb 1b$13,QU9 — ^ -r . (one part in oue-tenth of tbe priie). Other prim have position. fi>r a lonit time t«ther than pmtponc to a Aiture b«vu wim by the compaej, but not laiie eoouch u> men- ' perfonnalice their opportunity to witnna tue anow^ - t-r-". . . I. . excellent orchewri. under Uie direction of Joaeph able •teo'^lnr-rooiD occnpicO. but extrm dialra placed near th» arena failed to aeoomtnodats the laRUslBC etowdl.alul the minaiement wa* compelled to close the itreet doon shortly aner elcht o'clock, and reAiae admlMdon to hnn- drrda or pcrvona who tbrn blocked the aldewalk. Men were perched on the lopa ot tbe rarioui e-Fes that aklrt the aides of the lai^ edlflce, malntalolnp uncomlortable CITT SDHBIAR'F. Edwin Booth's engagement Is provlna to be one of the most snccessfnl which he has fUUlled In this city for some years, and since onr last report Booth's Theatre has been liberally patronized. "Richard III" (ttom the original text) was acted April 6, 6, 7: "Othello," with Edwin Booth as the Moor, Jr. C. McCollom as laoo, and Mrs. D. P. Bow- ers as EmUla, 8, and wltb Mr. McCoUom as Otbello and Mr. Bootn aa lago matinee 10; and "The Fool's Revenge" S, 10. Heniy B. Abbey's energetlo man- agement has contrlbntod in no small degree to the jiresent prosperons condltloB of aflUts. JlACOlE MITCHELL aiiiti her combination, acting "Fancbon " did a pretty goud business at the Grand Opera-house tho past week, but not near so lantc a» that done by Ucr predcccf .sor, J. K. Emmet, who rose totdc position ofublginyproiltauic star many years alter "Fanchon" was flrst piuycd In this countrv. 4iulttlU's palace, wblcb Is far more lnf^ti>S ttom a a. J tc nil ectnral and decorative point of view on tbe Qdeon stage than It ever was or conld be 00 the uiSol tbe Danntte. Attlhi, loyoas at tbs Idea or proving tbe grandeur of tbe Uunnlc kingdom by bis aUIance with tbe Western Emperor, Is im- patiently awaiting Honorla's arrival. Tbe .Consul. Ka^mln, Ambassador from Rome, appears, b«t tbe Princess la not wltb him. The Ola pamclu^ dlfnltfbadreawakenied, bad revolted attbettaougnt of conferring her hand on the bart>arlan, and the marrlaKe *1U bot taki place. Atttla Hies Into a , terrtflelary, ttmatana tbe envoy, promises Jo wage war asAlnst tbe Bomans (a menace be loUlllM in history, but not In tbe drama), and then in a splen- did *pasa&se proclaims bis aml>ltlon3 projects.' Tbe action now proceeds more rapidly. Bumllla- ted by Rome, lepndlated by Uonorla, Atllla gives ItiU rein iq bis passion, and, tKlng refused tbe alster of an Emperor, wUl selzo a captive, a King's danghter. Wltbont pMley orjreamble, he tion. llr. '^'elunn made a hit, an uliio did the .Shedinaa Una. Beepeetihlly youra, W. a H. To>n' PAJ4TUR extcnda Ma thankn to the management of C«K>per, Bailey ACo.'a London CircuA lOr tltelr courteay w fo umlDf; their parade lu Philadelphia. Pa., evening of April 10, that they would not interlere with bla company's EiTfunnaneeaaiiheWalnut-ftreetThaatre. Mr. Paatorin la card lUalea lliat "It la a compUment ftralcAdly appreci- ated." P. T. Rarnl'm's Show Ia to exhibli In Rridseport, Ot.. May 3, New Haven 4, Ilanford S, Kprlngfleld, Maaa., «, tVor- ce«ter 7. Providence, R. I., S, Bonon, Maaa., IQ, one week. GKO. K. Cou; or Cblcajto bad been enimced to maua«e' the concert, aa heretiifurcjwlih Sella Broilieni' Ctnua; but,. owlOK to a recent tnUDDderMADdlns aa lo termji, hn Mija; i»e« with BujrRobblna in the aamii eapaelly. Hairr- jkwith aaya that he ia to nianatfe tbe concert wltb R^jo-j bina' CircuK, aa heretofore. . . ONLY TWU~WE£KJ4 LUNeiiB. P. T. BARNUM'6 OWN AND ONLYGREATESTSHOW ON EARfH, EVERV AFTERNOON AND E^TEKIN*;. _ _ _ ra. - - - - Wlthem. entett&Incd the auUlrncti ontU «lRbt o^dock, xrbm the perfonauKe ooniDiei^cnl vUb a rloK proc«»- ■Inn ud btumI entm by twentj-fbor Uain ud mn- eU-phajitM, camHn, zebnu. etc^ aftr.r wolct were Intmducwl tbe llTlnp . , trntenns tlictaUooed Greek: Col. Gorhen. Riaot >la,b. dwarf; and fcmr nmtlve Znlu^ brnitclit Crom LitntloD, Eop. MRIOM Crhird avenue and Rixty.thlrd atrc«t>. I pledvn my reputation and perMmal word that thia In th;- most novel, beautlhil.eiteiulve and marreloua enter. laliimenl that 1 have ever presented to the public. i: r. BAU-STM. Tills pledge la endoraed by press ana public Hundreds turned away! A thoUMHud cEtra numbered chairs addial to accommodate the rush of Tlsitors. The London and Parisian Seosatlou, greeted WITH WUJ> EKTOL'SIASMl Her woaderAil AERIAI. DTVB from the topmost lielgbt of ibe Institute aod her EAOLB .IWOOP tbrouffh rald-alr for nearly lUO feet has created a |>eTfe< ' ZAZEL, ZAXBI., ZAZKL, ZAZEU ZAZEl., ZAZEL, ZAZEI., ZA;!BL, ZAZEL. The entire praoraums exciting tlie audlpnce, their pleasure manllestlne Itself In wtvos of applausa. Hme. DOCKRILL, Mme. KELSON and her flock of TnUoed Doves, tbe ZULUS, Mme. UARTH A. BHH A LAKE. SIgnar SEBASIIAlf, ROLLIS and the entire Phalanx of^Anhiui enlhustSHUoally received. I Doom open at I and 7 P. v. ; Performances at 2 and 8 I p. M. AdnilHslou, flu eta. ; Children under nine, :l&ctH. Re. ; ser\-ed numbered ClMint 35 eta. extra. Ladles and Csml- . lies are aiivioed to attend the lesd crowdeil altemoun per- . formances. The TbIrd-aTenne Bievatad Ratlroad cara deposit \Taltore at the door. 4-lt | inStice of 0PENIN6. ALL PEOPLE ENtiAGED WITH'- SELLS BROTHE!tl8' MILLIO:«Af BE CONFEDEBATION OF STLPENDOUS RAII.KUAU SHOWS are notlllnl to be In lepefea on or before April It. to pre. pare for ihe orBNING, wiudi will be on TundayrApriTS .ALSO, ALL P£OPLE ENGAGED witlioarNea'Ballroad Show Number Two •bouldLreport at Topeka by April d. to be lo reading for or>en>*'r^.^^-^\J*rL^T^^^.j^ attraction at the Park Theatre, save at the matlneo will make her ■•«1<'«;. 5SIi^?r §f Anill 10 when "Musette" was repeated, was sent, notwltbstaniUng ber love Rir -Walter and her wlthSrewn 10. Lotta has diawn larger audiences borror for sncb a bus-band, he •™P'o/8 "P: rtiirinff her nresent en.«ngement than during ber ment.tbat capnoiran; irehedoep no* yield to bis nrewona vlflltsfcr som?y^^ wl»f . ""1 with every intward appearance of doing tbe Park Theatre Is to be entirely redecorated, tbe '« J» *f aaortflo^^ tbe P™»?KSf?? be? Wr walls and celling are to be elaborately nrescoed, tbe f^5?<;i?^ 'TiJ^ SatdSa ll'ldto tows ftxinu oftbe tleA are to be changed, new and more £fo'47he"di«^S£^% ttus'lm'pS^^ so resigned does she appear to her lot that Herric and tbe Burgondlans inislaketbe motives that have led to her consenting to the union, and nnlle In cursing tbe heroic martyr. Walter alone compre- commodlous chairs are to replace tbow now In u.ie, tbe prlvate-bo.xeB are to be reDimlabed, a new drop- cnrtaln Is to be painted, and newcorpefs and mat- tings ate to cover the flours. A new front to tbe theafe Ja also, to be built. JIat9gcT Abbey In- forms us that tbe Park In point of teauty aod com- fort shall hot tie surpassed by any theatre in this Clt.V. . _:: _ ■ Intervals Neyeaard, Mme. who made their Atnerlean ._. debnt, dolojr dniihle manciie act. nrovid to be graafhl and okllled and tbe 1ibenJ>^^aan sboweied upon ihem attested their success. Kelaoa Family In acrobat- ic and pofftorlDfr rcau won dcMrred applauu; Uszl« MarceTluH in&lnt*lDe4 ber h\^h rrpotalioa aa a rider diirlDK a prtDclpal >ct, and J. MeCaitj did well an tbe down ; the LeoUirdM, ffTTDiuata. wtaoae ekccllesce la known to OUT r«aderH,«Toke'v-atloA by tfae nrdmpefrsaoe y 'People. •■ ■' ; AN OBIGDIAIi TEBIFBBAfiCB D«AM^ Holdlnif spth^mlner ofnataie^and Hfe, and trutliiviuy reflectlna the csrse ot IntemperancA (wrlttao abd owned bra Keolucky poet ifid aovellst). wltb an (aUlnal teopw- ancosong. *ro be played under the auspices oftbe tem- perance societies, and for tbe beneSt ol tbe .tempetanea. 'caaa. ■anylnvintions accepted. Ho moner denunded. iSogldesit capital lunlahed. Prominent temperance men loieraoted. Treasurer to, be appolntod. Oavactni;! ex-, 'penses to be deducted. Rnlendrd company, flne vncMlsbi, maeolflccnt Lcostumos, full orchestra and allver-CAmot 'hand. Togo on the road In September. Speotaculsr iscenes, original ' orcb oatra moslc. ^i^m^ha, B^ermalJn. bchds tbe devotedness of ber he adores, whom be canbotdonbi and. bending bis kneebelbre her, ad- diCasesherln a somewhat preteDUoos bntcbann- tngly-woided paaaage that was warmly applanded. The tbird act Is oc(;Dpled by tbe weddlng-fbast, a plcturepqve scene very effective In Its simplicity. AttUa arranges the details of the ceremony blm- selt We see tbe captives dcfUc before tbe new Queen, all angry and dladalofnl, except Walter, whose emotion Is-overwbelmlng, bat vbo never for an instant Inaea confidence In bis lady-love. When tbC Ibstlvlty'ls at Its height a song In asked for from Hiuido, a poet and soothsayer In ordinary to Attlla, wBodeelaunsliiliii'llItoTentstyleenoiigb some verses In bonor of the axe. wblcb are a worthy iiendant to the. ballad In which the virtnes of Roland's • .vend DnrsndSI are enBJt in "La PlUe de Roland." TtjBjpuoaat JB cUttaollHstlc, lUl' of local eolorv if Ad tOBsMliieatlT ^9 Kln^'ln wDoae ei po» . recils' maicht- . _ . .. he lullv as Intolllfien:, docile and tractable R.Mthciii>H 1 aa rvnsrds color and size. The.v provcHl to Tom DEf1IR£8 TO GIVE PUBLIC EXPRBfldlON HIS m&. wm. tm & ^ or THE 6REAT LONDON CIRCUS. AND niEIB COURTEOUS BEPliESENTATIV E. JOHN W. HAMILTON, ESQ.. FOR aE?fEROU8 CONDUCT IK ADVEHTIBING THEIR PARADE TO PAfSTHE WAtCTX-STREET TIIEATBE "In time to allow the anaembled crowdit" opportunity lo wiioea* Tony raator*a Rreat pcrfbrmaoce on Saiurday cren- Injc. Aprtl lU. an act ot proleastonal courteay worth"' of «»• uLitlon, and m eompUmrot greatly appreciated. ~ 4-lt lrn|r>c«iiioTVCAthat wv haTcwItocwwd. Tbry knelt upon the fioTe-lcccmonnted pedefitxOp.plHclnfiODo foot on anclcTatvU po«t, nnud with all their feet np^m amnll Htnndft, nacendiMj and deftcendc-d n mall fllnbt of double atnlrs. flrcd a plFtol, PQlllnp a Btrlnic with their tOMh and playcnl at hih^miw. FlgnnrSebastlao ftitly FU*d bin well-earned reputation ainir act wltb lltlie LouIk. A borne and n nta^, called Lniidficer, electrUled tbe nudlence by Icapioi: over the bnckn of other bnnea and over ouiitacli'S placotl at IntormlH around tbe rinr- Tlie bnttoatc leaping by the ninle mrmbera of the company waa a leaturt^, and their leader, John Batidielor, turned a dooble aomerKault over scTeral elepbanta. H. M. Dockrill Introduced the Black Tnkene atalllona. their Tarhjua fuata provlne an Rttractlro aa hitherto, and the oerformance term- inated with the daring feata by Zozel, who made her American dehnt, belnjc aMilrted by 8lfmor Farlnl, her In- atnictor, and the InTenlnrol'the apparatua uoed. Aaceod- latf tn nearly the roofor the tmltdina, nhc walked upon a Kmall wire rtretched acroM tha entire audltorluiu. uttlnir durlnt; ber Amt pamacc a JnpaneNe umbrella, but dlacara- Infrlt durlDffher rotnra; ahe neitucendedtoatrappcc. and performed a number or dllllcult f^ata: then inonntca to a stationary platform, from whlcb ahe dnrn down- ward bead flmt, and allnhted In a net placed behtw. She then mounted to an ele,vn«d platform, b«^neatli which waa suspended In the air, bv meana of wire ropcf^ a larce Tnonar, which rhe entereil net for«moRt, and woa cperdlly kMt to view. SIffnnr KnrtDlJ ntandinc on the net bvoeath, and holdlofc In hU hand a Ipnp wax Ucbt, anked If fih« wu ready, and, recdrluv flnjulrTnitlve r«ply, applied the torch to tbe mortar, whlcfeVaa didcharsen with a loud t9- port. Zatelwms aeen to \am throuch the air. and fell unliOorcO In th^ net on ihd oppocltc aide of the audito- rium. Tbe botkUDK-u not: veil adapted to diKplay thla fenttolta t>eA Mkrantaiie, fa there are ao many obrtntc- tlonaluuiKlQif down from thu roof. The act waa In every wmy KueceaftAil, a«d receive^ fervid appleuw. Durlne Ihe evenlne Mr. Bamnjn appealed In tbe arena and briefly ad- ,dn>Med t&eSfidiaDoe. who became quite entliu5lafitlc. Cool Buare«a jJaa appeared vltn uncorked face, ran|; a aong ^wldch.qi^^ « bit, and anpinunoed that on April 10 the •COfl : Buraaaa Coocrrt C< opaoy. wblch bad t>een en- -W^'w 'travel thle m> .vm. under the direction of -A B.' Bunnell, «ith thi^ Bomum Show, would com- f^iOenco -Hi flerlea of uerlur fiipRB. T^c irounp. bealdep mtt. ■'BBartgl^-^clnw* -'^lQ: naoda. Kred Hallen aiid Enid Ufxt, Oeorse Kurtz, . VIII H. BInwe, John W. niiliiton. ll«Rt«r KeltOD. J .O. GattoII and Nellie Brfwk*. Jam^'B. Cooke, the enucctrluD director. dlHCharccd tbe duUea'oT rlnionavUT to, t venial and affiablo manner. Oeorfe K. Bailey la the 5 riii manager, aod WUlukm £, devUa, ajKet«,-ctc:^CUtnot completfd. Spdclalty peopio wanted. Prominent temperance people and maoafem ot. balla. aand InvltatkAa to DBAHATIRT. cara of Mall-car- rlerNo. 7. LouiavUle. Ky., author of the romaooea and pMuna **HnjiUui In the Twlllcht.*' "That I*rekt: Raby-bov.» "The BeautlfUl PoundlloR,»' "Whose Sberv **treuy Potoa»b«" "Tbo Indlaa-fftrl Bennt; . eta ; 4-U WftLDM ANN'S OPERA-HOUSE, Would be pleased to hear from FIRST-CUSS DRAMATIC STA8S I^AvlJiflC open dates ^^om April 1. 4-lt Addrcw' tBKD. WAI.PltAyN, Manager. ) ori9aii.esr- ao^nas"wan>eL-v«Ti*. iMiiie^trirnnea; HJie. SUniietia. irvn-juw iHrrfimn- vr; Mile. Ir ranees Banr. wlrr aaceosloDhft; W. H*. MchoU, N. A. Lonaudiand Auolph Muuclilu. cMU«^lana; itiftiaw iinil Ali'Mi. L)roiher-act»; J. I* JLhivenptirt, Chna. Itiyec uud ^att. Ktliuoiidii.clownn; Wm. KLni.'uide, Loriey and How- unJ, •ItiiiiL-o Elm>s Wm. KMr>hry, Prea Oaatte and WiUle l.mii. Ii-rtpcra and toublrnt; wiu. Weunia .lud Edwaru I^'oUT. (*uuf*>rtlonUtf»: I^*r«iyaud Adanu, vi>minllMUB: Eu- kriie Carl Zewartz, UIuslotUKtL Mile .Stella Curl Zvwaiix, <|iif>-n oi rtrr, and rn>^ Ucx-iir lluut. nreonatit. Theynin I. II iii<>ir «twn prirlloiri'ft. Route: Missouri, three weeka; tbt'ti lo I)Ilnoi« aud Eiint. TnL . Tho.-<. \Y. \ lofuu ui the uian- a^vr; .1. K. Ma?k und KntK*rt .loitii>w>n. a«siHtaut-manii|ient; II. Ii. Cilify, irrui^urcr: i.'iih t;. MurriiS [:vDeral-a:'ent: Will II:inh-y, ttf4U::iut-a};eia: w. Mci:t>rO. s. Hailley and }l. ilyvi», bil!)^>torn; Jobu Wardt^n. |>roprrnminur; JLaw- ronn* W»'.iii;r, proi»prtit-*i; J. W. I'age, privllcces. Per- ((.•inuTS: Ki*.iiiit'': riiil t;, |n.-«lL-iiUil clu^KOdJIg Utuiccr; Cliurleft liroi'Snard. with EdisuM^a pnoiiucrHph ; Bob JuhnnOD. arro- biitic cluwn; the lK'lmiirixuiitAl-bat»i', Ciiorlvd aud Cnbc (^aixlciikaf, cuiiiic vocaUaia; Archie FiUmure, p«d|;Rtal <;lub-sainf:ing| prnr'. Dollniont, creoIe p:ini and MTungman; lluber auu Vius-vn, i^iHrcialty pcrlnmtem- Colilt-n i.ttd Kevnan. twiig- and daucc; ^tnnley Buyd, ttyin'^ rin;r^; I'rof. Delatzba. n:a;:ician; and Cllloy'n .'^uilii^rn MliiKlrcln — Annaod Vvo^vv. Jamea *kli>dviiu', J. B. Grinuot:*', Tmiu Williuot, Bob Mack/w'Ut U. SInuuona. G. K. KonrlUe, J. O. N'caviJIe and Tiio^. flaoi^y. The sidcshuw L* under the mana^^meni of J. .M. pA(;v. They |>«;iiorni«d in Btnix-n Br.J^a ^Cf'^ ^ Lafayette 7, I^vrilltO. ChlC'tvllle lu. and arc dueiofTcr- grecu 12. WtuthiniTton H. Opduusaa 16, Kaicbez 19. Op BCHPICK & AI.LKN'd QlWUKCn.!: COMBINATICM BLnllck & Allen are the ptupneioni and laaQa^r^ni; £. Li^pold, director of anuaciucota: D. Ciepp. coDiractlng auT^ut: Frrd Hin^r.chleluf paatti-bricade: P. DouKherty, It-nder of band; J. Dorbeny, master orciovad- Bur- tilciw, mx*arr ofiftock. r«nurroeni: Mona. Ilay l, the Una fttaod belnfc at Dundee, IlL, where the troape ka now fonnlnc. All detalla are not yei complete. Z. W. .■^propue l« tbp proprietor and manaser; E. < • Thurber, trcahiii-or: William Ma^o, dlrvctor; Wiaah BIodecUL rcu- eral-nceot; A. K. Wood, master of blUpcvnlnj; bnsaJe : E. P. Youn^. prerta-Acent; M. A. Thurber, Ihhoi^Tapber; Ilank Wine, hoiti^canvuman; H. A. Kinccade. eque»trtan di- rector: Jamen Kbiccade, hnrdle and li diaj rider; MUe. Lee Etta, eque^tilau; the Lanea — Cnurlei and Uer- . ' il^trapczc and hurlxontal t>ar perlbrm^ni; fTbarles Bow- j William Wectpa. contortlODlat and liuteler: I CREAT THEATRICAL HOUSE, BLOOMS' LIKE PHtEMIX EISBX dry, FBOM BIS ilSBES, 01}B a£NT IS AfiAM IN FULL ItTew TBEATBICAL DEPiRT- sna sltowa no traces oUho lato In at oar MlablishmanL except that a grcst manr excalleat barnlns of allshtlr damand gbodaueaelllDsoffra^nUcsflAreoator.Talne. . v ■« ' o We quote a. few prioes, vizs : :VIX3B COTtOH TiaHTSI 7. i... .^LS n.B8H oorroN sniRTs ^2. i.as WHITE (XMTOK TI0HT8 , jj WHITE COTTOK SBIRTaJ L» ENOLISU SDFEB 8T0CT FLE.Atti^x tba ' boTTOTs 01 war. Hatnr« Is an mde In aspect aa ara tbe mea wbo afflict what imder anoUwr orddr ot tlUogfcmlfhtlielierlilrboe. Tlieepoobistoward»' the year -us of onr era. Attlla, Kuk of (be 9iuia, "TliaScdiiTse'of Ood," as be cairebeliig the exegnttapgr ot tberjoi FiiaK KMKIWi'BOd bla fatnetatvv (l>V)4 ^i^r^cowardly Office. '^'Wbpi- the rnii uiit'us- w*lia Is dead, and there la no hope that Hlldlga will be saved ITom the embraces of her savage lonL She Is led to his apartihents, and tbero^whUeawaltlnithlB antval. Prince EIIalLaie Klngayoongec sod; a-yoath who had been deeenD- ed or gentle natore and good principles, comes to rescae herp he wishes to snatch Der Irdm ber'borri- blC'iate by making her bla- own bride. UlMlga re- fuses. So« baa resolved, like', anotber Jndlib, to slay Attuaf and has received lh>m a Parisian wo- . man namad Oerontla, one of tbe captives, wbo : seems to eiiloy.very complete Uberty ln tbe palace, : the same axe by whlcb waiter bad perished. Thla weapon 'ia faUden- behind a cartaln'.in the nuptial ' cbafflber. '. IDldlgs'a reiusal ai once snggestK to i EUsltwtaat Mar pacpoae is. She avows ber project, anS bldel.hloijIi> hisdnty by denounotnghcr, when Atfila appcM^ Tbe Qneen retires, and the King, who, natotaUy enongh. Is Uttle pleased to find bu son in that particular spot at such an hour, calls on Ellak to explain bis presence, and tbe yonng man, In his endeavor to warn his Sither without mining niyHga/^ridg'bj conflmaing his love for the ^neen. Then Attlla, who. to. tell the truth, has,bcen paint- ed tbToiigiiont ae a paQent and lowsnlRTlng monster^Ustenlng to the most atrocious Insults with sublime tiencvolence, fliea Into another fletcc taotrnm, Uiltatens bli son with execution, and also tells blm that bis mother, who bas been long In exile, shall be put to death as welL The gentle- minded youth accordingly goes oll^ thinking It may be as well for his own (nterests to leave tbe anthor •rtals days to Bildlga and bis fate. Tbe rest la soon told. If blstorr may be believed, Attlla, after a heavy l>out ot drlnklDg dnrlng his marrlage-fSast, died In tbe brldal-cbamber dnrlng tbe night, snflb- catcd by a broken blood-ressel; Oornellle accords him a natiual .death; butH. De Bomler prodnoea .onsotthe moM telnig eHfeots to bis drama by ttaa way in which me King, etmok tall lalhsliodybT tbrfaxe wblch -the yonng girl seems to wield like a woedtnan, alrnggen onto the stage tram -Hlldlga's cbamber, to proclaim to his amazed followers that he bad tbrown lumselton the weapon , and has ntkt mien by a woman's band. In vain does the Qoren call out that tbe Ihtal wound was Innictcd by her band. Attlla forbids the crowd to believe her, and stota bls'son anil the soldiers who are abont to selEe bis mnRiaTciia.' Tbe Ham considered that to be killed by arwoidu was tlie height of dishonor; tbe body of hny maa wbo had thus perished was thrown to tbe nog^ aad his deaeendnnts were disgraced for- ever. Atuja'sassertldnthatbehsdcomtnltted sui- cide does not arl^Xromanj Inexplicable umdetness to>lBrds HlUlga, bui; la piompud by his desire to savo his mekiory Iron In&my, and his sons from degradation aad dowaftlL- Aa he Is expiring, the Franks, irtao have aiuprlaed bla army, rash npon the sceuc. and the barbarian monarch dies In despaif, hls.oyeli'ilxed 6n the trtiunphant banner of Lnteta, as Paris was- then callea. Tbe -cast In- cluded ■ . MarHs as Walter, U. Pujol aa Kliur Her- ric, aifd Hlle. BbnseUU HUdlga. SPUN .lUCK OPERA HOSE. PLCIH COLOR. » INCHES LONO 2.30 CALF PADS, OR 8TMMRTRICALS 3.» CALF-PADDED TIOBTS SOD CALF AND TUIOn PADS aoO TUIOH-PADDED TIGHTS 6.00 PADDED SHIRTS FROM SJO to &00 CANVAS OAITERS, PER PAIR I.iO CANTAB SLIPPERS, PER PAIR 73 CANVAS BELTS S5c. AND OP. FRENCH SPANGLES I.JO PER POi;ND. i»«r^lS^i'lh;SSlf;i?i«!S?l''.V,-'.^'^T.¥^ PARBIAN novelties In stage wear, and are better enabled than ever to eapply the moat mhiata wanu lor either male ot (knislo characters bi tho praftsiuon. OUR THEATRICAL COSTUMING f ORESSMAKING 18 THE MOST COMPLETE IN THE COUNTRY, staada wldiontarlTalasrani;di ooir^ in ACandanlsh. REASONABILITT and pnnctoaUtr. OVR ILLUSTRATED Catalogue SENT FREE ON application. — ATHLETIC AND AQUATIC OUTFITS. LOWE.k. P. o. Box 3,18a ""WW new York. FRA-NK QTTEE3V, » fiiltor and Proprietor. ) NEW YOUK, SA-TURD^Y, AJPRIL 17, 1880. * Prloe 'X'eii. Cents* THE MOUNTAINS' SGCRET. WElTTUXlrOB TRBSIW- TOBJCjCUfFEIL I ihlDk me that God with an Mrthquke OiK« ploughed thcM fdnoira deep* Till the huddled pUlna, upsUited. jlsde muimuuu cngg«a and ateep. Bat that i-« the monataloa* a e cr e t, Ate-biddeo la their breait; "Hi* pM'"** '* ererlaatln^" Are tUe dmrn-wordi of tbelr rest. nehath made them ihe haanta of beauty. He hath Kirea tbem grmodeurandxracc; Thedorf of moEnloK crowna Uxem, ne flukset Ugfau their face. The ttiuoden tread in miulc or root£ilIa echoLnir Imc. And cam- tm^eatlc greeting To all tbe ailenc throng. The vlnd brinoR mcMRgei to tbem, WUd Monn-newB ftom the main; Tliey situ; it down to the Talleys lo tbc love-MBf ol the rmlo. jbfj are numeries for Toung rirera, Keau for the flying cUnds. Uomeit for the uaborn rvcen* jfuterful, free and proud. And the people tknm tifed cities Come up to their Bhrlnea and pnj\ For peace In the one word written On the brow of the motmrcha gray. Cmd It l>e I have catight their secret. The beautv deeper than all bitthUr That ifre'a dark moments, Wtieo the rumbling echoes Call. Are but God as he ploaghit new mountaliu— Steep mouDtamft that yet may be The Murces of peace unoroken. And re»t for run and me. THE BLONDE SIREN: AN ADULTEROUS DRAMA. BY XAVIERDE MONTEm. TiuBlatcd tnm the orisliul In '''Le Fl^ro" ofPuh FOR THB SKW TORK CLIPPEk, BY PAUL PRESTOS'. islor of "ffiU BUI." "The BUck Baud," "The Pride of the Areiu," etc. (Copvrtfffltot.) PART FIRBT-MARBUEBITrS HUSBAND. CHAPTEB VII CO MiMJfci> . NichoUis Bouchard, pieceding Paul and the opholsterer, caused them to troveise a vestibule nerelacomplete flguiesln mail, of very doubt- fal antiquity, but of exact imitation, enacted the nut ol men-at-ormB, the vlsois ot their helmets down anned. The interference of the Imperial procurator in heraldic matters having ceased, once the archway and drawbridge wore crossed tho arms ot the Montmorencies cut an amazing dgare EU|id escutcheons upon luminous fields. FinaUf the thnp men arrived at the banquet- ing-cbaftibftr. ^pui apartment, hung In imita- tion Cordova laajther, proudly displayed slda- lioards, coffers, and high-backed chairs, (abricat- in thn Btvle of thn Wnnnlfwanrnt, nrHBti-ft- trr- umph ot Lebel-mrord's genios. Handsome sil- ver-ware, miisslve and of sterling metal, sho^vn from cupboards of carved black wood, while tiea\7 curtains of magnificent brocaletto draped the windows, gleaming. like those of the preced- ing halls, with heraldicolly decorated stained ;;las5. A candelabra ot vellow copper, in the nn' cieat sty loot Flanders, hung suspended from a central point ot a ceilijag moulded in compart- ments. In tact, the ensemble ot all these decoia- tioas was both effective and picturesque, and on artist would have admired this restoration ot a previous period ns complete and successful, pre- senting tne work ot an architect of rare merit and of an upholsterer ot transcendent meclian- Ical ablUty. A square table with curved legs, covered by a red and black cloth, embroidered with gold, supported vast silver coolers, where- in were placed Iced drinks of an endless variety. "Well, Count," inquired Nicholas Boucliard, vhlle outpouring liquid retrealiment for his visit- ors into huge tiuip-shspcd glosses, "what think pu of the inteiiial fnmishincs of my pretty asUet?" "I am in ecstacies with them," replied PauL "Kot only do I remark prodigality m magniiB- cence, but also evidence of pure and oxqcisite taste. I am habituated to things ot beauty, but un nevertheless charmed. Becelve my sincere biicitotions." Nicholas Bonchard drew his head visibly up- right, which, however, did not prevent him from replying, with an assnmpUon of false modesty, in phnisies evidently prepared and committed to memory. "les, by heavens I" quoth he, "it Is handsome, Idonotdeny. StUl.wnatarethesegewgawsina cricketty framing compared with the truly im- posing splendors In whose midst our forefathers moved? Everything 'was 'within reach ot those (pants 1 Everytliing is witliin ours to-day, for to-day we are dwarfs 1 I do not allude to you. Count, be it well understood," he hastened to add. opening and closing a parenthdftls. "Speak for me the same as for others, my dear host," explained Paul, with a frank out- burst of merriment. "I woold suffocate, believe me, beneath the cuirass of one ot your men-at- arms in the vestibule, and it is doubtful whether I have strength enough to lift his sword. Now, then, you see that I likewise am a dwarf 1" Kicholas Bouchard bowed. "Too modest. Count I" he muttered. "Never- theless, modesty is the inheritance of truomerlt." Then he resumed the thread of his little im- provisation, laboriously prepared : ' . "I love to surround myself with relics of a tii&e no longer In existence," he said, designat- ing with a pathetic gesture the furniture ema- natiiig from Ijebel-Glraid's manolactoiy. "I lore to live in the midst ot glorious reminis- cences of a great race, ot which I am a descend- ant—very degenerated, perhaps. Issue ot a oianch impoverished by successive misfortunes, and wliich impovcrishmenteven condemned me to obscurity, i demanded from work, ot which I am far from being alnshed, means wherewith to re-establish tlut branch, and gold wherewith toredecorate my tarnished escutcheon. Follow- ing the example of more than one gentleman of tile ancient nobility, in place ot girding on the sword of my bthets and selecUng from my country a grade which perchance she would not have (granted me— tor who knows but that an opportunity for conquering a Marshal of France's baton might have presented itself? — I entered ardently into tzade. An ongrateliil ''Bde it was!— that ot cork-making. Hy an- ^^ois should have applauded me while I thus derof^tcd, for, underneath vulgar means, they should perceive the nobility ot my aUn, which cost me many years to attain. At last a fortune was reached. To-day I am rich, very rich, and shall have the pleasure of spending my last days In the lit e ot a gentleman 1 Do yon approve of me. Count?" "Certainly," cxctaimsd Panl, with a superb conviction; "and all those marvels surround- ing and fascinating me appear to me the more worthy ot admiration, now that I know the cost or their acquisition." Nicholas Bouchard, veritably touched, seized anew the two hands ot De Nanoey, and pressed them wittila his own with redoubled enthusi- asm. "Ah I Count," he said alter a pause, "you speak ot marvels, and you know not as yet the most beautiful, the most charming— rather, tlie onlvcharming thing— of all here." "Which?" iniiuired Paul in curiosity. "My daughter." replied the worthy man. "At least, I already knowtliat Hademolsolln BOQchard Is an accompUdbed lady," replied tbo Coont, "and I solicit, my dear host, the precious lavor of presentation to neras soon as possible. " "Whenever you please, Cormt" "This very instant, then." "Be it so. Marguerite is certainly in her little parte pavilion, where she passes her afternoons In drawing or in muslo — for the dear gUl draws and plays like an angeL Ah I her education •■as cost me a large sum, but I do not regret the ■ money, I tell you, tor the little darling has ProQted nmnzingly from it. Do you wishUiat I eijoin upon one ot my footmen to order Har- perite's first wattlng-mald to go in search ot ner mistress, or do you prefer that we go seek her ourselves?" "I desict^, above all things, not t« cana«Mad»- i moiselle Hargoetite any inconvenience, and I I beg of you to conduct us into her presence." "Come," said Nicholas Bouchard, arising; "we will take the avenue ot the Lindens, to have shade, and at the same time to visit a porUon ot my modest park. It is not as large as those of my ancestors, stlU one can be lost In It all the some." And the two visitors, guided anew by their host, resumed, across the haUs, the way to the vestibule. CHAPTER 'VIXL- ausouEHriK. One ot the counterfeit men-at-arms perform- ing in the vestibule their motionless and silent guard-duty bore upon the handle ot his gigan- tio sword a large panama. "Permit mer' said the master of the house, taking down his hat, a hall metre In breadth when outspread ; and, placing it upon his bead, he produced a most singular effect in connec- tion with his diesB ot ceremony. By winding pathways, woU sanded and bor- dered by flowers, Nicholas and Ills guesta gain- ed a dark avenue, which a double row ot lindens protected against oblique lavs ot the sun. This avenue led to a mstlo pavilion, constructed in uncleft wood, whose thatched roof spread out in all directions, like the furred cap of an -ancient Russian. Proportionately as was approached this pavilion, whose door stood ajar, could be heard escaping a vague and floating melody, at each step growing more distinct. It was the notes of a piano, accompanying a young female voice. This voice, of moderate compass, stiU pure and sympathetic, very exact, and managed with per- fect taste, executed an ancient pathetic air, bor- rowed from a collection of popular French pro- vincial songs recently issued by an intelligent publisher. De Nanccy, walking in advance, stopped, and by a sign requested his compan- ions to imitate nis c2Lample. "What are yon doing. Count?" inquired in a low tone Nicholas Boncnaid. "I am listening," responded Paul. "Do you Uke music?" **Yes, enthusiastically." "Let us remain here as long as you please, but I am really aimoyed that Marguerite has the ridiculous fancy to hum on old street-ballad with no significance, instead ot singing one of those beautiful airs of the Grand Opera which she has at her flngers'-ends, and plays much better than her professor. There is particularly a gem from 'Lucie dc la Meio Uorto,' which never faUa to draw tears from my eyes." "Ah 1" reJohiedFaul, with a smile, "how I ad- mire that artless sln^ngl What a sweet and rustic savor I what originality I what sentiment 1" "Tastes are personal," murmured the cork- maker, much surprised. "But certainly the Count should be a better judge than I." The young girl totmlnoted ner air, which died out gently, as it in a sigli. "I could clap hands, and it would be Justice," said Paul ; "still I dare not. It is sufflciont im- pertinence to have steathlly listened to celestial notes human ears are unfit to hear." "Marguerite 1" shouted NlchoUis Bouchard. "Papa?" replied the young girl from the in- terior ot the pavilion, "Come hither, my child, Tou have wurbled like a linnet for an audience desiring to applaud you." Marguerite shortly appeared upon the thresh- old of her rustic retreat, and perceiving, in tact, her father not to be alone, olushed to the roots of her hair. She jievetfheless.^i3iaeed, timid imeaaty ; but her glance possessed the gift ot disturbing souls as the half-veiled eyes of Made- moiselle Lizely possessed that of agitating the senses. Encircling her brow floated a species of mysterious halo, a perceptible aureola ot virgin basbtulness. Her countenance, herattitude, hep movements, expressed aheolnte candor, chastity of thought ana immaoulate purity ot soul. In her presence the most unscrupulous Lovelace would have recoiled. This impression was instantly, or, to explain more clearly, spontaneously generated wltliln the mind ot De Nancey. He forgot at once the whims and millions ot Nicholas Bouchard. He forgot that Ills creditors and that a desire to handle a heavy dower, more than that ot dis- covering a female companion worthy ot in- spiring love and capable ot extorting a return, induced his pUgrlmage to Montmorency. He no longer rememl>ered that he belonged to a Skeptical clan of fast men, used up as regards sensations ot mind and matter, bronzed nmid the flras of the Parisian hells, whose only God was Btammon. "Were I richer than Croesus," he said to him- seU, "and ahe the poorest ot mendicants, beg- ging at street-comere, I will marry her.' The resolution in this -wise formed likewise gleamed from the young noble's eyes in a style so manifest that Lebel-Oirard, a tradesman of experience, and very far-seeing, moreover, when his interests were at stake, trembled with re- strained joy. "Everytung goes well," thought the worthy Municipal CouncUman. "Marguerite's eyes have produced their effect The girl will be Countess, and we shall be paid." WhUe Iiebel-Olnud rubbed bis hands, Nicho- las Bouchard exclaimed: "Everything in fine trlml Presentations made and perfected. It is now four o'clock. We dine at six. I propose n turn in the park, and then a game of bllllatds— that is, provided it be agreeable to the Count." Paul replied that any proposition so graclouS' ly made by his host oould not fall In proving ac- ceptable to him. espedallT the stroll through the VMki should Mademoiselle Maiguerite^o him the honor of accepting his arm. Thus speaking, De Nancey approached the young lady, who, bluslilng and almost hesitating, consulted her father uiroogh her eyes, and finished through timidly poising her graceful fingers uponher cavaliers sleeve, which they scarcely grazed. Nicholas Bouchard, overjoyed, laughed outright, and, nudging Lebel-Oirard -with his elbow, exclaimed : "Look at them now I Will .they not really make the handsomest oouple ever seen? Let% in advance, my chum; the young folks -will follow, and, if they stop to gather flowers by the wayside, they will Imow where to find us." And' the retired oorkmaker drew LebeNGl- tard to a distance, desirous of extemporizing an limooent tete-a-tete for De Nancey and his prospective Countess. -twA followed slvwly ii alBlnthe and liquors hod moved the ex-eotkr maker to tenderness. He advanced towards, the young man, not without gyrations, and, com- iressing his liands within his own, stammered a a paternal tone ot voice words interrupted by frequent iiiccupe : "Count, or rather my child— my dear cliHd— It you allow BO near a term, have you aught to say to me? Speak fearlessly. Open your heart; it is a father listening to you— and from heaven on high the great Constable hears you." To this pathetic invocation, evidently pre- pared since morning, like all bis Important dis- courses, Paul responded : "I am sincerely touched, sir, by yourgraclous- ness and encouragement; still, can you not read my heart as well as myself, and divine that which I am burning to express?" "Whi t If I do not divine it?" responded Nich- olas Bouchard. "Can I not leom it, my dear Count, better from your own lips? Come, un-. bosom yourself all the same, although I know what's coming," "Weil I" exclaimed Panl, "I have been unable to see Mademoiselle Marguerite without loving her." "Ah! ahl my fine fellow I" Interrupted the worthy Bouchard, with a hearty laugh,^'presto I you have a fine taste I My little Margot is a perfect treasure I I sometimes call her Margot in honor ot the queen by the same name, -who. had a kindly feeling tor one of my ancestors," "And," continued De Nancey, "I claim the honor of asking her hand." "I bestow it upon you," replied Nicholas, "To my arms, my son-la-law I" Paul passively obeyed this Invitetion ; then, after a hearty accolade, the master ot the house resumed : "Do not accuse me ot acting frivolously. I am well informed, that I ami In the first place, personally you pleased me greatly, and uiat is but one reason. I could have found you per- fection, and could have replied : 'Touch her not 1 You caimot have my daughter.' Thntwhich de- cides me, see you, is that there was in Palestine a Baron de Nancey attached to the person of his Majesty Louis ordinarily known as Saint Louis. Your cscutoneon Is emblazoned nznre, with numberless stars. I have longed to -view it with my own eyes in the Hall of the Crusaders, und I have done so. I was at Versailles this morning expressly for that purpose. It is im- possible tor my daughter not to be happy be- neath that blazonment. Hence I give ner to you. Take hert Lebel-Olrard has concealed nothing from me. You are in debt. 8o much the better. It is a sign ot pure blood t We will the briganflntf . ])By your debts, and the descendant of the Con- stable -will bring you in her petticoat more c^o^vns than will be neoded to close up holes T): (■}. ??.M.DTNG, Ci-c i-ci I»;;oi':^iKTon .vxd .M.vx.vgkr. silence, his eyes riveted upon the adorable maid- en walking at his side and seemingly dreading to lean upon him. Marguerite wore a pole rose- colored muslin dress, -whose shape chostlly out- lined her elegant form, although as yet unde- veloped thoroughly. Her wide sleeves exposed the delicate tormation of her -wiiste and the ex- quisite tall ot her shoulders. Emerging unex- pectedly from the pavilion, she had no other head-gear save her brown locks, negligently clustered, whose semi-disorder revealed their entire wealth. A faint and delicate perfume arose from this sixteeR-year-old head ot hair, and Paul rapturously inhaled the odor waited to him. De Nancey remembered tliat upon the day be- fore, almost at the same hour, ne had prome- naded the avenues ot the little park at Yille d'Avray, having upon his arm another woman, no less charming than Marguerite, but charm- ing altera totally different fashion. Howsoever dissimilar, equally -was the impression made manUest A voluptuous, atmosphere, an irro- sistlble, amorous electricity emanated from Blanche Lizely. Her approach created an in- toxication like unto ttiat experienced through long respiration of a heady perfume. Theslngu-. lar and vertlglnoua charm oi that blonde syren hod inebriated Paul, and caused to flow through his veins an inflamed blood. In Marguerite's presence, on the contrary, he submitted to a charm of vestal chastity, calm, refreshing, and in a measure purified. Nothing gross or sens- ual commingled with the feeling attracting liim to-wards her. Forthe first time m his life he on- Joyed the heavenly poetry of chaste love, against which he had so often railed.. Blanche Lizely could t>e the most desirable of mistresses. Mar- guerite would be, beyond a doubt, the most ac- complished of wives— devoted and faithful until death. De Nancey meditated over these things In silence so prolonged tlutt the young girl com- menced to wonder at bis abstraction. He com- prehended, and, seizing the first pretext for conversation, discoursedi music to Marguerite In connection with the ancient air she hod sung in the pa-vilion some minutes previously. Paul was an excellent conversationalist, ha-ving that ready and. Parisian tact, the result of commtogllng in society, picking up a little everywhere— in the saloons, the etudloe and the theatres. He found topics ready-made — the question was simply where to place them for the best. Mar- guerite, having listened to none save her teach- ers and some of her lather's friends — Leliel- Giiard incontestably the best among them— -was, in the first instance, dazzled and rendered almost mute tlurongh excess of timidity; still she gradually recovered, and finished through demonstrating to her interlocutor the possession of a judgment as correct as her voice, and ot an Intelligence rivaling her beauty. Whllo conversing, the young folks made at times slight stoppages in their walk. Marguer- ite profited by these holts to gather roses. She made a bouquet, placing it In the belt of her dress. "Mademoiselle," quoth Paul suddenly. In on affected tone of voice, "permit me to solicit a tovor?" ■ Marguerite glanced upon him in nstoniah- ment, repeating : "A favor?" "Can you not divine what oae?" "No, fii truth, sir." "WeU, I desire to obtain ono ot your flowers." "That Is very easy." Marguerite leaned towards a bush laden -with moss-roees, and set about detaching one from . itestem. Paul stopped her.' "Ton have minundeistood," said he. "The flower I covet is one from your bou'iuet." "Why?" inquired the young girl, ^1th charm- ing candor. "Those on the bush are moro .beautiful." . ■ ' "Perhape ; still you hive not worn them." Marguerite inquired no more. A fresh rush ot bloml empurpled her face, and, she knew not why, her heart beat as it bad never beaten be- fore. "Do you refuse me that flower?" continued Paul. No ; Marguerite refused not Slowly she deteched one of the roses from her bouquet, and, -with a trembling hand, ten- dered it "Thanks I" he stammered- "oh, thanks 1" And before placing it In his button-hole he pressed it to his lips. "Bravo 1" exclaimed a Joyous voice — "bmvo 1 Count I Gallantry has revived ! Behold the tra- dibons of the ancient French nobility. Riche- lieu personified 1" Nicholas Bouchard, who thus spoke, rubbed his hands with indescribable satisfaction. He and Lebel-Oirard, softly retracing their stops, bad found themselves separated from the yonng people merely by a mass of lilacs, and they had witnessed, unseen, the grncetul little scene we have depicted, and It appeared to them, by good right, a nappy augur; tor the marriage l>oth had at heart Marguerite, much affected, threw^oiself into her father's arms. Nicholas Bouchard em- braced her enthusiastically, saying -with pride : "It is a Countess I embrace I" The young girl experienced a profound trouble, tor wmch she coula not account, for she was In ignorance' of ite cause ; still it appeared to her delicious. By a species ot instructive shams she did not reproach Paul, and, seizing her father's haiid, led him in the dliectloD of the house. "Eh, Count," said Lebel-Oirard In a semitone, "what think you ot our little biend? Have I spoken too highly ol her?" "You have not spoken sulBciectly," responded Panl, -with enthusiasm. "She Is an angol — an actual aiigell She hides her wings, but I am sure she lias them. I am an idiot 1 Still she must need to love me I Believe you that she can ever love' me?" "She will love you, I -will answer for that She loves you already without being a-ware ot It Did you not comprehend her maimer of pre- senting the rose?' replied the upholsterer, with a smile, and laying emphasis on his last word. "Then to you I owe my happiness I" "And, fortunately for me, you owe me morn," thought Lebel-Oirard, ."Since it is thus, make your declaration," he added aloud. "So soon?" muttered Paul. "It is never too soon to close a good bargain I Moreover, what do you risk? His consent Is a foregone conclusion, as the affair is prearrang- ed. Desire you an immediate tete-a-teto with Nicholas? I will take oare ot Marguerite." Paul reflected an Instant "No," he said finally; "not immediately." "When, then?" "This evening— after dinner." "Be it so. But no absurd timidity I Declare yourself before leaving,' and carry -with you Bouchard's promise." Friend Bonchard awaited his guests in the blUlard-room, the only apartment m the minia- ture caatie wherein, thaiiks to the importunities of archlteot and of upholsterers, concessions had t>een mode to modem tastes, and the-tuml- ture otthe middle ages and the Benalssanoa was replaced by contemporaneous utensils. The gome commenced, and in Marguerite's piesenoe, she having xeceived from her father the Important mission of marking up the points. Ttiat presence, however, caused Paul such dis- traction that, althongh a more tlian ordinary player, he was easily beaten by Nicholas Bou- chard, whose rejieated violorios fairly turned his head. At six o'olook precisely a maltre tthoM In stete uniform, followed Dy two footmen with superb calves, pompously announced that din- ner was upon the table. Paul gave his arm to Marguerite, and they pas.<ia been received by any Other alinllar tronpe Inafbielgn land. InlUftSpaUUng A Rogers dissolved partner- ship, and Mr. Rogers retired from profenloaal Ufe, and has since resided near FhilaMlphla, Fa. The copartnemhip Itetween Spalding ft BldweU contln- ued, and shortly afterwards tliey leased and lebultt ' the Olymnlc Theatre, at Lonu, Mo. Having al- ready the Academy of Moslo, New Orleans, LaTtbsr leased thesoes in MoMIe, Al v, and Memphis, Tenn., and established a theatrical circuit wtdch they condncted succesafDIly lor a Ifewseaaona, Thomas B. MacDononsh lielna asaoolated with them In a msn- agerlBl canity, and the flrm-tltle being SpalOini, BldweU & ifacDonongh. In IBST a sclnme was de- vised to send an American circus company to Paris, France, to perlbrm daring the Exposlnon. . The managers and capltallate were Avery Smith, Gerard 0. Quick. John J. Nathans, Dr. O. B. Spsld- Inirand David BldweU An edifice in wMcli they were to have performed -was boilt for Oiepitrpoae hy Mr. EeUnedy of Alltany, N. T. It -was of wood, with a canvas fop, and had the following capacity: Forty-fonr prlvue-boxes, besides an imperial toi^?, seven hundred and sixty parqoet«eaia, firatteen "hundred and twenty boiconr seats, and a gallery- capable of accommodating' nearly two thousand . persons, the seats belngaU cane-bottom chairs. Cql. Van Orden bad been sent In advance to Paris to prepare the way for th^ company, which was very strong. The chief attiaotlona, acooidlng to the Dies of Thb Ouppbb, included James Robinson and his son Oiaience, Frank Pastor, Robert SUok- ney, G. U. Kelly, Lorenzo Maya, the RoHande -Brothers, Wm, Conrad, Charles Rivera, the per- forming noise Hiram, a peribnnlng hnilklo, and a troupe ot Indians. Moat of the compaior and all the stoek, consisting of twenty-three horMS. two mules, and a buliaio, also fbnr noises tielooglng to James Robinson, leR New York in the steamttiip Onldlng Star March so, I8«T, David BldweO and Oer- 'srd C. QDlok accompanying them. The other per- formers followed In eteamuiips that sailed at later dates. Afler arriving in Paris, and when nearly all the preparations fbr their showing had been made, it was discovered that a local law prevented the erection of any wooden twllding within the city limits; consequently they conld not use their pavilion, and, all other places being engaged, ttie .ventore -was about to end in lailiire, when for- tunately oppqTTumty was given the American com- pany to play for a brief time, bnt the reanlt was not what bad been expected. In 18T2 Dr. Spalding again put Dan Rice on the road -with a show man- aged by Hairy W. Spalding, who was dangeronslr wonnded by a pistol shot In Baxter Sprlngit, Kas.. which -was probably the remote cause of his 'death, which took place at his lather's resl- .dence. in Sangertles. N. Y., Feb, 4, iSTi. Dr. -Spalding's Issi venture, we believe, In the cir- cus bnalneaa, was during the season of 1875, when he was the principal backer of Mel- ' viUe, Blaglnley A Cooke's Centennial Olroos and Thespian Company. Spalding ft Bldwell dlssolfsd cop^tnershlp some lew years am, and In the division of the property David Bidwell ntalned ,the Academy of Maalc, New Orleans, and Dr. 'Spalding the Olympic Theatre, St Lonls, which h 8 beeneucceasltilly managed by his son Obarlea Tor a few years past Spalding ft BldweU had re- cently tonned what may be considered a new co- partnership, as a few -weeks ago they purehaaed the St Charles Theatre, New Orleans, La., wlilch they intended to restore to its previous poaltloa of a first-class theatre. The deceased left a -widow and one son, Charles. Besides Harrr 'W., whose death la referred to above, there bad been a daughter, who died, wtien qniteyonng, in 1847. Dr. Bpaldlng'H "remains will be brooght from New Orleans, to. Sangertles, and will probabQr be boiiaa In his native town. THE CRITIC'S PEN. "DR." GILBERT R. SPALDING, whose portrait appears on this page and whose death Is recorded ta onr circus department, was bom slx^-elgbt years ago In Coeymana, Albany Connty, N. IT., and the title of "Doctor" was generally pre- fixed to his name by his friends and acquaintances because, from atxint 1840 to 1846, he kept a dmg- store at the comer of Lydlus and Pearl streets. In All>any. The canse of bis entering the show busi- ness was the loaning of some money ts Sam Nichols, a well-known circns-manaaer, who gave him for aecuri^ a mortgage upon lus circus prop- erty. Bad business prevented Mr. Nichols tnm re- paying the money at the time specified, and Dr. Spalding foreclosed the mortgage, but permitted Mr. Nichols to run the show. Finding, however, that by pnisnlng such a course he was not Ukely to speedily recover his money, he personally visited the olrcna -with the intention of miming it Into Al- tiany. and there disposlBg of the property by auction or private sale. Before leachlngAIbany he discover- ed tliat under his energetic management the show was makingmoney, and, as heUked the business, he determined to contlnae in the management for a time, at least— that time extended over a period of thirty years. The show was known as Spalding's Norin American Clrcua In the season of 1847-8 he visited New Orleans, La., and, coming North, upon reaching St Louis, mo., he divided nls company into two shows, retaining the original title and management of one, and pnttlng Iran Rice at the head of the other, with Col. Van Orden (Dr. Spald- ing's brotber-ln-law) as manager. He chartered a steamboat called the Allecheny Hall, and In It the last-named company cruised on the Ohio, Mis- souri and UlssisslppI Rivers. Among the periorm- ers of this company were . Dan Rice, clown; Frank Rosston, If. P. Madlgan, Bnraell Rnnnells and tamUy, Hons. La Thome, W. B. Bnmlsh, John Glenroy, Thomas Osborne, Hiram Day and others. In the Fau of iSM Dr. Spalding sold to Charles J. Rogers one-hair or the North Amer- ican Clrcns, and the foUowlng spring the show started on the road newly organised and equip- ped. Among the novel ftsatures then present- ed for the first time were the Appolonlcon, drawn by forty hones, four abreast, and driven by one man; ubieaux ponraylng Incldenia irom the lives of Gen. Pnaam and "Mad" Anthony Wayne; and the cairvlng of a horse and rider on men's shoDldeis. The Dan Rice .Show in the Winter of 1848-0, while traveling In the South, were compelled to disband owing to the fearful ravages of cholera. In the Spring of 184S Dr. Spalding asaln started Dan Rice at the head of what iray be termed in this connection a land show, tTaveling by wagons. In the Fall of the year, in eettl'-ig up the bns- Iness, the entire show reverted .» or. Spalding. TheSpaldlng ft Rogers Nonb .American Circus contlnned its travels, meeting -with success, and In 1850. during the first tour through New England, Dr. Spalding Invented and nsed the qnarter-polea, eleven-tier seats and extra trout seats, now in gen etal use by all circus companies. A year or two later. In the West, SpaldlngA Rogers built the Float- ing Palace (npon which entertalnmenta were given on the Western rivers) and the Bteamt>oat8 James Raymond, Baitjo and Gazelle, and also parvhaMd the Jenny Llnd, Alleaheny Hall, Loyal Banna, North Riverand Fairy, all being nt«d In conducting their bnslneas. In isiespaldlng, Rogetaft Uldwell (Oavld Bldwell having prevlonsly lieen taken Into cqpan- nerstilp) took a ten years' leaso of the PeUcan 'Thes- ae. New Orleans, La., leconstracted It and fitted It up In excellent s^le, so that It conld be used for either a circus or a theatre. It was christened Spald- dlng ft Rogers' Amptutheatre, which title some Siars later was changed to that of the Academy of nalc, which It still retains. It has undergone sev- eral reconstractlona. Is nowa very bean tUtilthea tie, and Is owned and managed by David Bidwell. Daring the next few years Binlding ft Rogers had two and sometimes three companies tonring this country and Canada, oavellnaby raUroada, wagons and water. In 1880 they put a Circus tnd dromatio company Into the Boweiy Theatre, this city, and prodowd equestrian dramas in spefctac- uli BtTle, and ttom there they trantAri^ ttelr entire Ibroes to the Boston (Maia) Theatre (then known as the Academy of Hnsio), where they played a hlohly sncceaiiflil engagement of aome weeks' dnnuon. In the Spring of 1883 a mag- iilficent portable -amphltheaire was oonstract- WaiTTEC rOR TBS 51W TORK CUFTIB. BT OECAB B. BBBSa A little Tlolct, bloooalnm Hmlr-hldden 'neslb a thrift^ i Did seem to me as •tnuotUai Frvm mich • ahelter to be nedL Ah mel I thooflbt bow rery true — So like a gcDlos tt did M«m— A hldd«i sweet, IX bioofbt to Tlav, . Mlsht win tor It the world'. Me*m. Then, noopliw down, 1 Mocked ib« berl^ And inuliedailde the Diades of gnaa, Bnt left the violet nndlatnrtMd, To klis thg aephjia as they paaaed. Next mora I wandered there aoaln. Alas! the oael wreck I Ibond'! - Somrana bad cnt the stem In twmla. And torn the roots ftom oot the grouud. 1 1 1 naetfd bnt a mom ent then Where yeAcrday my violet irrew. So nreet. so tradn*, and ao ftlr. That God had giren me to view. And 1 thonjtbt, how traa. Indeed. The tiDman race like Tloleta iccm; rr from obncnrtty tb.y'r* frMd. They wreck hot danger Inrka nnaeen. Abl aetRoes, and actors, too, My flower'a 0U« jon moat dividew Becaose balT-blddeo onoe yon anw, Till lomeene pnibed the weeda aside. 'Then came the cTltlc*a cmihlnc pen. Where yon. Joat blooomlu, were found: . They bnie your gloiy Oom the atem. And duhod yoor caitlM to'tba gtound. Jiraoartc laag FOR MUma CHUP VARIETT nRFOMEBS. warrrxx roa thb kxv torx cuma. BT JOHN H. BTBNE. - Stbaiobt mbn,— One old-man ing, an oM morn- ing-gown and a cane. Combdiam (for the season).— One cloac-cnp wis, one tright-wig, an old pair of pants abnndantv Sstetaed.old vest and coat, and an old hat of any escription. AUorthe alwve pieces or -watdiotie must be as diny as possible, to create a langh. Enduxn.— The usual apology for an eveimigsnlt — swallow-taUed coat, diagonal vest, any kind of Cte, so long as they are not black; and thefbl- Ing remark alter the lady vocalist has finished her ballad: "Say. Ur. Chesterfield, that's a nice song. Did you ever eee my girl t Oh, ahe Is a dar- ling, yon bet ahe Is. S-a-y, 1 got a connndrum for yon. Why ami like a bottle ofbeerr Anstctr.— BecanseI'm corked np." Bakjo-soiaisis.- An ordlnair pair of pante of any description, a coat of sulDaent length in the talis to mop up the floor of the stage,. red vest old white hat, shoes large enough to cover a coalhole If necessary, and a very cheap banjo. After going through the nsnal bnslneas of allding foot acnes the seat of the chair, then duMing itoff with coat- tails, they proceed to tone up: and while doli^ so' they inform you of the Ihct that they will stnga new song, -written for them Inr a Comanche in Italian, and vocalized a Zulu ta Constontl-. Ha?r^> ^"'^''^ ^ Bed-headed Soko-AMD-DAKOB ABTIST8.— Any kind of attire for the pedal extremities, from a pair of black tlghta to a lalr of pante -with material enough in them to make a tied-ack, and an oia "piDg" hat u kick— though they don't "kick" hair so loud on the stage as they do at the twardlng-bonse ir they dont gettnrkey, pie. Ice-cream and lalaliia seven times a' week for five dollars. SancH ABTiSTS — Characten: one mole, one ft-: - male. The female Is a stage-stmok maiden who: aspires to do Juliet or "I hope I don't intrade." (But she does tntmde, and ahoiild tiavc stayed at her old position of cook and dlsh-pollaher at the CUIy House.) The gentleman is a honse-servant of a sable complexion, and Is dressed In the way tbatall house-servants are— a huge palrofplantaflon shoes, and an extrevagant pair of panta made of calico or bed-ticking. They tell several conundrums and jokes, sing a medley and Then comes the best part of the act-^the scenes close in on them, and onl comes the Uorro VocAUsr.— He IS gotten op regardless ot'. expense. In fnll evenlng-drtaa, white collar, white neckUs, white coin, wtilie glovta, an d and white- white— paper bosom. He alnga, with a strong nasal- twang, that he is "Something in the City," and yon think" he Is— s vagrant, and should get eleven dr months and thirty-one welL lays on the isle de Black- Sbbio-cohics.— A thing of the past How they ' are made nowadays: Take a woman, give tier • satta dreaa (made of alUda, six cente per yard), one box of powder, one box of range, a sawtiel to cany make-np to the theatre, and a towel to put her dices in— ahe never has a hall-trunk. That is her wardrobe. This Is her repertory: One medley — The Babies on Onr Block," and an Imitation of Pat Rooney. Musical aktists.— In theatrical pariance "Mu- sical Mokes," "Hnalcal Hikes" or "Hoslcal HopaJ' Their stock In trade conalsU of on asthmatic ac- . cordeon, a concertina, two tnalca, a tnlqr-fiddle aiid a tlnrodaeare" ((.&:. people wtio ' origliiate acts or sayings), and at the next turn ' doing it one week ahead af.(ha origluals. ' ALL flattzbk' Is dangeions.. . So people always t thins, iritis addressed lo otheii,hut never when , Ituoildreasedtotheraaelvea,' --^'^•-^ - -'^--V* 26 0I=^K: OI-.I I=> IB April 17, isso. SATUKDAT, APEIL 17, 1880. TO COKBESFOSpEKTS. A^QrBfT1053 THAT DO NOTJUJiai TBU .OVVCK UTTII. VOXDAT UOKXlSa WILL ^OT BB^ASHTZBSD'IWnL VOLLOVUCO WKXK. LrrsRAL, rhUadtlpIila.— To mske > plsjrer tliow hlii wbule hand lu JoMillcmtlon OC hATlni; opened a JjuJc-pvt thatbub«eo rrnlino^ to lilm I* aobvenlTeor uoker-Uw fur hair a CTOtmr. The new nilloe In with tbe>>oolc yoa qoote. and U Itjwir **lb« later dec Ulon." No one rmn de- uund to be altuvn 'cair«bt that lie hna not paid to have alion blm. ETeo'lxxly has beforeliand lald to nee itae cardj* on which ajaek-p\v but whole hand beeaiie* lie ujlslit liciUl Are deuceapr are Jarkj ■pplleo with no more fotrt to an uncalled •""'".f"" orenc«l a Jock-pot than tai an oncmlled hand In which then ia no lnck-p»L _ ^ . _ A.B,C jlXu D., Kew Orleana.— Toe hsTtnr made the truiuii, A ci>uld ni* CO alone— at leaat be could iiol f i ulouc and caln anything by It: and ir you can «now, wblcn doubt, that but makroE three trlc\« waa wholly ""e lo panner'a not havlnir played with blm. you are e""'!?*; «» Kore one point. InMeail of bla KorioK ■..?Vr™ But It will not do to a»uiue that A'e >»rtnn 'XMUl lu^Jt led a ceruin card. Ii la wiunder to aMume thai what • player eon nceumnlbili without lili" partner he ojiiiu na»e acciinplUlied wlt& hbo. A la wrooic in MiyloB that If yuur aide luul made three trIcLa you would luire been entitled to two pointH. It would hare counted you hut .jne. On the aaue principle. It would have counted hlin but two liad be maiie all Sve tricki— or no more and no leaa than IT hi* partner bad went aJooi: With him. K.VWarerlT.— It inahea uo difference to the loaer ol the Jour samoLur to the proprietor, whetlier the lour paya /oftv eeou out or bu pocket or thLrty cenu out or hla pocket alunic with but (our check*, which Ue propnetor la fioaiid to redeem at two and a lialf ccnu apiece. We can. not andenuaod why there ihouM be any dispute about tblr, nor why you ahould auk na II, alter the loaer bad paid In chrcka for one-fourtb or the ttauiea and auh lor the re- mainder, tlic nlayen are to "then get a check each lor lut Kwoe:" llarloK already not rour clieeka each, they luul already all that were due them. If but Tour vamea were jjlayetL The Act that the game waa plnpool cannot alter C. P..C«,B.— l. TIierewUliUw-yw be qalte a dlriidoB of opluluaup^itbatauliject. We never Rlye the cIrciiUtionii ornewauapera. nor any Idea ai* to wblch ban the lancrM. AstowbrAaUpaperahaTe llie laryext. the uuotlun la erldemly haacd upon the exmncoua Idd that the circula- tion* ofleadlnK papeni ir p«nnKnfnt,wlien:a»tlievare «xtfeau>Iy dDCtuatlne In the eoun* or* year. 2. fleajte nmta what kind or inmea. ir rule* uf muttgamu an meant, then "American Uoyle.*- . ^ , , , Watkuii'kt.-No matter wh«t bid been bl» right to It, A cvolU not return alter le»eln« the place and claim the money he bad allowed hU oppvioent to take. The lact that h* had allowed B to lake It nliuwa llmt he wooldl hsTe claimed It irbe had been lo B'a place. In utheif worda. U ahoved that be bellered B had won It. HU aub- aeuoeut claim foiseiilji that ■omeune oulalde bad told him that be bad won. Tbla will nui do. It waa playing A alone, not A and aomeone eUe. . , , J. D.. Chltam.— A left-handed blUlaTd-pUyemhoiiId play the ipotitioke mim the tiaht-hand aide or the white haira apot. and a t^ht-haoded player ahould take the opiHwIte Bkle. But If he never playa anytblnii butctuhlon-caromH, It make* nu iiItlniaKr UllTeittnce which aide be pliya it fiom. althonsfa for the l«ke of lamUUrity and eer- ulnty or accomplishment he ahouM alwaya puyltmim tile one aide. Kkhkr lIutruK, anclnnatL— I. If the atnhority eboMn dedlnea to decide It, and the bettora do nut agree to a new retcRilte, llie wacer win have to be dmwu. 2. Like any other book that u iHiblkilied, and even like tlie Clndnuall loumal that baa dedhicd to act. It la an authority only fur tboac who cbooae to accept 11 aa Buch. R. It. R. Erie.— B'a card harlnfr been ezpoacd In the disv by the dealer. B !• to be (rtTcn the top atrd on the deck. He U not to wale until the otheraarvaerred. He la entitled to llio Unit hve card fojlovlnc the laat one he gut. The ctpoeed card la nui apiinol tLe iiack fur that deal. It lA aa dead a* U It were an eleren-FpuL DEAT H'S D OINGS. TT^'okl:*- Mccord of tlie I>roinliieii)t JxxOlylaliutls* 'compiled KXPBMLT, fOtTHE 3W».T0ElfL CUWEH. •• ALDBIcn, Heraiin D*-A well-known re»ident nftWa citv ne waa. fhr thirty rw" tl* hnalneaa parlneror SSiit II. SS^&(miKi.SSii I" ^"rty" »«5,"?fl2t Bom In adjotnlacBtaua at about the'Bme.tlme, tbr;r nnt mi!tln tbUcltyaaboyii:,»mmenced gether. under the 'mi>'°y":\i!i'H?^t&Ai^^ pattneta In bnnlnwa, a*. weD aa 'p''""" '2™';. ' VS* ■dda by aide for many ycanaJler retlrinit from active lUe; Aldnch had long been knora m » ''J*'f'JS'S5j" "» "J cEiirltAble pniJectF, and 'liewaa one of the earliest and moSteon.u.nt-'conilbntoia to SL I-uke'a Hoaplial-here, •^'imJSl'wllllam-A veteran of the War of 1812-Clrde- ^l!:S''jobo'-i^'?o^tho oldeat M««in In the United SUUK UU MaH'Ole life covered a period of feventy-Mveu yearv— New Concord, o.. April 3. BARTIIOLOM MIM Elizabeth— A centenarian. She waji boni In Baden, flerrnnny, and came to tlila country when about el(;ht ycani old. Her huitband died about flitv year* aco, antl alie lell three chOdren, ten frrmnd- rhlldren and oue creat-i;iMndchlld. Rbe nsialaed all her liiciiltlefi up to within two or three weeka afio— Phlbulel' phla. April G, e<»!d 1U2. CARSON. Alfred- Well known for hla long connection with the Volunteer Fire Department of tlili dly, havinc held the post of ajutUtant-enmoeer for twelve yean*, and be 'ben appointed chld enKlncer. For the paat eight yeaXM he had been actine aji flre-surveyor lor a city Inaur- anoe company— J envy City. N. J., April 7. COLLIN'S, bwtuii— One of the leading and wealthleat tlseua of llartfurd, Ot., where he waa a direcmr of manv corporatloDK, both Hitnneui and phUanlhroplc — llanroru. April 7. CAMPBELL, Jamea— An old and well.laiown cltUen of Brooklyn. jTy., where he waa formerly a pollce-capialn- there, April 6. aood 7B. ,., . . DASIELR. Weiiley— An old aetUer of FayeltevUle, Ind.— there. Aunl 6. aced C , _ „ , . EIClIELRERIiER. T. W.— Editor of The (Iowa) Stole Jlrofirer- DesMolnra. la.. AprlM. apedSi. PHKBMaX. Dr.Warren- An old homfeopatlilc phyalctan Of tJihi city, where he had preciiced fur the lane iwent;- flre yenrit — here. April 6. aced 65. 'FISIIEK. R. S.— A prominent dllzen of irnlon City. Ind.. where he wait cadhler of the Cummerdal Bank— there, April*. tlOL'VERN'Erit, Baranet L.— A well-known citizen of WariilngfHi. D. C. He waa the gisndnun nrrrendent Mon- roe, aiid entered the I'nitml Stateu army In early life, and nerved aa an officer of Infantry In Mexico. In MM he re- algned and entered the Third Auditor'* otllce, and wan after- waidnapimlntedConiiid to one ofthe China porta, where he remalneo till Ifi&L On hla rettim to America he emablUhed 'e'-e .irarvfiRff H^rnlA at Frederick City, and reniove^l to Waahlngton abont aeven yean ago.— Waalilnston, Api lis, agedSL^ UOL'LD, Jowph— .^n old merchant of Newark, N. J. He WMM formerly a reald4-ot <»r MlcblfPin, and bad flcrred ihrre lenna In Cunereiu— Newark, April 10. liimON. Rev. Manclua H.— A prominent preachcrofthe Refoniied (Dutch) Cliureh for nearly forty yean. Since tlie dIfOMjIurlon ofblH pajttorute In thia city he had devoted hlatlmetofliinillng hlnilutli-M a* a ttuinee uf fViIumbla College, aa a director of the Bible fiocloty. and aa president of the Board of Edueatluo of the Hefunued Chorcli— here, ril 11. aired 77. .lOWARD. Wll ton, D. C, April la IIELMCTII. Ur. WlUUm R— A prominent homceopathle pliyniclan of Flillodelnbla, Fa., who wu active lo the entahlliihmcnt of tlie llalincmann OillCKe or that city— Fhlladelphhi, April 8. aged TV. HYATT. <:«>n!e E. Ii— A retired merchant of tbla rily. who In antl-nlaveiy llmea waa a leading aboUtlonut— liere, April <. aged U. UAU.SER, Henry— A well-known lawyer of Brooklyn, K. y. He waa weretarr of the Brooklyn Law Llbtaiy lor tbe pant thirty years— Bityiklyn, April 4, aged W. H ATFIeLd, Gilbert— One of the oldest realdenta of Uo- boken, N. J.— ihetr>, April 8, aged tO. MATHER, Aaaiih D.— A protulnent citizen and banker of Dtlca. N. v.— there. April 8. aired ST. .VARSDALL, John C— A rellied Judge, wbo waa alao widely known throughout BritliibAmencnaiia voluminous writer on religion, temperance aud poUtloi— Halifax, N. a, April e. aged ti. MOORE, Ellzabcih— A ceulenarlan— Fhlladdphla, Pa., April 4. aiied 1U2. Mc'CURDY, Robert H.— A venerable and esteemed resi- dent and retired merehant of tbla city, where he wa* prominent In many cboriinble mnvemeotji, and connected with the management of mauy flnondal and benevolent I hLtiltutlnn* — liere, Apnl b, ai:ed ML 'cuIirS"i^ol:'iLiWi^J "vVwVlriLiSjt.— F b< richt In bet- I NEWTOX. Chauncey— One of tho editon-of Tht Clncln- .r . . ._ ^ ...1 — ..I.-. — .1 — I juLit tco yean oorrca pontic itt, political writer uid miui- '''i'.1'L^l'I?r~^^'*^''"'*^^'^-* April G, ftg«d 43, It: ff>. h&viDff Id bU UjH houni ol practice ladenteO the doth all vJonj tbe nlK be Ineuted tbat tbamMtcU iihoultl be played not only on ibe old dolh tbat had been uwil lo practice, bat aUo witu tbo old balu;, which wen oi courM oal of true; and tbe reftrec. a French profeuor* Mutalned Vlcnaox. TbusFexton neTer Kt tbe chance to pnbUclr Ahow toe "raJI.** tbeo In m u* In the Frandi capluL-- Sariup the pame T1|cnaux made mdreahotaln the crotditUan the inleB pennitted. nod Sexton cUlB«d foul- It wu a guf'i-tlon of arithmetical 1 ict Had tbe t^er mude two Abotfl In tbe crotcb. or thi«e? Tne de^oa of the nfenfc waa: **Mr. Vienaux ■aT* he bam't made as many fthota aa 3fr. Sexton aaya be hM." and VlgsauKOontlnaed playlDi:. TheM luddenta are reouled aa raAestinf; tliai Mr. Thomas' decision waA by nu meaoa ' vmoff merely becauee U waa cnewd by hiia'-In bU omtta Inaing Sloooo f:9t tbe rail, but liMt eootnl of tbe balU at IOl ' aatli«riiur them again, be made tbe run 12L Two InnlDBH later, ylsnaux by the rail, aided by a few driTlnff-»hotii, alwaye his icreat excelleaco bervtofore, ran 114; and In the next Inning-, after U made by open play, the laU-route waa daId open to blm, and he kept tbe track ontU he bad addedSl poloie tohLaatrlnff. nukinff his total 1,01) to Slaaaoa*«79fil with the ballft In tbe praUtlon altln to tboM of the pawnbrDker. wherewith to start off on the ihirt night, wheo Plot will be th«rcrere«>. SlfWBJn Mur«d but 174. an avrtaceor U>^, wbUe Vlffnaux averred 61.7-13. Ills areraee oo &r ai tlie came liaa cone In 20.7-27. wlib an Incompleted Inniojc In bU IkTor SlosMo^a la 9.16-27 on compIet4^ Lnnlnfc*. bebannirwon tbe lead at tbe befrlDDlniT of the ftamc. It la cabled that "VIsoanx'ii Mioctm of the prcTlooa Dlaht oave blm an air of extreme confidence, and that the American party are nurprued atTlKnana'arail-pIaT." Tbla cnnfldence will enable VlsDaax tolieep on areraiclnK troiD 45to6&, onlcaa Sloaaon, by'a nopRme enort of de- apalr or reckleaBoeaa, or by a lacky tnm of a ban wbeo be la plaj-lnc oreniUy. can oreRorae Ir - lead, wbicb la now HUl. Ileally tbto la Eker-dicc," and F Ik richt In bcttlDc thai atf - - . -. ^ **flre UeuccA tfburMVV." Both ore l»ettlu{; on ^-trtuolly Uie nanie thinir. accurdiDff to Llie Ktaiement aubuitted, whlcU baa probably omliieU aomucblnjc. T. II. U.— Werefnet It, but In the limited time at com- mand we have betrn onabletijflnd oat the In^tlon of a iiieetliu-rDom In thiK city ur the Improrcd Onleraf Ked M«n. rNlblj Home one of ournnulerv will aend It t<> iiA In tlmefura^xLUaue. Mcaallmf you mlcbt Otll at tbe LmtP liall corner nf Centre aiid Uraod atrmit. E. K., Muntgomery.— The bet la m be determined by the lact ol llM ruiuintf ur not rolnlDp lu Montxuuiery, Abu. and reRardleaii or any othrr place. Tliat nu other place waa ■oentioDed In tbo Ktroogeai kind of praunipilon that Mont* Komery waa meant M. O. U., Noahoa.— Mcholaa Utirphr won tbe ftmt prize. SS,QUU and tbe O'Leaiy bclc. In the alx-day race at Madl* iHin-PviiuTV Garden. thUdty. Oct. 6 to 11. IK79. The pu«- money waanotdlrlded amone the contcstaoto, the coab- prtzva being $S,OUI. and Saux Bjaii:«OTuN CoNOAH. Fultoo.— L Under the drrum- Maneea the referee waa right in ao decldlntr. and In any aaaebladccUlon waa llaaL 2. In alUe-bold wrcittllnic no fkll cunnta tinleaa one of the cuntcatanta la thrown lairly Dpon but back. I. J. SaiTU, Columb!a.*W. E. Graham did not compete asaJorit J. B. Clark, wbo la an amatrur and doen not wiUk fur rnonc)'. at Modinon itfiuare aarden. thU city. Kept 29. rARRISU, Daniel— In former ycani a prominent mer- chunt ol ihia dty. He retired fTom bualnoita mauy yeara a-;o, and waa nuie— N'ew Orlaana. April G. a^cd C8. KAVRE. Dr. Cbaa. II. II.— A well-known yoimffpbyalclan of thlKdty-brre. April il.afRd SUOHBHIDGE, Samuel— One ol theoldcat and mort re- apected citlzenK uflaaiayutte. Ind. He had aerved a term In the State I.eel>lature In 1B7Z— I*afiiycae, April 7, aged BO. SAUNDERS Jamoa Mowtor— EnBlueer of the Gaall^ht Companvof Baltimore. Md., lor the paat thirty-one yearK. He waa for many yeara a director In the Maryland loatl- w . . v»,.enu>craf, apon which ho waa eumvd at the time of hla death— Plemlnaion. N. J.iAprll .\ frrJOny> General laaae Hnnroe— Mini nfr- engineer of the Cheaapcake and Ohio Railroad, and conntltlnff-enpl* neer of other roada. Prior to tbe late war he waa connect- ed with rarloua railroada In the Routh, and he alterwarda Hcrred tn the Connrderate Army aa commbloaaon baa ever found hlmaell In, and after hla aurpriae at hla, queer predicament tn u%-er he Bliould make the Inmreat recunl" run of hla life. There U one hf nTy drawback. Witb referee* wbo have virtually been made partbuma ot, everr carum muat needa be ao aolldly made aa to tw audible aa wdl na yJalble. Tliere would be aumethlnp more than a glimmer of hope for SluaMn were both refereoa not realdenta of Paiio. lie re* turaa to America, hut they have tu atay there. UaTlng waited until 10.40 r. m . on April 12 fur a cable dla- fiatch ylvlsfr UHihereaultaol the third nlffbt^a play, we Infer rum lea non*aniT«I, Parla being Are hoora or au ahead of New Vork m time, that the enmod Ls twlagdlapoted Inch by loch throughout tlie third M) polnta, or else thatSloa- tuiD, With hla wide margin to operate upon, lanHUng In runa of aome Importance, and thua deiernng Vlgnaux^a arrival at the %4Ui-pf>lnt irnaL Yet It Uiiui etiuallr reaaona- ble theory that •« preaaof telegraphic bualneas Is keeping the tliapatch back. » l»> i STRAX SHOTS. Cable-dlapatcbea aa to the progrcaa ot the Parla game are received alichtly at Sloaaou'a ruum, Twenty-third atreet, near SLxtb avenue. Wednesday nignt, April 14, will aee the end Lon Morria Jr. arrived herefrom the Hut t^prinfaon thenlffhtof the lUth Herman P. Butlerliaa tJiu refuaal of a place In Hhepard'a room U. W. Collen- der liaareinored to Stamford. Cl, for the Buiumer Yank Adama la Id nonon. and thla week La to piTe a avrien of exhlbftlona at Marshall'aroom.. Louis rihaw wna to havo Riven an exhibition In Sterling, IlL, on the9tb, lo Clinton, la., on the lOib, Omaha, Neb., on the 16ch and 17tb. and thence to Cheyenne and Denver. He la under cn- n«gement fbr two weeka In Leadrllle, Col., beginning April 7 — On April 5 the following wi>re elected membera of ttie National Billiard- playera' Aaaodatlon : Jacob Aronaon. Jaa. Palmer. U. J. BerRman, P. J. Rogera, C. C. Bond, \Y. H. Barilett. and Sexton an^ Schaefcr E. Keefe of so Beach atreet. Bnaton, la doing an well that he haa Juirt put In a new pool-table. After tbla hbi place will be known aa *The Haunted Uouae.'* The pooUtable kevpcn of Philadelphia met on tbe 8tb IncL to take meaaurca towarda releaalng tbcm fhim tbe operation of the law requiring a tax of $30 on tlio flrat bllllard-tablo In every publle room, and 9IU on cr«t>' additional table, :It ia rcpurti'd that George Stone, noa* In lYovi* dence, R. T., La to be rtuperlnti-ndent of the St. Cloud room, Boston The exhibition receutly elven In aid uf the Philadelphia Billiard Apfiudation realized t57.47. Amand Dorlot la to plre exblblUona at Ittoer'a, Trcmont. April U, and at Kabbett'a Room. Jetacy City, 10 Theeatablubmentof a branch bouse la Rao Fran> cImco, auokcn of by ua some weeka ord aa ono of the pn^ Jectd ol the Brunawick & Balke Co., la now an accom- pllahed tact, according to a dlapatcfa to a Chicago paper. C. C. Ilond, announced aa intending to eatabuab lA l^arlaabnuch bouaeof tho U. W. Cullender Co.. aailed I torn PhUadelpltIa on tbe 7tb Inat The money la all np for the sdiBcf^r-Sexton match In a letter dated March 31, Sloaaon rrqueata The Cupteh to announce that It la not true that, as he seea an American Journal Itaa aiated. he la twln^ repreaented In the detalla of the match by Murtlmer Humphaey. Slosaon had written on the Uih thai Mr. U. would not rcpreaent blm In any way, and at the done ol March he specially aeni a cabie*mett8age to that effect. In hlnlotterot March 81 Bloaaon anoounoei the arrival of AL flmltb, and tlut the latter and aev- eral other* thought ao well of hla (Sloaaon'a) play that they, bad made op a puree of lOU^OOO ftnnca, which they bad otfercd tlie Tlffnaux party for accent* ancc.ercn no, the French plaxer'a chief backera belaK ineml»eraortbe Jockey Club. Sloaaon aJao matea that for aevcml daya Vlgnaux rerUacd to proceed with tbe maklnir of the match unleaa hla opponent agreed to dlridc the iv- cclpta. Our Impreaaion ftom the tone of the letter Ih that tDoaaon would not ao agree. Ue apeaka with prudent and proper confidence of his ability to irin. atatCM that he would aoooer loae liU ri^ht arm than t>e deftoted, and adds tliat "Vlgnoiu la a proud man. who wuuld not l>e beaten for all the world." * • > \ Taawa le a Lrrraa in onrcare fbr Hany Cole. THE APPLETOS CRICKET CLUB.— Tlils ia the name of a new cricket club recently orpanlri-d In Brooklyn, » and which ^11 take thr Held In May. playing on the cricket cround In Troapect Pork on the daya when not enp»g«i by the .Mnnlinttan Club. Tbe membera and oftlceraof the new dub aie: A. Eckrtln. J. noldmq. P. Flaher, O. Hawp, J. Ki ller. 1^ Martin. J. O'ReUly, H. PulUn, W. Shepherd, E. Webber, w. WllUame. A. Wlac.^VT WotdBuofth and F. Henschel. Committee— O. ChnrchllL W. Hyde. J. Mc- Fadyen. C. II. Vr«In^ and R. ^ oolnumeh;- «»P™i-5- Swanson; »ub-capuln. J. U:8alll; ireaaurcr, ll. Btnke- man; aecri«ao'. G* WiUlamo. Tbe Puiladelphu cum irUlhoId a meettoe' at t| >elr baaduuiirten*, '."D Walnut atreet, on April 1^ to thobchedulfufthemalcheatd take i>laoe thla, ' ATHtETie. GO88 Aim R.TAS. TTie mntth for Mie beayy-wcljiiit chaiDplon>hIp between Paddy Rran and Jm Ooaa R«a on aa tb« "caTu what loreaiDlll"dealntpu«lt., Th« pttaelpaU hsr, Mttled dovD to ba«4.TOTk at ihclr tralnliurHinarura Ooaaat Port IfaiDUtoDand Ryan at Par Hockaway, L. L— and an gradually nlUng rid of owlctt weljcbt. The flnaldepoalt oftsuaalde unit be Maked at Billy Tiaer'a, S WMl Tventy-nlnib atnet, on Honday erenlDc AprU U, between 7 and 9 r. x., wben tbe flnal itakebolder baa to be chneen. and tbe men or their lepreeentatlyc* are lo teae for choice of mUIlnn sronnd. On Tueaday, April fluOo ~ ' • blK booK St Ma benettt [p Hmle UaU, BeMon/Ila flrHt^lM entefialnment waa Kl^en, In wblcb, Ut ad !aday, AprU (Udoaa I Hall, BoMon^aac A — - - , - „ - In whIcb.Uiaddltlon V^5^11^*^hJ^"^ i^S!^ BlUy and Warrykdww*!, ATtbnrChaiDben.PTaiilcWblt«and othera from thla and rbUadelptaIn participated, Oou met Siullrui. s young hea.7-wel|dit of tbe Hnb. In tbe wind-op. aadflrom allaooounta the luier prrfunncd In n mora uUalhetary mana'er than bU antanonlat. ' J?{;S;''*,"L,'"^}"2Iir"!.^«''* between therc men. BliOSSON -ra. TION AUX. The Sarprlae ot tbe Teata*— VlsuAiax Afaesd 175 on AprU 10 and BOl on AprU 11. Whlcuever way tbe match enda that la now plavlng at CremomeHall, Parla, the American la a victim. It la not known to na bow the.mntch orijrlnated. It waa a anrpriae to almoat everybody «ben It waa annooneed. It U known to na, however, that Fluoann went abroad on lOBaffl- dent mformatlon. "Entertain I nj; the hifcfaeet poaalble opinion of Vlgnaox aa a general player, induaive ot hla helng tbe beet norwr away Uom the "rail*' tbat thla country ever aaw, he yet twUeved blm com- paratively Inexpert aa a rail-player, and not capable of mnoiiur more than three or four hundred even in prac- tice. In thia iM-llef almoat ever>-body elao on thla aide of ttie Atlantic ohared. No one can comprehend the '*t rue Inwardneaa** of rail-play who doca not have Itahownto Mm In detail, and a man of Ylicnaux'a yewra would never pick It ap almplv by aeeing It played. Fancy- ing that he already knew all there la In bllllarda, be would conclude that It hi merely delicacy and aieodl- nras of touch ttut keepa the baits in poMtion. Vlittially, aa we have many tlmea before remarked, the **rali'' bi a trick. Aa a dUipatch tnm Porta ou the 6th Inat. demonatratcd, when liapnke of runa of fTnm eight tn eleven bnndred bavlu been made In practice by tbe French ex- iiert, Vlgiunx rw« maatered the trick. Juat two weeka bc^ lore, we bad been lufunned that a player ftom Ameri» Ikad lu the 8prin(z of 1079 gone Into Vlimaux'a room and taught it blm: but we did not believe it, becatue. It bdng the chief stock Id trade of American play- - OLD RuoKR, Jeraey City— Too wUl And Che popnlatlon | fl^ HI^mS *Th!^*S?r*.SStKS i^Ji «r FnnMa Antfi^M. AUtvi- mtin»riaaa In fruSTT^aauHB I Icau ID Rtvinic It away. Toere waa anottier reaioo jii?5?fo?l»r eountrt*. in the curnR ^ „^ beUerin* ll, and tliat waa that at tbe time ot helnir llotToVi— tS; nmc brine «nM>n b.u nnni wi,, .^.M I Inronned ol It wo had a letter Horn Parla, In which tbe p "h aSSil^oW«5£l^i^^^ at foity-flrea, be who playa the flve-Angeia at any time I thathe naa bat ten toeo can claim out. J. a Bartvn. tian Frandaco.— It tbe time waa offlctaUy taken and announced aa plven m the paper forwanlrd. ft cutiKtUutca a rvcntd; bat we do not believe It waa ao takeiL Old RaADKR. Wllmlniston.- L Plve-ponnd noteaan> the lowest deoorolnation Uaued bp the Bank of England. 2. Oood Friday u not a national holiday bete. A. AND C, Prvncott.- Repeat yunr onentlon. If yoa are rare It haa not been answered. Duplicate It aa nearly aa poMlble. latter into the pocket. JoicED. Hoc sprinjEo.— At whlflkej-poker aoyplayfrcan knock wbo haa not Jnat drawn. B coohl doae the gameat eoce. BwtMSB OiBxaa. Brookln.— Unleoa It U apcdally agreed to rlay atialaht-duahen, tho beat hand tbat can tw held at poker Is one containing four acea. R. Y., Norway.— We do not know of any. Ko one eoidd ■wta It, were any piixe offered for the true aolntlon of tbe Gem Pnxzle. GErfKTA Lmb.— The apllt la the half of the dlfmclog sncceeded by younger men. filuaann way win thla match, trat he can- not enter into Uie playing of It with that confidence he wonld bare poaac>aed hod he ne\'er heard ot thoae lonj; runa at Tignaax'a handa. Had he beard of tbem twfore he waa to otart ITum b«ffe. he ml^t not Itave ataned. The thne Ihr him and SchaeCer Co have goon In queatof Vlfm- aux WEI laat year. Had they been In the plaoaiof Oaraler and Daly, Tlgnana wonld moat likdv hav« been delbated in tbe Utile toomomenta held In Paria a twelvemonth aao. I aa Schaefkr'a and Sloaaon'a rail-play, ao vastly aapaiorto Daly'a orUamler'a, wonld have stripped tbe Ftencn expert I of confidence. Since tbe foregolncr waa written the cable haa fbrwoMed tbe aalienc polaw uf the flnt nigbt'a plar . and the balk of the rall-worV appeon to bare been dune by Vlgnaux, runa of 60. 432. ItO, 73 and 31 being made by blm In that way, tbe 31 brfngtng blm to the doae 175 nolnta ahead, with toe _ on the nil aa n beginning for tho aecnnd nkcbt'a aeoalon of 600 polnta. Tbeoe mna aggrecate 771 polnta, thoa learing him but 9 for hla remaining ten Innlnga. Each player had fltteen bmlnga, wbtch makea tbe averaaea for tlie nhlht a 1-3 for Vlgnanx, and 41 2-3 tor Soaaoo. The latter certainly did blm- adf credit, conalderlne tbat be la among a atiange peo- ple. Both of bla cblcf runa. 2Zrio tbe ttltn and 392 In the nfaitb inning; were made alter Vlpiaux had goa hla Iouk lead bv nmning 411 In the fourth inntn& endedoyatbuL " ' - * ' ^ Jhla mn waa fnowon alao claimed fnul on VlgoauK In bla mn of 60. bot It waa not aDowod. Tbe ooly tber refer to our private bculnefta. J. B. w.. Wddlelown.— We know nothing aboot CUeaio poolaellen. F. AXD N.» ararlbaro.~Tom Sayeia* nrai was not broken In Us flsbt with Hnnan. Vm\SK Martix— XTebAr. no reooctd of a mu of that Bime oMisc IB« tliS-llitk Jam uanaiun, Biuukl/ii.— Viiteto ne^ortlnaflft* Reet amat. Ixmdon. Ens. J. H., Bioaklyn.— Tbe SUten Idind Qouutue riot wcuii ed In Oepttmber, lfiff7. P. U. T., Waablngton.— It waa on Dec 3», UU, that Koa jQth axTlred In jonr dty. E- U. B.» CIOTelaJBd^Tbe London PidkA waa fonnded lnU4L y. O. flL. Beading— Hla name doea not appear aaioog tbe eaid-uealeiB In tbe bujilneaa dlrectocy. "Bene" ■ppcat* tu have been encunntered b.y.Sluaion, wbo connted off spotted balls at his SUCtb ahot, but made but one mure, lie neemn to bare never got the lead, as between bla 227 and 292 (tbe xmll oomlnc to blm In tho latter at 37) Vlj^nx put in 1» In the seventh Innlnc har- liV ept tbe '*rmir* attt. Tbecontcfltdulnotbc(rinnntll8.4a. TlMrCoUtfoder table Mntitvrr In the saineetvaniw that bore Sloaaon was need. Bhwaon also took out with him a set of CoUender cusbloos for Vlgxiaux to praolcv wHb. The playera were to bare tosied as to wbeiber tbla set or that on tbe tabliMihould be u.ed In the inatoh, tbla bolnie artlpu- iHtlon msile by ViRiuax. Tbe onelDil proKramme nti been retumed to, and tbns tbe entire 4,000 polnta will be played In ttr»nlenta. Lnjd«ad olln foorof l,OU)polntaapl«c«, at was Intended a few weeks aaa Tbavantvutefetees— Uiden riot, named by Tipuux, and an American ama- teur wbo fbr tbe past docen yean baa reiilded In Farla. Nu one here knowa how It la designed to cany onl tbU nnim.1 fentore, mto tbat It wna iimpoMd tUat that player who ahonld be firet to reach 600 anould name the rvf- mt for iheUitteU). Accordlnily. Plot will be tlie referee „,„„„^ , at tbe doae, and he was tbo referee at tbe beslnmnif. Tlilii H. Ducos, Pblla.— Wa have not beaid tJaat a, terlsed !» a peculiar Mranwrnent bubaed upon by \'lRnaux, lltlonbaabeen Uxned. I I' undmtood. Aa In the nature of tlilnEa SlOMWC edition baa been liQoied- Ajxx, Cobom^ — We haw no right to answer the qaea- tion wlihMt Mc Stephens^ petnUnoo. W. SVITU.— J. B. Clark baa walked twenty-ATC mile* in dli.Sm.3Sa. _ WamusuTOX— Tbe wording of tlie bet makes R. B wlaner. J. O'S., Fblladelpbla.— Domlnlck Bradley and 6am Ban- Un foogtal on Aojc I. US7. w. N. B.— Hbi ImprlMoraent while a minor ataooM not ■Ad his cWseBAlh we duold say. Old KTk, Halem.— Any player m a game In wblcb eat- ting Is permlaalble oanTnslst upon the carda being cut. M-mwl eneio. — B euold not um a cacd oa CbeDvanlf tba potpoae of building on A'a pile. Tawmn — See rraort or O^Lemiy belt race in this lame. Jann Uau. Krle.— See tables m Cupru Alkanao. Bckxabho. — lie unst deal to all tbe playera allkn. v. K. B.. LouUrOle.— See Tait Cuvna AuusAC H. H., Scbeneciady.— See Tna Cuppan auia:* a£. J. FORD.— L Out of print. Z Aboot alxty cents. T. J. 8., Colambla.— Ue Is the ttma buIiTblnaL F. T.T Le Seur.— We have not. J>IX1K.— It has bt«n sent fur. IP AMT West Foint cadet wen gnuty of sUttUig tne ean or Wblttaker, Ibmlllatlty with tliat son of work woold tbrow Bosplclon on one of the men- lieiB fto m Ohio. IF HouifON IMD AJfBBX dont weu anr moie ^.1«tK«« than most opeiMlngeis do, It seems to us that • dieaslng-ioom ml^ be dl9«ued wltb alto- Of tk> icAXT-who ten bj the wsyalda attheie>- ^ent go-M-jon-pIease mt Msdlson-eqaMo flrrUP. f nature of tlilnca SloMon sbould be at a dlMdrantage at the Mart, and therefore the nnllke- llerto reach HDD Srat, It la lo b. Infmrd tbat ho wonld not lure dren In his adbealon tn this nait of the pmsrHmme eonldbebaTegotamalchwIthoutdulngpo. Jacunea Glb^ln «asufflplrefurVignaux.6lossunbaiItoUiihlsown umpiring. Vbe attendance waa euellrnt, but not auffident to IIU thetanU. Among the specutor* was tlie Prince of Wur- umbnre. Al. Smith li betting on Blomon. and that alone oufdit to sndlce to clip tbe Winn of tbe American eagle. ' dlHOatdl to Tlie J/erald saya that Hmllb Uld X.in>Sanc)L eren up, aa the game betain, and tbat at the end ol tbe third Innltw be bet 10,000 (Tanca with U. JaaouidtL It was I then tbat HloMHm nibuicd all.r nuklnir 24, and VIenatlX ran bis m In tbla dty tbe betting. mCu aap of Rpencer Hobby of Oraaa Valley, with a cballenoe to Bodda to llfftat again with almUargloTei, in accordance vUhtfae (joeenabeiTy mlea, for a like anm. RooKK AVD DoHOTAX— Tbe champlofuhip match be> tween thoae middle-weight bozera George Booke and Hiko DonoTatu tor $lf(DO a aide, proneaKa catlalactorlly. Both men are la doae training, and ft«m tbe manner m which Uiey take their dally allowance of cKerclae. and bear the rlRiira of prepayaMon, it la erident that CTch baa hla heart In the work. The next depoalt offtaCD a aide muat be pouted April 21, on which date the pnndpala or their reprcaenta- Urea win meet between 2 and -3 o'clock P.JI, to Km for choice of flgfatlng-gnand. and aelect a dnal atakeholder. Prop. A. ACTSn.^ of Loiidon, ZtUL, where be la looked npon aa oneofthe moat acoompitooed exponenm ofthe art flatle, haa l*een a realdent of New York tor aereral mnntha, and propoaea to hold a boxlnc matinee at Barrr 11 lU'a on Thonday, April 10. oommendng at thre« o'clock. The entottaloraent promlaen to be drat-claaa, and we hone to nee our vUlior well treated by butb the public and brother profeaaionala. FKkVK WutTe and Bennle Grern are at laat likely to Oume tueether In that long-talked of vlove-contcat. Oa •niurada>-, April 8, they met In Providence, H. I., and algnedan aitrevmcnttii contend lor a purve of two hun- dred and llfly dolluni In FfXfvldence aome time In June. LlBDiaRoflB* BA^RR called on April 9, but there waa no rcpreaenutlre of Nettle Burt to meet blm. Iletlien withdrew hla depoalt. Mlaa Roea tblnka SflfB hurt la afraid to meet her m a glore-cunteat, for fun or money, at any time and place. BiiXT AND Wabry Edwards and Frank White In ibia way make their ackni>wlrdt;uiuntM to I'aUy Sheppard and J. A. Boutelle fur cuurteelea extended them while in Boa- ton recently. A BTARRING aud Btbletlc entertainment In annoimced to take Place on Raturday erenlog, April 17, at PnL Neu- nucr'aOymnaalnm, Grceopolni, L. I* Da5 DoconEHTT tokca a beneflt at Jersey City. S. J., oa Hatnrdav creninTi April 17. Ho wlU wlnQ.up with Uafi' ~i*roua Jack, dubbed the "colonsdchamplon.** Wm hatb LRTTBR3 fuT JoeOoaaaod ProC W. C. McClclIan. THE WROVG PICTCRSi Tn the hurry uf celling our ouulde pagea ready for tbe pr«' Unward— during the cIoi«lnR houia f>r the race, and the atyle lu which he did hia work waa more auj;- Etlve of tbe beslnnlng than the windlnc-up of a alx daya' mey,and wpedally a week of auch terribly aevere work aa ind othera were called upon to peribmi un thla incuaiun. Atone time during the content he waa rather "queer," from wantof aleep malnlv, but theaklUand knowledge of hla trainer, *'liappy Jack"Rmlth. proved auAcient topull him through thiacrutia In tbe Journey, and. thUi dune, Hart'a speed and atumlna ware more than equal to tlie toak ot com- ing ont winner. The competition Juat cluaed «'aa memnr- abie not only on account of tbe nnpreccdentedly larve More made bv the winner, but becauaeut the Ikct that of thoae who foUowed him one heat by three and three- quarter mllea the beat prevloua performance In thU coun- try, and one that had been but twic* excelled In England, while the three following each coverrd a greater number of mllea than had competitora wbo flnlBhod in the aame rela- tlre poaltlona In any former tuumamenu-and two othera roUeil up more than dve bundrvd mllea.: Thla made aeven men wbo rtaehcd tbe ttve- bandied -mQe mark— one leaa than arrived ai that now fiunlllar jailnt on tbe oecaalon of the lUwe belt race Itat Winter at the suae place, but In the O'Leary race the aggregate of mUca In excen of Are hun- dred, addluR toftmier the overplua of all the oompet^ itora, waa agalDst mk in the Roae eootcat-a dltference of IQS mllea. Like lia predeceaaor at tlie aame place, thla race was alao noticeable fur the cluee- neaa with -which it waa waged, and tlie cooneqoent aeverity of ^e test to which the eodurlug power aa well aa the^luek of tho paitlolpaniH waa Hubjrctcd. The pace which waa put on bytheiradcra durlo^r the flrat half of the week found out, more or leaa quickly, the weak placea m the anatomy of the elchieen men who ataned ao conddently oai-Monaay morning, April &, and thu result waa the driving from the track of aeveral fur oue or an- other reaaon, but rrwluly frvm the effecta of the uuuaually hard and bat work ilivy wera called upon to perform. The une thing which waa more regretted toaa any other In cnnn^tlon wllh tbla attalr waa the partial dlaabllne of Don 0*Lear7*a man, John Dobtvr, by a aevere cold which a«*ttled lu the lell knee and lon er part ol hla leg, at a time when he held a aplendid p^ialtlon, and waa bwanynnnd udgtM belleveil to have a^uod cbauce to win tbe balk ofthe aurela and mouey. If liv had continued aound in wlud and limb throushoul the weelc, he would have made the nee doae and exciting until the doalng hour, and, whother be couldbave wun or not, public intereat would have been intenaided, and the croadi; ili>cklng to the Gulden would have been conalderablrlarcereven than they were. Ac- eompUahed aa It waa while flgniiog lierulcally agaluat con- tluual iiaJn aevere enuugb to have mduced mony men almllarly aituated to abandnn the liupeleM taak, Dob- ler^s perfonnance (Ul niUee) atampa blm aa a man of ability aa a pedestrian flu- abore the ordinary-; and nndcr audi clrcumaiancoa be abonid have no lack or backera in the future, lie had llrat-claaa attend- ance, being hKikcd alter by Dan O'Leary, George Gujnn. Jim timttb and W. E- llardlni;. When It waa conccdtrd that bla chance fbr gnlding «lilier flrat or aecoud plau» waa gone, Pcgram, wbo by nmnyiftl been looked upon u tbe >robabIe winner, waa »:cneiallyilBarded aa a man and a irotlier who waa capHblo of making Hart travel vny laat to win; bat Pesram waa adected by. the aoTvrlty 91 the uce at which he bad been carrlea along during the flr»t hreo daya, and he failed to do what wna expected of him In the last forty-elglit liuura. filling about atxteenmilea iMshfnd Ills prevluun record fur Friday, aud neatly eleven behind that for Boturdity. He worked In arhedule time at first,- hut tailed to keep up to the flgnrea agreed upon aaab<»ut the proper thing— a lact wblch caoaed his hacker. Tom Da^a (wlio woa altio concerned In the boal- neaa arrangement, together with Joaepb Doyle, wbo en- tered Nick jfurpiiyikevudlaappnintment and not a little chagrin, aa be had . profeaaed confidence In tho ablllly of hla men. Peffram'and llnvard. taking flrat and aeeond placTB, inatead ol second and third, wblcb tbey did sccnre. japt T. E. Halledc of lk>nton woji al^o hchmd Pegram, who was attended by Magee and otliem, while Jack Gould- Ing bad charge of If oward. whu covered &34^ mllea, and thereby aatonUlied all iMrhulUers; for, although conceded to be poaaeaaed of excellent staying power, he waa nwt tboogbt to tw apvedy cnuuffb to get well to the fore In auch eompun\*. Allen manaited to net Ofth place, with 529^ mUoa, and by trareUng the greatest dlatance during the laat twenty-two hours, 88 milca, won the handiome caay-chalr offered aa a prhte by a furniture manufkcturlng flrm. He waa trained fiu: the race and attended daring tbe oonteat by John Fraacr, the running and walklng-ahoe manufhcturer. Long-ctrldlng Fred Erohne waa In dilflealtlea with bla intemMl depart- ment dnrlng tbe early part of the race, which Interfered with tbe plana he had laid ont: atUL by Industry and per- aeveranoe he maiiaged, almost enUreijr by walking, tu reach a total ot Aid mllea, which waa nineteen mllea and a lap lets than hla aeore in the ctmtest for the Boae beU. The anrceaa of the toumauent floaaclally waa proportionate to Ita snoceaa fkom a rauftaalOnal atandpolnt, thooaanda of peraoiu paying admlaslonniiditly: while the greater throng waa preaent on tba first night (when cmudderable ^*paper" came In), the gtptcr numbcrof tlcketa were auld JO Friday, and thanexlAbaat 00 the doalng night, when complimentary tlcketa, ^■pptaoch aa were Issued to luo.n- bcra ofthe prvm and toiajh-a^ were not received. Then* w* rj more ladlea in attendance ca^ day than were preaent at the midorlly of almllar entcMalnmenta held here, while the general character of tbe #swmblagea waa unnaually good — ao much better. In COrc, than tboae gathered at many iiivTloua competltlona aa to frequently exdte remark. ' rbe arranffementa for aooriiur, etc:, were almply aa near perfect aa experience and InteUlgeutaystematizlnjc could make them, while the men employed on the ahccta and dials performed «h*lr Labata eunaolentloualy, and with I rreatcr abUitz4faB waa otaierrable upon lonncr oceaalona. ' heabeetavoecareAilly examined by men of large expe- rience In sneh matters, and ererr precaution waa taken to ■nanl a g*'rT*r^ and aa capatrfe men were In cliaige. and tne track was a measured eight h-of-a^ mile around, the recordairfven ate not likely to admit of qoca- tioiL The introduciton of the ayatem of telephoning tbe milMaaraadeto tbe man at tbe mammoth bUckboaxd. upon which the namce of all the oontestania appearod In huve white lettera, with the mllea tmrelcd aet op- poaUe. being put ap aa aoon aa made, waa a com- plete anccc0, glvlnc entire aatlafltctlon to the people, who could thereby aee. at any atace of the eonteat, — — m THE TUBF. RACIltfG AT BTKW ORUBAHSc Tuesday, April ft, waa the fourth dav of the Spring me«t- Inc ofthtr Loulalaoa Juckey Club. Tne weather woa plea^ sut and the track In pretty good shape. Fur theflrvt race, two mllea, over hurdlea, (ura purwe of SaOQ^ $80 to the aec- oud. G. B. Morris* Frank Short took tlie lead 00 tbe flrat turn, and, aa he woa nercr aquMirlv reached, be won eaally in iMt with Jim Fay second and Blackbum^a Haggle May ■ — ee waaa daah of a mile and a quarter, illinu allowanoea. tUO to tbe wluner . w. Lakeland*B Little Reb won by i;f Bumea A Wcat'e Le RoL was ae& third. The second race waa a daah of a mile and a quaner. fur all acea, with aellinu allowanoea. tUO to tbe wluner andtaototheaeoond. ' " ~ half a icnftth In 2:13;. _ „ _ ondL and Mike Walah'a'Shortllne third, the third noe the Uuward Stakes, lor all ages, at $50 each, phty ornay. with ean added by the dob and %*J0 by C. T. UowBrtlTof which combined amount the aeeond received Slfli). Cm- trill A Lakeland'a Bucktie waa the la\-orlte, and an mi winner. He took the Ontt heat in 3:41, with Caldwell 1 Crec'a Mary Walton aeoond, and the aeeond heatln3:A7, witb Brien 4 Cu.M Keene Richards aeeond. Tbe events arraoKed for decUlon at New Orleans. La., April & were, owlnK to Indemcnt weather, penponea till the 10th, when the track waa heavy, but the weather pica- aant and tbe attendance large, among thoae on ttaeacand t>elng General Grant. The first e\^At waa an extra race of lialr a mile for two-year-olda, lor a pnraa of glSSi, nf wblch tS to tlie second. Tbe race waa a good one, altbouab marred by a allsht aoddent to Bonny, who Ml In the turn Juat before entering the atretch. The reaolt, howevtf, was never In doubt, for Barkly A Huaglna* Hlaa Blanch won by ten lengths in ftia., with Jaa. 8urget*a La Perl cbote aeeond and Barldy A Ilnxglna^ Beaale Davla third. Tbe aeoond event waa a daah of a mile and _ ftirlonv. fbr a piuae of S200, of which $90 the second* feor-ycar-olda and npwnrda to carry 110 pounda. three-jear-olda to carry their proper weight, with tbe usoal allowAnom fur a«x. Barkly A Co.'a L'Argea' tine took Ihe Lead at tlie start and waa never headed, winning eaaily in 2:123>, with Brlde*a Gabriel aeeond am tValsb^a Mnllle ITart tfilrd. The next rmce waa a daah < three-quarters of a mile for all asea. at wrleht lor age, tor a pnnie ot $2)0, ol which the second received ttO. At the atart Hauls H. took the lead, and, keeping It. won by half a length in l:U*i. with Barhl>-± Buudns* Jack Haidy second and Br1de*a Gabriel third. The last race ol tbo day waa a dash of a mllu and three •quart era for all agea, tax) to the winner and 190 to the aeeond. Morria* Long Taw waa an eaay winner by half-a^osen lengtha In a:l(j, with Barkly A Uucgliu* Ella Kowett (aged) aMond and Lakeland'a Typhoon (aged) third. I^dand*a Jim Fay (aged) waa beaten olL CBICBCET. THE GRieStETRRS* ASSOCIATIOIV, The third annual meeting oftbe rrlcketem* Aaaodatlon ofthe United States was held at 9B Walnnt street, Phila- delphia. Pa., on AprU 9. when the delevBtm preaent were D. S. Newball, Youtijg America Club: Llndley Halnw. Merlon: C. H. Tamau, Belmont: II. w. Brown. Giitman- toBTi; A. A. Ootcrbrldge:, Philadelphia; N. P. TomUii.aod W. Vernon, Glrard; J. >. Ortwn. Pealnaolar of Detroit; J. A. Page, OxiOrd. The executive committee were Ib^ atmcted to arrange a match between the membera of the dnba forming the aaaodatlon for Its beneflt. Tbla game will moat likely be Philadelphia va. United tttatea, and will he played aoon aAer the opening of the aeaaoiL The re- port of the executive committee waa read and apptored, and the foUowlnfr <»dieeni were elected for the enauinfr year: President A. A. Ooterbrldge. Philadelphia; first Tloe-praldent, J. T. Sonter, Bx. Geurne ofh'ew York; sec- ond vice-president, J. Barry Lee* Baltimore; secretary and treajnirer, John P. Green, Belmont ; c o r re apiiu dlng aeoctary, H. W. Brown, Oermanlown Club; execatlve fommliTco P a NewhalL Tooxur America; J. Bldgway Moore, Staten Island; ualnes. Merlon. Caican Kom.— George Wright in a recent letter to na saya: **I hare been oT«r to Harvard twice aweekfbrtha put month practicing cricket with tho atDdenci, and have Sotnp qalte an Interest amongthem— «>moch ao that they ave Corned a dnbof 7S membera They have Jnat a^ Iccted a grouud^and enntracted to have It laid out in the proper shape. Whilelmwiinf tothemi waaanrpriaedwlth the good form they ahowed at the baL** The tan Clnb will open the aeaaon on sainnlay, April 27« at Pfo s pect Fs^ with a praeclee^iamei, sides being ehaaa** at sr. 11 Thnw laapraapecttlitaaBaaonor seeing ft series of games played hecween eleren of Harvard and Oolnmbla CoUeBes.aDd betweu Colombia ud PttnBsrl- TUUUDlTenttri the lelaUve poaltiuns of the meiL general man- agement waa alao excellenc, proper oirangcmeota hav Injr been made to Candle a dIk crawd, and there Waa a noticeable abaence of anyth I n^ ^p|>roaeb ing rowdyion. while auch effective meararea had Dei>n aduptrd for the ;>rotection of the tlnandal Intereata of tbe men on the rack that there were, we think, Awer 'ieaksges" than in any other of the many almllar events, and conaeqnently the pedestrians were nut the sotfoers In cash that It la well known tbey uaually arc when auch aafrguarda _ peiiaed wlihu The arrangement by wblch the tenta of the men were placed toReuier at the caatendof the gaidcoi outside the rrack. worked well, barring that It waa a hit dranghty : and tho Interior of tite building waa made more nttractU'e and cheerniUua well OHcomrtirtable, by tuelndltforcnceahuwo by the mimagement In regard to the quantity of iiaa conauracd. The account Of Ihe eonteat wblch appears upon an out- aide paaacarricaua up to the doae nt the Dlln da}*, wlien the order of the competltura waa aa follows: Ilart, Peftram, Howard. Dobler, Kruhne. Alien. WlUlama and Hanwaker, theae being all whu remained of the eighteen whu atartcd. The leader waa nearly eleven mllea ahead of the beat record previously made, and from thla time furward he ountiuued tonvlon LKot-un-rrairda mile alter mile until time waa up. He looked au Oeah and went over ttM gruund with ao elastic a at4'p that It seemed an utter ImpitaalblUty for Hart to fall to win handdy; but In auch cnnte>>u there ia always a cliance lor aceldenta which uhrht transform a winner Into a loaer, and with thla ibr- lom hope 10 ding to Pcvraiii, whu hud given op the Idea of overtaking Hart by sbowlnK^ superior speed and endarance, kept up a uniform pace; and, althuufth hla hopcH werxi not realued, be easily kept Howard at a very respectable distance In the rear. Howard and Dublor werv within a few mllea of each oilier wbeu tJie day'a work waa henn by tbe latter, and, aa he waa looking liecter than be had shown up durlBfr tlie prrcedjng forty-vlclit h«>ura, and waa making ojod time over the aawduat, Uuward'n trainer cooslderetl It wise to bring bla man back to the track, which he did a Hew minutes bofore 1 A. M. Within an hour Fcgram, Allen. Uanwaker and WUllama returned to the path, and they were fol- lowed an hoar or ao later by Ilart and Krohne, ao that all were at It again. There were but a few hundred people In the Garden, and the prooeaaion around the tmd; \vaa any- thing but lively: bot the rivalry betweaa lluward aiid Dobler, and between AUen and Krohne. who were re- apectlvely atnvinfr for third and fourth placea, waa autU- cienttomake each put bla beat fout furward, and the* stmftKlebetweeu thcui eauaed the droway apecCators to woke up and occaalooallv enaiurage the contcarants with applauw. The fact that tbey bad entered upon tbe hut day of their prolonged tramp aerved to lo- fuae new lite mui all the cnmpetliora, and alter the ariiTnewt reaaltlnv from rrat worn oiT tbu oonadonaneaa that the end waa iluitapproachInK Lad the elftct of camilng them to step out more visitrously, and their countenancea to show fuwer traeea ofthe pbyaical aulterini; endured In a more or leaadlkiiw by all during tbe five preceding daya 1 did goo" — - - • - • .— came entitled by reaching tbe minimum standard will haruiy be auitlclent to mduce him ur bla frianda to waate another five hundred dollars in a vain attempt to win thousanda. Pegrnm waa the next withdrawal, Tscatlng tbe track at 9h. Im. Ua.. when he had tbe highly credltalde acore of AlSJi mllea, but wna yet nearly twen^ mllea b;;blDd Uan, whom at the aurt he e.xpresBed extreme confidence In hla aliUiiy to vannulah. Allen, after f^nrer- Ing the greatest dlKiancc done by any one of the men on ih? laat Jar. hade adleti to tbe pMih at Sh. 4m. l&a., hla rec- OTd being fi3A?tf miles, which, all thlnoacunsidfred, waa ex- oeedlnoly cood. and creditable to both lilra and hla coreAil. expcrlrnoed trainer, John h^aser. The next m »if whs Uovard at 0h. flm. 2S«., with the hie record of SSt^i mWe*. last MS tnllca more tnnn he made whenhetlnhihed next behlnn Murphy-^ performance which faithful and compe< tent Jack Oouldlng waa mlfbtily plcnanl with. Thai voung bot tough, gritty and amhUloua bit of stuff Dobler waa tho next man to withdraw, at 9h. 9m. flus.. havlngacored Ml mllea. a record, which, cumdderlna the dlahnutenlug dUadvantaaea and«X muxt be called aatonXhUig; and Krobne fbUowed him at 9)1. 11m.. with 616 mllea aa.hla flsnrea-not au goud by IS?i mllea aa he was credited whh oa the occaalot^ of Uie RoM-belt race, the fiUllng-off being atcrlbouble to the imnble he had with a rebeUioan atomach. This leR the winner «olltnr\' and alont* . and ho kept march liw on until the beta made un IUh accumplUhlm; fMifl mllea hod t>e«ndcddjd. and then. aArrwaUOnK nearty a lap with the diamond, (cold aud idlrer cliainplun belt c1aR)»ed amund his wali^, he stepped Into his tent, and the gra^tMt race in the annala of hmK-dlatance i»edva- trianlam waa over. Of course uprnarloua applause followed Bart aa he aped anmnd the ellipse tlie laat time 'and dUwppeared In hla tenu The hand then stmck up thu ancsextlve and apnroprtate air "Home. Sweet Home," and the wcll-plensed aasemblage lea the hulldinc: Tliewinner^ exact time of departure wna 9h. 2im. aua , or lUh. 24m. SOa. fTom the start. He could have easily maile two mlh*a more bcfbre the expiration of tlmr. and It UpTi.hable tha'.hsd he been closely pressed during the laat two d^, he could have addnqtweoty miles or more to bla acore, ao good waa bis condition at the doae of ao punlahlng a race. The gathering of epectatonion the closing evening waa not auliirge ai( on Friday night, when the final remit waa not yet irentrmlly reEarded na certain, while the acore up to three o'clock In the alter- noon of aSaturdav, ax published In the evening papcm. fallowed iuKt what the order of flnlahluK whs (mhig to lie. and, of course. leaM-ned public Intercut and af- fected the attrodance. However, emridcriti;? thct t^o huuni were from 10 a. u. till B.a) k x.. tho prea- ence of over nine thousand pavlne people muKt be looked npon aa an excellent dayV buaine*^ Aa aoon aa pfMnlble alter tlie pedeatriona bad dreased tbey left the tralldlng and repaired ti* hoiela or private real- deneea. where quarters had been provided fur them, and where they were properly cared lor and put to bed. Ilart. Penram, Howard, Allen and othera were out for an alriuK next day, and none of them felt much tbe worae for the labor they had performed during the week. Underneath we present a table ahowing the poaltlona or the first four menandthedlatanceaaccampUabed by them at the end of every hotir dnrlng the race: AU the men dla good work, the leader continuing m lira ah.aO of Broira^a great acutv. Uait cnmpletcU live bun. drrdmUeiatlk. mn. 46a.a.iL,aDdat8h. llin.a)a.ri!)|Tam reachMl the aame polDt — nearly lour bouia* dltTervnce In time, and yet tbe latter waa iIoIdr a nerlormance uo- e.)ualml In Anmlea. At IZ o'clock M, U.rt )ia«* Mmml BlSfl mllea and Pettram BI7 mllea. and ItwaaJuaC Sh. lOmJIK r. K. when tL« dfcom oa tbe blackboani were aitercii tu SAOftNT the fbrmer. Tbe people came earlier than uitual on tbladar, and In Krcaternuntbcra. tbere beloir enoucb prcMntln Uieailrtnoon tn quite nil tbe arau; but Uiere v«i« Tewer depanurea tbAn cnAomary aa the time Ibr HBatronomlr itlreabment drew nlgb, thoM who had pood Mata prcferrlnR to keep them. The api-ctatora MIy recoR. nlHd the inrnt of the work bcliv dune ty the mnjorlty ot tbe men on tlie track, and applauae waa cuntlnuooa, f^- quenlly Incrcaalnic In volume antu It reached the pro- ponlonioradeaJpnlnKroar. Vlaral Irtbotec In abonitanc were nerlvnl by the apry leader, wbUe Dobler waa llkewiM the recipient of nnmeroua ainillar tokenn fh>m thuMf whu aduilred hU .plmdld pluck and .jmpatblzwl With lilm on account of the mllfoitunr which luul deitmyod whatever chance be mlirht liaVe bad of wlnnlOK nrat honora. Although atill cndunnir much pain. b« wa. cwn- Bhlpnbli- iH-tter than be had been, and ncltement and i:Tlt buoying blm up, be did Mme fant walktnff and ninnlDg durlne tne afternoon and evenlnit. At 0b. S3m. 2M. Hurt placed blmnelf even with Blower Brown'a acore of US mllcA,butthe latter t<»nk ItOli. 2Din. to du that and 170 Y^K additional, wbereaa the wonderful colored yuutb •'id necoplvd hut IMi. Sbn. Mi. tbnii. It will be Men, ..nvlaf about an hour anil fotty-tlve mlnnten to .pare. The Bcene wblcb followed tiie placlni; ut the*, eacerly.walted fnr tiptru. on the blaekbuard bvsKnn dfUcrlplTun ; and an the champion ran around the track, cajrylng aloft an American flaffatCubed to tbe handle of anew hruum. a aturm iif applauw aruae rium the excited multitude, whu in a Ijody had rlMn l^m their aeata to iclve greater rurce tn the meamire of their enthaMaatlc demonHtrailnn, while Beot'K hand played appropriate muHlc wit b more than cua- tomaiT aplrtt. It waa a nupnfme momentlntbellfe nf "Black Dan," and bla eounienance beamed forth the prevloualy Inexpaileaced |ilea.ure widch It alTonled him. We Deeetwern tbe two racca, bot were Mooped by ireuUemen of tbe colored prr- inaaloo) by the excitement and enthnalaam rendered tkmll. tar to NaW'Vorkera at the aame place In tbe pan. Tbe uaual number of expenitve loiml pleoea were preaenled, chiefly byIadlea,iatbe]eaderandother lavorltea, the Ihnuer ahw recalTUic a iuel\J preaent In tba abape ol a handaome pair or Bboe% tbe aame being tbe tbouRtat/ld and ■pproptUte gift of Bryan MiSwyny, ahoemaker la O'Leaiy, flan and of the pedeaertan world. WJien he com. pleled hla IdOlb mile, about ataht o'clock, a lady threw an dessnt niL white and Mne aUk eaab over Hut'a ahoul- den, and he made two drculla of tbe eoune with It S"??*- beel and-toe, aa If he bad Jnat atnrted In a Dlle.tnoe, whUe tbe •dnilrinir crawd yelled and yeu^ mfin. The Umlt of timelraa 10:IB r. x., but It la eeldom that In competltloni ol thU deacrlp- tlon any one u Hmnd on the crack wltbln a half an hour or mon or the llxed doalng itor, and tbla the public havn eoma to uderatand ao thoranirbly that thoae who want to bo to at the deatSmake It a point to go early; conaeoDent- iTihe admUalon money wlSeb maybe loat tbroturh Uie auore of the conteatonia u> nntln on tb* tnck until tbe unoonced time Ibr the no* to terminate amountato uwe, ■niIaeonie«w»anoexoepUontotb«rulelntlili«- apaet, the Orat tn leave beInsfniiSama,at Ok «gm. Sa. r. a., with aacoreofKMrnUee, and at 8h. tfm. 5«»»*«r ««lred, with i^U** oppoalte hla luffla. ThJa man la not --cnt ou" a Ion«l£unca nde«tru£ .Hour. 1 Leaitr. ^iiooiid. 1 nim. 1 yburfA, Ilivt. 1 Sbi^Jt 1 Mi^xoa, villi. *n. n iiiuiTn^ rcsrom. 1 )Qa,Tda* 8 440 8 4.0 8 441) ^ MO Mclntyre. 10 OOU Faber. la 1 m 10 t,dBU 19 liSOl 15 ' J a (DO 21 i.lin 31 8W 21 440 Faber. ■ 28 4fO 27 1,540 tl on) 26 dftl 94 ia> 33 220 92 ],10U iSbler^ D 40 440 38 660 37 1,320 37 440 r 4« 440 43 C6D 43 220 Dobler. 42 880 Allen. 8 83 om 49 440 48 000 46 1.540 Wooda. 9 07 1.840 55 220 54 (DO 52 1,320 10 63 6G0 60 1,28) 90 440 68 (fti 11 68 1,100 66 (U) 64 1,100 63 1,10) 12 73 440 72 OOU 70 1,320 (2) 1,SA) 13 79 440 77 1,540 76 6A) 76 000 14 84 440 82 1,510 81 440 80 M) 14...:.... B) 210 88 1,540 87 440 84 2U U 98 880 Hart. 04 600 Faber, 92 880 88 230 IT 100 440 lOO OUO t8 880 n 4(0 18 108 440 103 1,3U ICS 000 OT 20 Uelntyre. U 109 1,540 108 440 108 290 lOU 1,610 Dobler. Faber. in lU 440 113 88D 113 220 106 4(0 21 12U 660 118 i,in) 118 000 109 RO s 128 220 123 660 121 UOO 113 660 23 12> 1,1U0 121 OOO 121 OOO 117 IW !M 131 (no 129 000 121 OU) 121 OUO 29 131 on 130 2!U m I.10O 121 OUO 26 135 1,840 134 2a) 127 890 12! OOU 27 140 1,510 138 1,510 131 860 127 UD a 145 860 \a 660 139 1,540 131 2U Dobler. Hart. 29 147 660 145 660 140 880 ISS 8X0 ai 151 1,100 147 1,^ 145 2U 139 OU) .11 136 220 153 220 149 fW 142 21) 32 160 880 175 I.IUI 19U 000 145 tSO Allen SI 164 880 lei 880 151 220 Allrii 147 1.5(0 Faber 34 168 1,100 lU £W 192 1,540 191 za) Mclnt)-re. 35 173 ODD 171 2jD 196 660 153 8SU 17T 220 175 8fO 158 1,510 W St.:::...: 181 440 179 I.IUO 1« OUO 160 1,100 ;ai ISS 220 183 1,100 167 25) la 1,320 ISO 440 180 tMI 171 660 171) 1 100 10 194 680 Halt. 194 E8U Dobler. 17& OU) 173 880 41 199 UD IW I,5<0 173 000 179 000 203 fBD 201 440 ^^"oob Allen 17V WO 43 207 660 207 20 IMI 660 1K3 440 44 211 1,320 211 880 ISU 1,320 18T IMD 218 660 ' 316 1,540 195 660 192 22U 4d 4T...'..... 319 1,100 198 UO IBS ItSO 224 MO 233 1,640 SU) 0(D 189 660 fo wa Mn **** 234 000 AUen. 200 290 2Ucl^**U0 234 000 Su^^oSi AUen. 4, i^ff^ OO 298 \JOD ttt l,su 3ns 1 100 giy> ^0 Ol OOU 33D t ™ 21U *440 2CB 1,510 Dobler. ' -fiar*L^ 51 ^9 ODD 213 440 208 440 343 220 242 1,540 23I MU 2I7 ^*44(j Hart. 217 660 £U '2S) fi5 248 440 247 880 2U M) 231 1 IID 230 1 320 87.. . 298 1,3V> *8HD yt^ *440 261 (U) 398 1,58) 340 440 231 »*o 00 360 OflO 1K3 1 wn 344 1,930 334 1 900 270 880 3Sa 2D 349 .440 ..a '(igo Allen. 61........ 274 66D 278 440 S3 880 243 1 5(0 379 220 277 (BO 257 120 248 *00O o 384 1,840 383 (BO- ... 1 MQ jn OD 388 6flD 985 LUD 66 . 2BB I,UD S9B 440 290 440 394 IJMO zn on) 278 ' 440 p jiiUrgj 57 (8 801 ' 1,1(D 306 880 S8 LSD SOB IJ30 in 440 m I.54D "^^^ m 70 an 1,5(0 313 i,sai 307 ao 311 OOO »T Lno SI jn 000 Si IJt4U 71 319 flBO 315 660 286 230 384 1,540 Dobler. 72 318 mo 315 880 399 ODD 284 1,540 73 318 8H) 315 880 399 OOO 384 1,5(0 74 318 880 815 1,100 Dobler. 299 000 184 1,940 Hut. 75 330 230 Dobler. 319 1.100 Han. 808 ao 388 880 TB 325 230 9M 1.100 30r 230 904 660 TT S» 440 328 440 310 1,320 B8 IW 78 334 440 838 440 316 1,540 SB no TB 337 000 330 1,100 SU 230 307 OD m Sll 680 338 440 324 4 SU) OUO 81 3(5 440 341 660 39 320 314 OUO « 349 440 348 120 333 440 318 '880 IB 333 ODD 311 ISO 336 1,100 338 1,320 313 ' 28) 84 JSC 410 395 1,540 SB 1,3a) » 360 1.510 380 l.SD 343 88U 331 440 Hart. Dobler. 88 365 290 365' 000 348 880 396 OOO 87 369 1.100 388 440 332 660 S» . 220 88 S74 000 S7t VO 398 330 348 000 88 379 UU 878 1,100 380 I,1U0 362 ODD 3M ODD 9a aa 28] 366 440 ta 000 51 em •I......:. 387 1,100 3B2 680 384 880 371 8B0 988 MO 373 1.5(0 388 1,540 S6 1,540 381 880 Sn 660 VI 680 •4 4U0 1,100 404 1,540 381 rao 383 20 SIB OU) as 901 BM) 387 29 318 OOO 96 :«B 160 391 880 381 2B SIS OU 97 406 U8 Pennn. 3B2 (DO Dobler. Dobler. 391 1,330 Peoiaui. 378 ' poo SO 408 IGS 394 1,320 392 un 377 000 » 407 220 387 440 SSJ 410 379 660 lUU 411 220 4U0 OUO 396 (O) 381 Ul) 101 415 OUU 402 M 401 000 386 1,5(0 KB 419 60) Pesnin. 4(» 60) Dnbler. 406 440 3W 1.8(0 im 424 410 411 no 410 ono .112 IM) IM 428 m 415 UU 413 i,aD 397 1,320 1U8 433 1,10) 420 OOU 416 60) 40Et 1,5(0 UK 438 1,320 424 l,10U 420 1,100 4U7 2W 1117 443 440 42>l 1,601 432 OOO '424 1,5(0 411 ZD 10) 447 1,320 4:St 2U 416 410 lis 452 440 436 8f4t 431 1,320 420 880 110 495 1,100 440 2U 434 tw 424 NO Ill 4«U 660 444 l.IUU 437 1,320 429 880 112 464 I,ICO 448 I.IUU 441 660 433 fM> lis 468 1,540 tm 1,510 445 660 437 1,540 114 m l,SU 496 660 449 (O) 441 660 lis 476 440 490 440 491 I,IUO 444 HU lie 480 660 4«3 660 493 OUO 448 (M) 117 484 29) 468 M 496 220 491 8W 118 487 1,540 470 000 499 880 «13 320 UU 491 \iua 473 OUO 460 OU) 493 2U ia> 4St 000 473 OUO 460 000 493 2D 121 4!)2 OUU 473 1100 462 440 451 1,100 LU lea OUU 474 I,1U0 4(U 8H) 498 i,sa> m 4!H 1,320 478 440 469 22U 462 8« 124 498 600 480 1,1(0 471 1,1(0 469 320 12S 602 440 485 ceo 475 440 473 1,5(1) 126 na 1,540 490 OOU 479 OUO 47H 880 Howard. Dobler. m UR 220 48S 220 «a 20 4S2 1,540 ia< 512 220 499 ZD 487 -m 487 ODD 129 516 660 iU4 HO 491 1,100 490 HU UU 520 1,540 6lH I,5M 495 1,5(0 494 660 i:ii 523 000 513 1,100 lU) 880 498 251 U2 538 I.IIJD BIT ino 900 N<0 too 880 Iffl 5:41 220 621 (ID tU7 1,100 BID 1,5(0 134 635 1,100 623 (M) 610 eKO 907 1,100 m 540 UDO 628 1,510 619 880 311 440 136 512 1.100 530 esu 520 ZO 914 1,5(0 137 546 1,540 534 440 512 660 618 1,S0 U» 5W 1,100 538 440 926 eso 521 660 139 554 va 688 8EU 929 23> 1 624 1^20 14V BOS 1,510 642 440 533 1,100 1 528 880 141 163 440 513 1,100 534 60) 59U mo 142 Ub 165 543 1.510 534 1,100 1 631 000 0*IUBL.E:R against ant TtVO ENG- USHMKN. The Mar perrormauee macle -by Fmnk-Hiut In the re- cent contest for tbe 0*Leary belt ad J AinexieAa ehvuplon* rthip, Mnil. coutderlncthcdrcamMuaceftln wblch he wan pIaclhI. tliv nruerlr lue meritorious aclilereninit of John Dobler, lintt lmpiv«5ttd'the men who brought both Into nmiiilneuec. Denlel ■ O^Leary. w xery CtTorably that he now ptopova to' ba^ -.(hem aa & team amUnct the twu hcFt peileAtrUna En^nd cnn pnxluce. wltn that Suri«if In rlew he'callnl atTUK c'*LirpRa ofAce oB*Hon- ay, April 12, aiMldepcfelted five htiitilrfil tlollar* with thu fuliouiDF chaUeose. tu whtdi thr uttvntlon of ChorlM Rowell uud Blower Brawaiilnvltetl: Nkv VOBK. Aprn t2,Wl Fr.\nk QrKEN, Esq.— iiear6'nTCtnnui of lu^ better that I have th(>tvo1iextlonjt-c1lHtanco Ru-ajt-vun pleMet>ede*trianii tu tbe world. I hereby clialleoffe anjr two men in EnplanU to ninkeamatch whh Frank Hart and John Dnbirr, U|>on tbefie condlilonii: the niHtch to be fur any snm that may Iw ainretl upon from teo tbouMoU (lolbimailiienpnarUK. thi' durMiltin wftheconriKt t(» bo l-C conmrcuiire himr*. and tn take plaec in Kew York City three luituthH from diite of (UKnImcartlcletioradTeement The diBllcnci' will remain open Air two mcmthft ttom d:i;e oT li^nie. A Witvr of ac- Ci-ptance. accompanied by Ave huodretl dolLin* tn cnver tluit auionnt now plnced hy me in your tiamt^ n iU rwelrc my Immcdlnte attention. Tlii.-r« are •ercnU men in EDfHiiod whu are cvDendly mppoHed tit be duperior t4i any on thin continent, and 1 tlieri'iDre cxiiecttoHce tliUcbal- leniee'promptly accepted. Yours respectluUy, Djlnill 0*Liurt. chai«i«bnok froai fabkr. Cbriji. Pabtrr of Newark, N. J.*, wbo waa n oatortonate aato bedlMbled early In the race for the 0*Leai7 belt last week, ban br du meaim hint cnnfldonce In hUnwlt, and that he Htill hna tricndit in abown by the appended cbaltenve to all wRlKent— a defl which aliould not be allowed lo paita by nnnotlced by Cbhrley llarrlman, (leonte nnyun. Fred Krobne and othera who claim npeclal excellence In tbla Hue At nport, aadhaveat dltferenl times expreveed their readlueM to nuke a match with anybodv ft>r a Unce amount, or engHKe In a oweepnlakcji with other pood men. If tbey. or any noe of them. In ofthe name mind now, tbey arc Dotldcd that we bold 91UU on accntmt of thia challenge: Kew Yurk. April 12. ItttU FraNR QrBKic, Esq.— I>e«r 51r^ I will maich Ohrhitian Fnber Hpilntct any man In the wnrlU to walk a unnre lieei- and toe 75-hourii or alx-day mutch, for any »ium iVom $1,(U> upwardK; ur. he nhall enter Into a aneepntakea race, each man deponltloe t3UI. the winner to Uke alL I am alao prv- i«rrd to match Faber to wallr flen. (Inxrm for either tHe , provided he will name Xew York City aa the place of cootesL Bald race t4^ take place ft-om forty to alxty daya from alfraatora ofarilcleiL I herewltJi place In your lianda one hundred dulUn, to be covercil by anyone willing to walk one or other of the matctaea here propoecd. Ucspcctftilly. Jam i» Bmitb. ROBINSON AND UeCARTHY. We now hold alt the money, one thoanand dnllara, for the Laneaahliv wreatllnjr match. bei4 of three backlklltt. Iwtween Frank RobioMn of Lawrence, Maiw,, and Owen McCarthy of Manayunk, Pa., the flnal depoalt. $230 from each. liaTlop* been^iada irond on Monday. April 12, Robin- nnn Mndin< hU ahare by exprewi and Xiwh Maklnnon com- Inir to New York with McCarthy'a. MakioHon alao lelt fifty dullftTA to pay Rnblonrn'M expennen, and, on provided for in tbe artlclea, wc will forwani that'amnuDt to the New- Eaclander by expretta on Tueaday. April IA The date ot wreatllDg haa been bruuRht fbrward tu Saturday, April 24. when the match will be decided at Induictrlal Alt Hell. Philadelphia, at H p. w. The men or their repreaeniatlTeii are to meet tlilH week and choose a final ktakehulder. to whom we will forward the atakea. McCarthy La eooflued to Iflnb, while RnblnM>n miiRt nnt exceed ISOb. Arthur ChambeTB wlU finlBh Roblniun^a trmlnloj;. The Cit\' Point t3lAS3.) Mosqitto Fleet h*i- t&elr annual Foster reg&tta April 8. Ten i5!lJ started, aud tbo prizes iverewon bv the foiint?!^ ^cratt: Flmt-claia. sport aAa-Roalya: secondnS?* Paui. Boytos cave aswlromtnrr exhibition ir. .k. Columbia (S. C.) tSnal April 5 lo a Uirre " roM^ Bpecta.torB. * ^^^^^ Of BASEBALL. OAMBB TP BE PIjATED. AprllUui<144. Dutakqa. <:blc.n;;n. .-it Dubuon. April 14, BonOQ \-K'J>8nmouih, ui Hn>ton AprU14, Unnil 17tClDelDnjilI w. XHili.iml. m rii>ri». . April 15, DDlvrnitTsrPeaa. tu, l^fnceinn, at rill April li. W «nd 17.}Chlcmm t«. Dobu.oi."nrtniiS^'''^ April 10, 1.ara.vctl<^.Tll. PiUiaiton, at Eastno. ApcU17. BmluD VK. IUmnl,'atB<»lnii "roouju. April 17, WomftiT TU Bnwn Onlverxliv. at April 17, KnIckiTbock.r v.. Buy City. nl(i«klniij??i"- April 17. Troy vit L-nluu ColKc ai Twv April Id, Ban F ninclw) v.. Baj- City, at'Saa Fraodsca KATIOIVAI. PSOVCDE^CE The mnui gnme lietv«cn the aboveunilifci -i' _ plnynl it WartilDBton. D. C, on April 9. £?a iSJil?.?^ iieattlHiclnocorilietlithtlilDnlDK. Derbi- nuJllW AiotUine Uil> unuon witli ib. SiitliniK taking fc"* ptaMlltriitlit flfld. The Satloo»l<.c.ro.^ tuSr °,SJ^"« twn rInKin each by Baktrr and PuwrlL A tclM tk^L?''* flrrt bueby >leCli:lI.n In tho «v™tl, iDnln^ .teft bMWH wcr« nlled and two men wera out, aKuirKJ •lUfSJ'^ Idcnw G r>y< to tie tbf wore. Dnmn ran hit. IMnfn'?- ttw drat Innlnir. and wan ummjitiy di-ddod out l^'ifc!""* Elr«. TheXationala oulUunl their opponeiiS iSf.l"- cuchlDRwervtheehlttrcatuiTMi. """"^ Eoyilet-, National, t. h.iih.iv.a.e. " McClellan.aa 4 0 U 2 2 1 Bukrr. c L.. 4 1 3 U U 0 PjwvII. lb... 4 I 2 » U U Un-by, r. r. . . 4 O I 0 0 I I.yuc^, p.... 4 I 1 U 6 1 llnbardt,2b. 4 U I S 3 I UIgnon, 1. r. 4 0 1 0 U 0 «'umi'r, 3b.. S U U 2 3 1 rinyder, e. . . 3 I 2 t 2 0 l>.riroii.r.r 4 I TS^t Stan, lb 4 I I S ° • lllne^ c L.. 4 llnw, c 4 Panvll. 2b.. 4 York.l. f.... 4 Ward, p 4 .Mc4lFa>T,3b. 4 Bndley, a. a. 4 S > < 4 I 0 0 s 5 } 0 0 ] 0 0 ? f V • » Totall>...S4 4I1MU SI T0tllU...3S 4 gji.TT Providence 0 0 1 1 o 0 . „ ' S'atliinal 3 0 II 0 U 0 I ^ Earned niD>— SatlonaJ, 4; ProTldeoce. L iw.,r^ bit.— Umm, Baker and ISnyder. Total ban aakk^T^ tionaL 13; Providence. ». KliMbaw onmonlSSt^V 1 : l^videnc*, t Paaied balla-Crow. 1 : Sajd^^fSS; bawon.balla— XaUonal, I; I^rtdtnce. 4.nSri5\Ii,,w* Ward.1. Koolultche—Lyncb, z. BolbicalW-SmLSJr IIB; onWardjS. Strikeii ealled-olT Li-ncra^lif^ lus; on warUtn. MnkmeaUMi— oiri,\-nch.n. v^vr",** 1& Umplrv, William McLean. Time. 2h. lOo. ' < Dorcan ruled oul fur ubstmctlngflelder. Tbe third oainii betweea tho National anUi?w iIonaLi tied the "core. Tho tmtli, clorent^ and tiieSl^ Innlnu-M retuilted in both nine, belut blaiik«l!b« l^^ thIrt««iUiOerhardtdtoTea liner to len^^ntitaiidw? ner. who had prevloariy mched woind. cau.« hol^ZSk the third aud vlnnin 0 W 7 M 4 79 7 HI 0 ID 3 76 0 ft! 1 m 1 73 0 KS U IS 0 94 1 73 6 81 T 71) 1 SI 4 K) 0 84 6 87 1 «B 2 TO 7 81 4 71 0 (0 31 79 3 73 0 £8 3 Total.. I3IO 0IIH.1 7ia34 Bi.wi n|.ia 31316 o;ao9 BI4B1 3 Hart . . Pegram . . . . Iloward Dobler Hart FeitTVn Howard.... Dobler TUTAL ACTUAL WALKI.SU TIME. lUU. Ul... Ml.. IM 4.1 02 108 43 U6 118 1st S3 Allen Krohne Wllllaina. . Hanwaker. . . 231k. 23ni. 094. . 32 18 13 . 31 Zl 19 ~ U7 17 TOTAL HESTISO TIME. IIWI. lis 42 116 41 113 34 39m. tat, Allen Krohne Winiama.. Uanwaker.. . SIA. 24a>. 4. . 27 14 IS . 24 04 IA .27 11 4« The total amount of money receivedlat the boi.oince, from the aale or66,4;vtlcketa at dlty cenuejich, and 44S balcony aeata at one dollar each extra, wa. t£t.<»i One- hairor thla amount waa given to the rtakeholder In tnut for the canteatanta, and MU harlnj; been deducted tnerelrom for aalary of roprearntatrrea appointed by them, we And the total amount to he dMdrd waa Sl3,941.ia This leaves the amonnt due to each of thoae eatltlcd to a share In Ihe proceeds aa follows: Hart. Si!FS/*v„'''K'j;'5' l?-^-^' ""ward. •1.7aa9; Dobler, 1871.34; Allen, $433.67: Krohne, S2I7.H3: WlllUma, •iijH.91 • Uanwaker, »M.4&. Hart alK receives (9,UUD In aweep. stakea money and tl.tlD extim for beating the reconl, mmk- inir hlH cajih rvtum tl6,97U.7&. He .Im wtam I the lecond sIx-diT belt now In bla pnaaeaaion. Co which b. haa the belt won In a T^bour ra«e In PmTt< denoe laat year. D. the belt, belof; — In ajdltlon , l!»0ORR«CT.— A correspondent at Troy, K. Y., wntea: •^Homeone has been vniilnir you IncDrreet sportJnn newa from Troy. Jimmy KUIotan, a clever fellow. Is a Tolunteer spnrt.mana«er at ai>ma of the pleolcm bat la not renrded aa an expert boxer or club-awlnner; nor does he leach the AthletleClnboraclaworinstltntaiitudenta. GenrwaBnse la mle lostiucior at Ihe A. C. Rymnaalum. Asaln. the S- P*^T dreamed ol auch a thinit aa leaalmr eltlier of tbe two borM.tracka In Lanslnaburs, nor do the tides ever flow over Centre Island, although a freahet ttiM to do ao every Bpring." HOUKC ya. ABMRniOiro.— The Mcond depoalt of SRS a aide for the tweniy-dve mUe walking matcHbetween Ed. C. Holske and T. II. Armstnina haa to b. mad. m* Turn currsR omce on or berors Friday, AprU 16, not laler than th>«e, o'clock p. a., and tbe third ud flnaTof «290a ridS U oalltxt Or on AprU 24, on which dau a Inal nakeholder and referee are la be chosen, and the placewhere It 1^ be contested moat be decided upon. 60th menai« now engaged In flltlng thenselres physically for Ibe ensonnUr poiTiAitwWiiniARjioE.— A8»TentyflT»-hoiir Ko-iiyoD' pleaae race tor «agO In money and i m«ui tobkBlam ai Amstetdan.N. T.. doalng AprU IOl Tbe tiS^Stilto and the medal, was won by Oeom Dnbnna irlo erwUtjdjrilh » mUe. In Tlhf.. UiK J oSSis oToSnJS MeoQd,278 mUe*: Daniel Mahoney third, nsmUa^N CampmHiiMth, and AlUiM toytgnfllUi. a^- O'liEARY IN THB FIELD. Daniel O'Leary la the promoter of a aerie* of pedestrian lournamentM or tlieHtyle now popular with toe pnbllc, which he Intends stvliut thmuRhnut tlie country durinjr tlie present year. Tbe fnltial event of the aeries will be held at tiie Rink lo BuiTalo, K. Y., cninmenclns; on Mon. dav, April 2ii, and cnnuludlnft on Saturday, May 1, and will bo a Mventy.cwo-hour (to. as-you -please contest, coiiipetitom to 'travel no more than twelvu hoorM dally, and the prixee will be aa follow: SOJO and O'Leanr championshlp meilnl to flrat, S3U) tn second, taoo to tblnl, $100 10 Iburtb, and $30 to fllth. Thew prlzet^ added to the reputation of the donor, ouplii in produce a oood fleld of CfuitestAiila; and all who desire to onmpeto are nutifled to IncJoM twenty-flve dollars to Daniel O'Leaiy, Uansion Iloune, BulTalo, K. Y., noi later than Saturday, April 24. Eutrles Will be l imited. WESTOX'd ATTExra to beat tlie record nf sLt days in>.as- you-plenHu pedvstrlanijun In Ban Francisa^ Cat, caiiie to an end April 10. It was a fiillure In all rwpevte, the attendance belnff very llfchc nod the |M*rformance pm- pnrtluiwtely pour, the dlntance covered belnir but S6B iiillcs. Vertl^ ia said to have been the cause of tbla light score. J. If. IfAVKRLT'fl flrat pedestrian tournament l>ecai^ - •■ - - ■ 1 ft, and AQUATIC. Satioxal. t. Oerhardt, 2t>. t McC|-il'n.a.s. s Powell, littb. t Baker, c C. S Dlgnnn, L t . & Rnyder, c. . . . S Warner, 3d b B Lynch, p 3. Derb}-, r. C. ft II.1B.W>.A.S. 0 15 3 0 14 0 I 14 I 3 1 0 0 16 U 0 U 0 1 a Dorinn, r. c 6 Ktatt, iKt-b.. s Ulne«,2dbL. 6 Uros.% c 6 Farvell, c r. S York, If.... 6 Ward, p s MctieaiT,3b. s Bradley, a.a. 3 0 0 0 I 1 17 0 0 I 7 3 1 I I I 1 0 0 • 1 7 1 4 1 Total... ..4d 3 9 39 20 7 Tetals. ..51 2 9 3111 T Providence.. 0 I 0000 1 OOOOU 0^ National 000010001000 'u Two.bajie liitH— Crosa,. Total b.-ues— National, 10: Pibv- Idence. 9. First base on errors— National, 3; PnvldeKt. Lett on baaea— National, 6; Pmvldcnre, 9. Doabls- plars— McClellan, Cerh.rdt, andPuveU: Bradley, llhua. anil Klait. Balh< called— on Lynch, K7; on Ward, t£ strikes culled— olf Lynch, 24; olf WaiiL 21 I'molle WilUam McLean. Tbue, 2li. Um. ^-r-^. ATllLinir. T. 34aMun, li«t b ft Wuilers, c r. 3 Myeni, >. i.. 5 Liir.3db ... 4 Waittr. r... 4 Kuliuer, 2b.. 4 Banker, p... 4 Carrull, c 4 ItlKhnni, L t 4 R. B.ra.A.c. u u 1 2 1 ft 0 II 4 « 4 4 2 11 0 7 Totals. ..39 4 4 27 12 441 „ First base by erroni— Athletic, H. Earned ran.— I*rlauto to be under thesarae govern, ment, tlioufch with sepante otSeecm. Capt. Stile, aalird hla new yacht ap trom Kew York last week. There ar* Sltccn great and iiicdiom sidllMMta on tbe State dam. Tne new bridae at LaoMlnaburg wUl allow a 2£-feot stick to pass under it at hiw water. FRKD A. Plaihteo called to sce 01 on Honday, April 12. ftcsb frt>m the Crescent City, where, he aaya, he was most hoaplubly trested. Plahitnd Inlbrms us that be wUI be a s;aner In the big race 10 lake place on the Seekonk River, Rhode laland. In June, and he expects lo get a piece of tbat GsoROB Favikxsr, the widely.knnwn oaraman of Boa- ton. Mass., was In the metropvlla last week. In company witb Wallsce lUisa. They calculated to remain a few d.tys. and may be here now. Tui CoLriiRiAK Boat Clvb waa oisaalied hi Washing- ton, U. C. April la . — . A DOiTBLB-scL'LL RACK, for S300 aside. 3K mllea, with a tnm, will be rowed at Victoria, B. C, AprU 24, between Fred Smith and Tom Flanders of Han Francisco, CalM.and Wm. Cotsfurd and Wdl Clark Of victoria. 'They are to row In light pleasnre- Iraats 22ft. long. Should Victoria win, Cotafotd who Is champion sculler of Urttlsh Colombia, will again cballense Uan Leahy ot San Fnnclsco, to row three miles In May next, Ibr $1,000 a side. THE SOtTTH Camdkn (N. J.) Tacbt Club last wcck elected the following officers; Commodore, Wm. Harper; vice-commodore, Joseph Wroth; rear-com- modore, John R. Conktln; secreury, wm. Davis; treasurer, Jacob Ooang. The boats owned by the clnb number thirty-one and measure from flheen to twenty-su fbet In length. Tbe club's lint race this season will be held May IT. Tbb Ooukcil of tbe Virolnla Amateur Oarsmen's Association have fixed Jiuy sfor the second annual regatta, to be held on the Rappahannock, at Fred- ericksburg, Va. Crews from other States will be Invited to contest In the races. THB HiLLBDALBRowiNaCLimorHI]l8dale,iaah. have promised to send their four-oared crew to the coming SL John R. C iMatta at New Orleans, and the Cohoes (N. T.) Boat Club wUl lie represented In tbe fonr-oared and elngte-ecnll races, William Hobkat, the chBmpion Junior acnller, will be sent l>y the EUaabeth Boat Vlob of Ports- mouth, Vs., as their representative at the St. John Rowing Clnb regatta. New Orleano. thx soHirrLKiLL Navt have decided to tiold their nnnai ieg»t(a Joae U. ATULCTIU T. B. ll.ro.A.C. Mason, lb... ft 1 I IS U IS 4 4 4 4 WalU-n, c. r.. FnUiler, 2b. . Myers, p Lulf, s. s Barber, 3b... Walit,L C... rttiull, c... Cox, r. r. — 0 « 3 3 3 0 0 1 10 0 0 prixct.x u. - DutSeld, r. C ft Worrvn. a a. 3 Hammill,2b. S llurton. I. f.. 3 Cutu, 3b 8 McCnne, a 1 ft Hcbeoek. e. . a Wlntun, lb. . 5 Axcber, p. . . . 3 Totals... J7 4 9Z7 1RIC T. a. B.rD-t.c. BUOTU.t. Jones. 1. r. JasO'R'ke.rfS JnoO'R'ke,ct 6 p.t.rt »>-■. ' MonlU, 3b.. Brown, c, . . Bnrdoek, >b, Bond, pi — Button, as. T. B. 6 4 R. ro.A.c. 2 2 0 3 4 ft 1 0 1 3 12 0 3 1 } ! S'« ft 2 7 0 10 2 s 3 2 7 1 S 1 8 » 2 2 113 ToUll.. Boston Harvard., dge.flpe 1 HaR' . Coolldge, Rhattnck, p. 6 Macollar, aa S NIcholiL c. r. ft Polaam, ■ IUchBrds>n,e. ft Fearing, r. I. S Burt, lb ft Brlsuiade,Lt 3 0 11 2 2 WuRCiaiTER. T. Stnvcy, 1. f . . ft Knl(:ht,2db. ft Whitney, 3b. ft Irwin, as... 8 tsulllvan, lb. ft Bushong, c. . 3 Nichols, p... ft Mann, c f. . . 5 UattlI^^. r. ft B. PO.A.O. 2 12 0 2 3 13 3 6 0 0 U 4 4 I I 4 6 3 13 0 14 3 4 4 9 12 7 110 2 110 1 UROWM. . Mcader. r, f. 4 U Richmnno.l.f 4 tl White. I.t b. 4 u ar.r'ae,c.A4 0 WInsl'w, 2b,c 4 0 Ladd.3il b.. 4 u Rose, e. f . . . . 3 0 J. Greene, p. 3 0 PRIRCETON VBilV. wa. ATHI^ETIC. A stromr professions I nln« from PhlUdelpbla. Pa., plar. ■ Ing under tbe name of the Albletlcs, visited rrincttou, S J., on April rand lOL for the parpof«e of placing tho Prince, ton University nlue. lYom tbe score of the two garnet which we Hive beluw.lt will be seen ihatuich nine was credited with a victory. Our curTeapondeni bas ncclectcd-* tu give the runs made In each Inning. PRIXCKT'XU.T. R. B.PO.A.C Dutdeld, r. f. It I 3 0 0 I Warnrn. s.a.403124 llammlll.2b. 4 0 I 4 6 10 VanDyke.I.L 4 110 0 0 Rutts.3d b. . 4 0 1 2 2 T McCune, aC4032I3 Scbenck, c. 4 U 0 ft I 7 WIntuu. Istb4 0 013 I 14 Ait:ber, p.... 4 1 0 6 2 7 Totals... 37 3 10 27 16 63 1, 2. Donble-plays— McCune and 8chenck. Two-ban JM — Dutlield. Wsrren. McCune. Threv-base hit — Vita Dyke. Umpire, Mr. Brown of IMnceton. Time, 2h. lOm. 3 4 S 3 6 0 1 1 7 3 C 2 U 0 g a 9 Tutals....4S II u V n S7 Btruck out— Athletic, C; Princeton. 1. Thtm-base-hlUk- Dndleid. lIsmmllL First base by enors— Athletic, 6; Pnncelon, 3. Earned rails— Prineton, '2: I^mplie, Hr. Blown uf the Princeton Chib. Time, Ih. Um. — ; > 4»l I BOSTOH t: HAIfVAIU}. The Bostons easily defeated the Harvard University team on April 10 at Boston. Masa. The game was notable fur hard hitting and poor flHiiing, Home-runs were made by Jones, tihattuck and Matnllar. the latter professional being a substitute on tbe ouiuglaiw' side. Bnrdoek and ' James O'Rourke did by fiir the best batting of tbe eontert, the former making a safe hit eTefTtlmebewMtoihs baj. Sente: _ ▼ '. m B>a.A.c ~ u 3 ft 10 6 11 1 3 . 0 S 1 -O 1 1 o- 0 7 0 0 1 13 0 3 MZISZ714U TotalS...4SI0103tI4B .. 4ftl20SOS O-B . .10031301 1-10 Earned mrs Boston, 4; Harrard, 1. Two-base htta— Jones (2), James O'Rourke, Burdock, Mchola. Borne- runs— Bmwn. HaeuUar, BhaUnek. First base on balls— Brown. First base on errara-Boston. 9: Harrard, 9. Struck oat— Boston,2; Harrard, 4. Bails caned— on Mcai!. 87; on shattnck, IOl. Strikes called— off Bond, ftl: on Shattnck. 44. I>ouble.plays— Harvard. 3. Paiaed bslla— Brown, 2: FoUom. 2: Rlcbardsoii, L WUd pltch-Sbat- tnck, I. Umpire, Powera. Time, 2h. 3&m. WORCESTBK wa. BROWH 8ITT. The Worcesiers shut out the Brawn University nine hi a game played at Worc«»tar, Hass., on April 10, In the pres- ence or abuut 400 spectators. Rlchmnnd made three of ths four safe hits eiedlled to the cuUeglaos, and Dilta short . stopped brilllsotly. Th« professlunala weiv wttbont tbe services of Creamer and Bennett. Score: R. rl ra.ji.c. 0102 3 3 0 3 0 II 0 II 1 4 I 7 0 2 3 6 0 2 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 B Ditto, a. s.... 3 0 0 ft 6 12 TaUls...4» IS H 27 It 62 TolaU.. .3} 0 4 27 IS 92 . Worcoler 13700003 0-IS Brown 0 00O0OOOt>-» Earned ran— Woreester, I, Two-base hit— Knight. Fine base on balls— Knight, Irwio. First hnse on tii i u a W or- n-ster, ft; Brown. 2. Struck mit— Stovay, Irwin, Mana, . White. Lsdd (2). Rose, Dilts. Balla caUed-on Kkbola, SB; Ureene, HE. Strikes called— oR' Klehols. IS: Oreene. 17. Passed balls— BushonK. 1: nraene, 3; Wlnslow, 3. Wild pitctt— Oreene. Umpire, Henry Murphy. Time, 21i. ftm. 1 K> I BABEBAUs ROTB8. Morgan O. Btilkeley. who waa imanlmoosly elected pres- ident and director of tbe League when It was organlisd. on Feb. 2. 1676. and wbo bad prerUxuly been (br aereial years tbe leading snpporter of baseball In HartCnd, Ct, ■ was Isst week elected Mayor of that ei^bya maloiirr that proved hlsdedded popularity. H.^nis, a nnee w^ known pnfessAnal player, has been engaged In Mr. ■ Bulkeley's olBoe Ibr MVerml years Faio-day CAprtt9 was cenerally observed throughout Massadiosetu, the Brookllnes defeating tbe Alert, at Brookllne by a score of 23 •..> 9, the Beacons of Boston heating Uie Cayennai of Dorcliester on the laltera' gvnoiMl by 36 to L and tbe Oca. ' Worths scoring 12 to a picked nine's 1 st-Slonebam Lapliam ol last year's Dubuimes wUl play Ont base lor tba Adrian (MIcb.) Clnb thla year KalisMny tbe plldMT deldes that he has retired from professional playing Tho Clndnnatls' sahirj'.llat Ibr IIMI amounts to 111,730 The Dubuqnes are bonked to ploy five ftamea with the Cbicmgns this week Rom Partice, who led the bai- ling kve ages of tbe country (nr four seasons, snd had tbe . liest fielding average at second base Oir six aeasooa Is iW rT^ldlng In Kansas City, Mn., where It is probable tbat ha will uianaae anloe this acason Crmne haa been elected . captain of tbe BadUoa, who play three opening games this week sgalnst a picked nine. Poorman and EMer- hrook will pitch and Catch for tlie Buflslos In the flfit game, then MeOnnnlgte and Howe, and In tbe third gsn* hadboum and Cmwiry will be substituted aa the pltchcv snd catcher The Albanys ommeiKe' a trip on ApiU ax playing the Boston, Harvard, Tale, Providence and Wor- cester, and eiMllnw with tite Huuitns at Bpringfleld Leaiy ofthe Bay City Clnb ofRan Ftandseo, Cal., was ei- DelledMareh 21
o.ltu>n'> on thY l>aU.SWd.bax«s altenraida reinstated un the payment ofaflneoftua. Thit hi a rather eosUy lesaim .The Bsseball Xanoal PnbUsh. log Company of CleveUnd.O.. and Clayton A Co. ofChu- ao, IIL, baTelust Issuud schedules of the League ehsmploll- shlp games, the neatest works of tbe kind we have yet Mco. besides being In pocket-form A veiT singular ome was pUyed at hew Oricans, Ia, on April 4, five weU-known Kott' ■ - ■■ ■ ■ -■— utlbera proliwalonals then deleaung the colored ebsm- plonsoftbstcltyby a score of 1710 3. Keefe pitched, Be» nett caught. Siilllvan played first base, and Creamer sM Wood filled between them tbe other six positions Bo. - WUIiamsonot theChlcaguscDntemplaie* returning toSaa Praocisco at the dose ol the League champlonsblp masoi, with tbe Intention of making that city bis home. He bar been promlsMl the management of a club lo San Ftsn- clKo for next season The darks and Cmc^ Clnb. ofXew Orleans played a ten-Innings game 00 Aptft 4. tbe former winning by 12to 10 The ProvWeece Jr. Club Rcenily elected tbefollowlnitodlceia: PiesMent,*. L. Wood; Tice-preahleni. L. Rlchuidson: secnsarr.w- »- Perrtn; treasurer, O. P. Dean; captain, ClilT Seaeiart- Tbelr nine will be as Allows: Rkhsrdsun, cateb»r: Pefiu, Blleher; SeagrsTr, JetTen and Bagley on the bases; n- ngbast, sburt-stop; and Rliudes, Dean and Moore In th» outfield Tbe members of the Troy Atbleilc Clobcoa- tempUtcor^lxlnga baseball nUie Dave Egglcrisst present residing hi tlnlTalu, wberw he ulks of Incatlngpsr- manently Sumigate Alexander Uagner of errisol» of thai city teUllve 10 plajloff baseball im vacant lots, aa* thereby gives the youug tut1l-Tu,wrs a chance Troya have decided oa the fiillawlng uniform: Wbltasapr nel panu and abirt, with a blue curd running atoann the breast ol the shin, forming a ghlcid, in the cen- tre of which will be the wora "Troy" In blue letli»|a while cap Btirmounted with a blue button, and a bms belt and blue stockings. The opening game is as- uuunced for April 17, when tho TTuys will meet IB» nine of Union College of Schenectady. K. V..-— •• Dunlap waa recently married to a yoonc lady of Albanjv jr. v., and wllh hla wue baa gone to acveland, O.. wh«J he plays thla seaaon Jim VTblte, Oeorge Wright asa Boss Barnes have all ptactleally retired from bal]-pl*y»f ■ In the thlrteen-lnnbig game between tbe rn>n; dence and KaUonal ClutM, the former, havUig broken au thAr bats, borrowed one ttom their opponents siter tn. eighth Inuhig, and naed It In defeating them, bensur Bunislde waa among the apectatora, and bad the pleasoi*' of seeing bla borne clnb deleated Chlogo aM Beaton eontlnue to Indulge In mnd-thnwlng In reUluoD the Beala matter Powers, the estcher ofthe Bosl« nine, broke one of the flnger-jolnu of bis right hand oa Aprd a, and WUl be disabled tram actne duty Bw a wbSJ- Thla bi imlbrtanate, aa Bnwn lasaldtobennableto thte^ ......A keen Boalon reporter has discureted Ihetsetug tbe new League ralea ifo not pnride any penally for a on the part ot the pitcher. Fool balka are ptoridsd orr bnt none other s. Tbe UmoR Ball aaooTroa— The openug match of iM" season on the Union Onnnds, Brooklyn, will occnr* Satnrday, April 17. at 3 r. when a conte«t»'»3I picked proftaslonsi nines will take place. From most ot tbe new Brooklyn nine wlU besZlectad. and n* foUowing week tbe Utter will take the fleld la uslH"^ prepared to play aU loctt or vislUng nkif*. ^RIL 17, 1880. O IFL O X_. I 27 'irTvRDtS v«. ATI EJfCUSHMAjr. we niccivol from captain Boganlns a 1^ hoDcl for Sl.ooo. which shows that be t;"""' f ,r the speedy raUflcnUon or the match Flic Hiuion has negotiated wltU Urn uli'-^JSmniUuianreslUlDSln St. Lonlft. Mo. rfjjOSU * g'""'- ClllCAOii, Iiu, April 6. IPSO. „.rr-c r«o — IVar Wr; iDCtuced And SUOB) to f»'.'^,?:.ul.■N■t;v.^•n mcandths EncUihiDMl. SSJU M (a: il ' "', ,1., ..rhcr Saw r..r liw »X|>eiiMii. I r»iiulre Wm July 10, ^'""^"m 'iSnn. •nnTBi-N was contended for at Bergen Point, *,'?„riiT cacli conteaiont flrlnB at ten birds, ''■•'v.iv. A-U Lone bland rules, and W. Unibam MaliLv ticim: on elitht birds. In snooting *^,ttie MaltKy secured the gun, ''^ - \l-»?UIVCTON ARTIIXEBT Ct^P WE-S BhOt lOr ,1 N'" „j.,1.>rxT"> Ki-,-j||---^||^-j— t: r?,.„ Ml a>ft d... wm.- won hy tlio Serenth , V J M.. n-tc•Ten^ and iLc Cartrldur ■r^ jifl J-i-'. "'"■S" ^ 7, I'liBiTlN*; w':i-'* in ordiTatrroedmoor, L. I., April ^I'i'iiw J'-i't-''^''*-*" coiiunoncwl wlth a coo. 111-. ■'S^r urlcanit. La.. April 4, each man flrlng Are •• ^ u -Tr "OOviK and M many at SOQyds., and Elvv S*Ipii wlnnlns with a store of 40. ^riTSTiiN KirLF.-K.ixiiK. CamdCD, N. J., waa opened It.'miii^'in siiu^;un. rtX), 9i>)and 1,10) yard^, . .,1 t-.tfit rtin;;f. F. II. lldlron wnj* the top. j' «.nninL-« llh II'J piiint.« out ol 4!S pOMible. An .'j^;", ,„.IM.;ual i.li," llW, ao, axijUi., wa< wun by ■^H.' i-.,l>U»'i"«'<'t"''^ -^ATRICAL RECORD. DRAMATIC. Coniiiiurd from pagf 31. i^rpn MiKriiY iicsan an engagement at the ■ .tWatrc. rhIiailclpUla, Aprils, In -Keny Cow,'' 'i. 1, foriiifl 111': •>"! for tbe week. Attendance ' 1 n'f Tliii Trazudlans of Kalamazoo open ^'i'l' in ••"iir Scliool4lays." • It seems settled '",1 ilat tlil> ilitatre will be controlled ne.\t pea.«on I 9 ircll-Ki>"^"> I'liiladelptila caplUkllat, who has Lnlarfl'' interested In U since the time when It ^tnil'(iiamc:eon-Ilke. from a minstrel hall to a ' miie ofTlK-splH, hut who, Ijeing engnsed In other , illil unr wlHh his connection with thentrlc- * 10 1« luade public. lie wlU have as a partner Vsrr nc<>. K. ciKMlwIn. his present one, or some ':^r iiiyiH:la>.~ manager, wbo will make the con- m K w'lih slant and combinations, and whose „.|)i lie used as the lessee and manager's. T^Tn>y John Dunne and Emilc Ames, Is ibr altraclion at the Chestnut Mr. Haley of and West, who has liecn conflned In the Sls- ir-.°'llu.:nit:il sulTerlnj: with a fractured shoulder, 01*1 by falllnit through a trap while pLiylng In Tic Km tianted Mine,' Is fust recovering, and will rer-ive a Irenellt nt the Grand Ccutral shortly TK'c>'ll.''eiiiu will n-'Kpened shortly by Messrs. forrh 4 Caddlgun with u variety troupe from the Ei-L"' j(f. M. IlESSETT, o-.vner of the Philadelphia prop- (iiT uiiill recently known as Fo.x's Standard Thcu- m TiHue Inlervlewert by a CLirPEB correspondent oj'tnril 10. said: "All the sMrles published by the riiLiileliilila paiicrs uinmt niy baving leased the itrnitv to lliiverly, or nbnut negotiations pending MsM-n liiin anil nivself with rennrJ to makln>r ■br fniiit portion of the building a storr higher, are KtullT wliliniii fuiiiidatlnn. I have positively de- ('4..rniii 10 lent the liulliling to Mr. Haverly nor lirone cI.'m.'. The propeny Is only for sole, not for rcEi: and I shall ulluw It tu remain Just ns It Ls till I cju sell it. no matter how long a period may i^jiHo lA fiire that event." ylT. STk-TKtiN announces elsewhere his new play ••RfniucV," written hv J. J. MctHoskey, and puLs II tirwani as a piece of more than usual merit. lie n'jis in lluston, Mass.. April VI. and throngh the Ei^vivk of le, opening In Chicago, IIL, 26. He
iiLLiE UiNTO.N', the talented child vocalist and aMiTn Russell Intends starring next season In a drama, written expressly for him. entitled "blnwood Folks, or Connecticnt Conntir Ufe," ssd he will be supported by bis own combination, o( vblch Fred C. Uerger Is to be the manager, J. W. Lancrgan stage-manager, and W. W. Kowler aronL .Vanageru desiring to arruoge time are re- IctTCil to the advertisement. J. W. SHANNON'S COSUBT-DRAKA "A Golden Came, or Spiders and Fly," with the author and Oeo. K. Edcson Id leading roles, sapportetl by a well- roDsiltuted dramatic company, will be on the road Uie coming season, nnder the management of AV, F.Sinn, manager of the Park Theatre, Brooklyn, N. V. The printing Is said to be especially One, and tlw play to be an aitiavtlve one. Dates con be ar- taoiRd. See card. .V.NN1E Fox, Juveniles, advertises her address In Uiis Usue. IDed B. Malcoh. bnrlesqoe artist and female impcr»)oator, has closed his engagement with the "l-iloo'' Ilnrlesqae Troupe, and advertises that be can l>e engoged after April 19. TouHY AoAMs publishes a card stating that a hil.r caHlng herself Jessie Adams Is not his wife. niLL GiLLBTTE In "The rrufessur" was the at- ■nction at the Grand Opera-house, Milwaukee, Vu.. the paHt week. Business liiir. Announced Ul9. 'JO, 21, E. A, Sothern. All Gray, supported by the Watkins Comblna- ■ioa. vlU perform in Flint. Mich., April 12, 13, East sainaw 14. 16, Bay City 16, IT, Cairo 19, 20. Tto LA0IE3 for burlesque — soprano and alto slng- f^i-A comedian wbo can sing bass, and a leader of DTrbcsira are wanted us per card. BraroN Adaus, with Milton Nobles' Comedy C,',eipany. hns been awarded the contiuct to fur- Dblilhe dramatic companv for the Summer season Memorial Hall, Katlonal Soldiers' Home, Day. toa. u. He publishes his address In another col ""no for those who may wish to correspond ulth lia in reimrd to engagements. Dm Giuus." oue of the plays In Miss Marian KnidaaQt-s repertory, and in which she has often >l>l«retl. is not open for appropriation, but is a •"P.Tlithted piece; and In an advertisement she ^aiM ibai she will use all lawmi means to protect D from piratical attacks from wotild-t>e dramatists Ud OIlllTS. Is Ui.vNEAFOLis, Minn.. "The Galley Slave" Com- nuiiou pkiyed a successfbl engagement Aprils, a, ^In Ibe Academy of Uo-slc John McCuUongh opeart S In "Virginias" to a crowded honse. The fwreliant of Venice" was to have been given 9, Joe Gladiator" 10, and "Jollns Ciesar" at the "•■"ee At the MetropoUtan Theatre "Romeo udjuiiec" WOK repeated «, with good effect. Mr, appeared in '-Kip Van Winkle" 7, 8, "Es- •njed" 9. 10. ^ •^N EVOTiONAi. DRA^A for a lady Star Is adver- «•! for sale by "Journalist.'' ScLLE A.ND Jaues M. GILBERT bave bccome "'yriies both at DeadirooU and LeadvUle, CoL, iwir Impersonations In the drama of ''Jessie trnvrn" DiectlDg with especial favor. The press of ^wJi ibwm are full ofpnuse of their pcrfunnances, « vill b( t,- extracts published In another ■•narniient. *"TOE Academy op Music, BalThlo. y. T., com- aeocioK April 6, fur Ave nights and a matinee, the *jnic Ward Timiny Comlilnatlon plaved "The "w-sttaier'' to Cilr business. They open In Lock- rl^ir "'■■^ 13, 14: Ideal Opera Company, and '3" fest of the week '-Fnn on the BristoU" 5. S'",*'-*'-"^'' Slate" CoMBiKATios played In nnP"'- -^''un., AprU 8, 9, 10, and are due in Wl. moi i'ubiiiiuc. la,, 13, Davenport 14, Kock J^Jiij.. 111., 15, cedar Haplds, la., 16, MarshaU- toa"!!* Stetexs. who closed his season In Bos- a rifJ";''*-- presented his agent, Dave Peyser, wltli com^?"^ l>AviD.soN- has engaged the foBowIng iii^'l °J '^^sopport him In his new drama en- FA>-j.-r Datespobt made her Urst appearance In WUllamsbuTg, X. Y., on April 6. when she com- menced a week's engngemeut at the Novelty Thea- tre, and proved to be one of the most attractive stats that the managers have presented this sea- son, Btandlng-room being in demand at every per- formance. As Mattel Kenlrew In "Pique"'— the piece produced— MlBS Davenport fbond ample op- portunity for the display of uer talents as an act- re.ss, and also for the dlsphiy of some expensive toi- lets. Her succers In both directions merited the applause with which she was greeted. The com- pany traveling with her render very efflclent sup- port, and Measrs. Theall Jc WlUlams performed their part well by giving the plav a handsome smge-eettlng. Utss Davenport end compaiiy go to Uaverly's Brtraklyn Theatre, and Lawrence Barrett and company appear at the Kovelty this week In '-Hamlet," "KlchcUen," "David Garrick" and;-The Merchant of Venice." AN ORIOIXAL TKMPEBANCB SRASCA Is nOtlCCd In our advertising department It Is stated to tie the work of a Kentucky poet and novelist, and is to be performed under the an.iplce3 of temperaore socle- tles. Special Inducements arc offered. A dramatic company, vocalists, orchestra and comet Imnd are furnished, and the entertainment goes on the road In September. Some of the features announced are haudsome costnming, striking spectacular effects, and attractive music. The cast Is not yet com- pleted. Specialty people are also wanted. Sec curd. Abbey's "Hdujtty Dujutv" and Spanish Stu- dents' Company has won a place as one of the most Buccessltil traveling combinations out this season;. Excellent business has greeted them from thestarv last December, and the cntertulnmcni they give bos so many attractlvo clemenu In It, and 1m brought to the attention of the public In so liberal a manner, that we do not doubt tbat they will have a long lease of public favor. Through the country they ore uiectiug with a repetition of the New York verdict of success. ABBEY i, lliCKEY's "Humpty Dumpty" and Spanish Students drew Immense audiences to the Luland Opera-house, Albany, N. Y.. since April 8. wrote our cnrre.'^ndcnt on the loib, addin;: '-This organization is Che largest and most complete of Its kind ever seen here, white the entertainment fur- nished was Ineveiy way worthy of the large patron- age liestowed on ft. The Spanish Students scored a success, and are a very attractive feature. Route: Utica 12, Scranlon, Pa., 13. Wllkesbarre 14. Eastou 16, Trenton, K. J.. 16, Newark IT, Fblladelplila 19. for two weeks. The Leland remains closed the first three nights of the coming week. J. Florence and wife appear IS, 18, 17." THE Tragedians op Kalamazoo in "Oar School- days" begin a week's engagement at the Grand Opera-honse, IndlanapollH, Ind., April 5. and, says onr correspondent, "a fairly good audience was present. ThereaRer, however, the patronage ruled moderate only, neither the piece nor the manner of Its presentation fulfilling the expectations of the polillc. Abont the only redeeming features of the entenainment are the Introduced specialties of UoB BmDo, the singing of Louise Dempsey. and the vivacious acting of Gertie Graavllle. E. M. Gotthold Is the manager The Grand will be closed week of 12 It Is said that Alonzo Schwartz and Louise Dempsey of the Tragedians are aliout to enterlnto a matrimonial union. . . .Jas. B. and Geo. A. DlclLson. nianagetsof theatrical Inter- ests here, returned s from Detroit. Mich., where tUcy perfected a partnership with Joseph W, Brooks and S. M. Ulckey, the object of which Is to control a circuit of considerable uiagnltnde for next season The Pallas Theatre, Columbus, Ind., burned some time ago, Is being rebuilt Col. R. J. Fllklns will, it Is said, rejoin Haverly next month, and go to Europe In quest of novel- ties." KiCBMOND & Vox BoviE's COMPANY appeared in the Comstock Opera-house, Columbus, O., April 9, In "Our Candidate,*' uhio at matinee 10. and in their own version of "Doctor Klnus" at niglit, to large andlences Chas. .MunniL stage-carpenter has left the Grand Opera-house for Kansas Cltv. Mo., and George V. Snider lias been appointed In his phice. TnE Wilkinsons arc to pcrfonn "Uncle Tom's Cabin" In Big Rapids. Mich.. April 12, CedarSprings 13, Holland 14, Itangor is. So. Haven 16. .St. Jnsisph IT. lliisliicBS Is reported large. Mr. Wilkinson writes: "By the late lire at Searlc's printlngoince In Boston. .Mu:»a., I was a serious loser. All the cuts, blocks, clcctroiypes. etc., that I own, being ■'i:c accumulation of many' years, are destroyed, to- gether with a large stuck ot printing. Loss prob- ably $I,2aa" JouN McCci.LOFon opened In St Paul. Minn., April 6 In "Vlrginlns," and performed In "The Mer- chant of Venice" and "Katharine and Petrnchio" 7. "The Honeymoon" at the matinee and "The Gladiator" evening 8. to large business. He played In Minneapolis, 8, e, 10, and Is to be In Dubuque, la.. 12. Davenport 13. Rock Island, III., 14, Peoria 1$, Sprlngfleld 16. nioomlngton 17, Jollet 19, Battle Creek. Mich.. 20. Muscatine 21. Grand Haplds 22. ST. PAUL, Mink., is elated bccaose at the Mer- chants' Hotel, there, on Sunday, April 4, there were gathered In the dining -room the com- pany of John UcCatloagti, Uariley Camplieirs "Galley Slave" Combination, and Haverly 's Ciiurch- cholr "Pinafore" Company— more professional tal- ent than had ever before congregated In that city In the same place at one time. Specialty ARTisrs. gymnasts, performing dogs, maslclans, agents, a lady rope-walker, and on aero- naut are wanted by L. w. Wasbbam, wbose address And in another column. The privileges with bis show are also to let, and he requests tbe Moorcs, rollcr-skatern, and Shirley and Byrne to write. '■Thb Bakker's Dadobteb" Combinatios played their second engagement this season In Baltimore, Md., lost week, at the Holllday-street Theatre, to well-ailed houses. The piece was mounted In fine sty le, several new scenes being used "Fairfax" by Abl>ey'8 Company opens April 12 at Ford's Opera-house The "Trouba' doura occuDV the Academy of Music this week. CLt.STON Hall AND company In "The strategists' open at Macanley's Theatre, LoolsvUIe, Ky., April 13, for live nights and a matinee. The Fay TexrLEroN Stab alliance played In victoria, Texas, April 3, 4, Calombns 5, «, Houston 7, Waco 8, s, 10; thence to Coislcana 12, 13. ANN cnntlnued bis entertainment In the of th" "Pera-bouse, Toronto, tbe flrst three nights CriiiL I'*-''' week, business continuing targe. The li^.^D.^-oinedy Company filled out the rest of 'b " Freaks." Business satlsOictoo'- The j^a,oer.-i>T.c;oo.iwin Frollqnes are announced for ^-....■•Humpty Dumpty" and the Spanish Stu- U uu>. mauaccr's name not given [Not Abbey * oii; ..'^'^''- CuprER.1, are to appear in the Royal ''Ptia-hoii-H: 12. 13. 14. sifii'i*"!^^""""' "<>I««"S thclrbtwlnejs- ^"S^ ,'■> Enuland fruio Au^)tIallll .March IB. the rt^r^lir'''*^ r'U-a>am and oue or "the quickest on record. i'iUMTT'i ..•"*'^"*-'"-'=:*l"''nt lo tbe D*jke'it Tbcntre. Lon- ■■•Ih-^ - • af'lUK lu "Cunradond Llleltr." Jtefiirence a«t,L ""'"N « made In a cord In our business dcpart- *;fll'j''J"'r""?"'^'= 1' Opera hocse was occupied ■ M- •■■ !Jie Li..i,n.'u-J CicoTer Co. In "Our Buanllng- ■ - ■ KOQd boos?. At Low's ■School" played , ,^ J. Florence ore (XII tnS*:^'^ '■• "i- the Bandmanns occupied tbeThe- ^irt'i li.iiJ J?"" *' «•"' Acmdemy of Music jti iii.|,,''*'*,''''"I™ny aanif "The Very Merry Maruer" *'nCin.r."°'' " "natlnee. commeneUis April 7. Ftdlx 'o«V t '""'PuuyopenlZ. iw.'.i^i" V '*°'"« Flrailn arrived In ParU, ni-^vv '5'''=^ ■lurinjj the WMlt eodlDB Marrh 17. Si'-. 5.*HKKTT and company held tbe boards of t>nn-n " "v '"'.T- ^"blpBioii. 6. C. tbe put week. ''•aoni.^'^'' ^e Merebaut of Venice." Dion S-^wti. ■ "K-mberor tbe company. Excellent ?'><«o!iin?l.V"™''--,-,-"-^* Trai;edlami of Kalama- l^^t^ ^'^^ t «ni?Sen>en' In Ford'. Opcim- ^««to».^.J?"..h«'i deferred one week on accoaniof ».'>«liS5S' "f Tbe Pliates of renianca" ComnanT. ' KKOdiJ',^ T.jthe.BCTiterramUy and SofSiiith JSIii 1? Si,''^ " Vnetini'B Opm-bouiw ApcU a uua ?5»to th^' Criietion tomrty Co. ►''■TmiJ- '■™?!' eorrCTpondentMyn: ffh tSK'.E"""''"^ »r»be Opnrn-bouae of that oanir, •teST-V"'"'"*'' remodellnB of Uw theatre duiinc r'^tak..'^ .i-uminer. Tba Inltlauiy Repa bare olreadr *|uaUiy that cxhibirates yuu and maketi you feel aa !t yon wanted i<> juin Bocac- clo In some of his mad :jti>H*blet Malm'..* < ^fiolc-opera Company did fuu Juptlce tu rlw* work iM.th mu.ilcally and dramatically. The prindjial inirtlon of Die com was glren In lost week's Clipi-kr. Jennie Wlnaton wan a roUlckins Bocacclo, and aant; with floe taate. All c« Uosmerwuia modeAt and uoaKsumlnzKlamettJi: but aa she was Bntferlng ITom a severe iioarseness, which ban annoyed her for Nome time past, all her mualc bad to l>e cut out. W. A- Morftan was sulllclentb* fuppbtb and longaid as Prince Plelru, giving a ver>' smootb and bar- moaloua rendition of the part. Vincent liugnn waa all that Scalza demanded, ana Hnttle RicliardMrn san; tbo mujtlc of Beatrice nwectjr. A. H. Bell na Lambcrtucclo. FredDlxon as LottcrlnghUood Fannie l*re6tlire as I'eronel. la, contributed neat blt;i ol cbamctifractlnir. MaricSomer- TiUe sang and acted laobeUa, the cooper's uii'e, with much Kplrlt. Beriba Foy waa adaablns LAonelto. and Adolph Fraooscb a pompous Duke or Tiucany. The RonjXSOXADE" and "The Lark" drew airly at the Bofiton (MaM.) Muaeuoi duriut; their secund and laM week, endlnz April 10, the two periormanoji FaM.day (SI belnji; crowded Tne third and la«t week cf "The Maele Slip- per" by tbe Cnrinne Opera Company at Horticultural Hall haa been eiiiuiUy an auccea^jui aa tbe previoun ooea. "Pin- afore" will be revived 12. with Corinne an Llltle Butter- cup, Ida Mulle as JosepbUie, and an otherwise ittronf; Juvenile cast The concert ctven la Hooley'a Theatre March 21 snelled tbe Irinb Relief Fnnd to the amount of 933n Maty Andenton ban boil a new waltz dedicated to ber by Cturence stemberger. and It wan jilayed by Lothlun'aOrchenra In tbe Boston Theatre the Kant week Ida Mulle of the Corinne Opera Company an received tbe offer oJ an engaiivment from Manaprr Ford, which ha^ lH«n declined lleoir M. Dunham com- menced hin aeries of orpin recitals at Music Hall 0.wlth the awlttunceof Mm. Jennie M. Noyea, TocaJl^t; the neeond will be ciren 13, Alf. Wllkle, tenor, appearinic.Thecantata of "Kutn'' van minit, under the direction nf Mr. BenFon of the New EoEland Conservatory of llualc, at M'alnut- •tteet Cliapel, Burton Illi;hl3nda. 7 Emert Perat», with the ansintance nf nnntAvDnnnrenther. vinllnlst, cave an extra piano matinee at Wenteyan Hall 9 Adam n\ritkl, \ioiml5t. liaa be«-D vlKltlnir tbe clt>- A nacred concert and rvadiofpi will be ciren at llooley's Theatre II by Dura Wiley, nupmnn; Mliu A. D. Crain, elocutionlnt; >liMi A. M. Crain, contralto; F. 11. Pope, elocntlonUt; the Welier Quartet: and T. P. Rrder, arcompanltft The fourth concert by Brown's Bneade Band and Orcbestm occurs at the Gaiety Theatre ll The aimual benefit concert of A. V. Peck will Iw gtren In Munic Hnll 14. llieartlflts beln^ Oertnide FrnnkUn, soprano; EmUy Winant, contraltu: Ole Bull, vIollnUt; Rafael Joiefly, Eianlst; and Tiieodore Thomas and orchestra Tlie iHt two octn of "Tlie Bobemlnn Girl" ar« to be nDnc In .MuKic Hull 29 for the benefit of the Irish Relief Fund by the .MI/'HcaManniret nricketi, Kate KUey, and iheMessm. W. C. Tower, T. Clllford, W. Packer, and a cbonia uf forty voices all under tbe dirtxtlon of Dr. O. A. tiuUmeite. Tiff: FiFTu-AVENt'E Theatkk CoapANT, under the m.-in- HRementof J. P. Pond, are to slnir "Tbe Pirates *ol Pea. znnct:" In llartfnnl. Ct.. April 12, 13, Meriden 14. Danbuty U. Uridtrepnrt 16. New llttren 17. PT\>v1dence, R. I.. 1?. Okau's Fhe.vch-iipkha Coupaxt In the Leland Opera- botise, AllNiuy, N. V., AprU 6, t>, 7, attracted only a mtMler- ate hiibinejtii. Kamccu's OhKltA COMPA^■T are annoonced to produce The Sce-cadet" at the Koyal Opera-boufie. Toronto. April l^ 16. 17. The FisK L'MvEESiD' Ji'mLEK SiN(>ER.«, Under .Man- ager Mlnbler, ore to HiDK 111 ]£n>ton, Px, April 19, Bethle- hem ax IleflillugSI, LancniitPr Nnrrif^ou-n 23. TUKMctilnKNEV Fauilv Kins In Mbhler'a Circuit nnfn'- town: Lanaintcr, Pa., April IS, 20, 21, CoatenviUe -J2, WU- mlnctun 2), 21, PhcenixrlUo 2fl, 27, PottiitowD 23. WiNPfELD Pjedkukt. comt't-soloist, left Colnroban, O., for Nanbville, Tonn.. Aprils, to accept a positlun In the Gninil Opem.|lOuf^^ In that rltr. QCARER SEiiigrAvsRS.— In Phllsdelpbla Clarice Vaa=h- an, Fred s. Law, Cynthia Bare, Meduna Ilennon and Alice Law. TociillKta; Fr^ Derleth. vlollnlftt; and tfeorue All«n Jr., \'lo1oucell.stn. cooccrtlred at tbo Academy uf Pine Art^i April 6 The Berger Family and Sctlon uf Matllllde Cultrclly and the mann^ment-of G. Atnherg. the New York Thalia Tlieatre Opom Comimn,v will prtiducH "The Sec-cadet" 16 and altemoun and errn- loir 17, for the first time, under Ita urlgliuil name, Id PbUa- delplifa. Giuc'd FRBccn-oPEnA Comkaxt bejdn a week's en gaRciucnt at the Wnlnut-streei Theatre. Philadelphia 12. AT TUK BNOAO-STHEET THEATRE, Pblhtdelphfa. "The PlrxteK of Peoianrt:" closed .^prll 10. "U. M. S. riua- fore*' In to be thrived 12. ■•PRINCESS Toiu'' WlU revived at the North Broad-street Theatrv. Pbllmlelphla. April S. and mn durlnc thu week to light buslnesn ; tbe cast being the same as when It wiu Aral pruduccU tjicro, oume weeks ugo. iSiune blU llie current week. The ALICE Gates Oo]iio Opera Coupant notnrrivln;; In Cblcaco, IIL, until lour o'clock In tbe afternoon of Apni .1. "The Little Duke" waa given evening ol that date In Spn;nie'n 01v*mple. "Fanvbette" wax civen on and aller C t.) etioi:-jlze(l audiences. Itprured lu De "Ber Seeodef under a new title. The company comprined tbe aame peo- ple who recentl.v appeared nt llonley'ii. They eo to Cbiclo nail "The Klvnl" continues at lloiiley'sl9. AT THE BHOOKLV.f ACADKSiv Mspleaon'a Opem Com pany appeared to a larije audience In "The llufnicnota'' April 9 The French-opera Tmiipo utng In "La Belle Ilelene" ".^llcnnn" at tbe matinee 10. and "Le PctU Doc" at nbfbf. Hu.ilncjin mtr. Tiie Academy wan crowded 5 to hear Ole Bull and tlie Boiiton Temple Qiinriet. On the 6ib Joseffy'M concert, with Carlbcre's urche}.tm, at- tracted unb' half a huuae, but the entDusiaam wiui UO' unuul. Frkd nBROER's connection with tbe Sol Smith RukwII enterpriso wlU not ncxeMltate the reiireiiieilt i»f the Berber Family. .Mr. Berver In already filling lime for the concert company, and It will be ori:iialKi>d on n larger scale than ever before, several new and novel nttrncLiuDS liavlGv been heciired in Enrupe. Fred O. Berber U the proprietor, and Ilcnry ti. Ber;ri>r will be the uiunncC'r. Willi B. C, BerKer In ndvance. MIm Etta Murciui. Murl,' Rulle, Emma Anderson oud MLis nummcU wUl bo re- tained. SPAt'LolNO's BeLLRINORRS ar« reported tobe playing to crowdrd linitKeH In the \cw Enclund circuit. They per. fbrm In Aimtun, MiiM., April 12, Dnrchciitvr 13, Ncpunset 11. f>'iinonu-t IS. Canton li;, -Mnjb'lleld 17- C. K. Stevk.vs. tuba-player, late nfthe OakesBros.' Com pauy, advenlM.1. lor un eOKtM;ement. Pendv's so.mi:* anu UALUAiM cau be obtained at llcnry J. Wehuian's addrei^n. THE McNeil KL-n-ER-H' CnNOERTCouFANT Is duo InLlcn- nlcr, Ind., April IS, Kendidlville 10, Butler 1*, EdKnrtnn 19, lliyan. O., *J0. They are tu cIumi tbeir aeadon Ibe latter partof .Miiy. TUE BosTOif IDEAL OrERA COMPAiTY presented ''Fa:! nitzn" and "Tlie Sorcerer" In SymcuBC April 7, S, to luivo audlencca. The HERiiERS AND SOL SuiTif RrssELi Commence a week's en;raA*mcut ut Ibe Pork Theatre, Pblhidelnbla, April 19. THE TB.VNRSP.EAys aro to slnQ In Prorldcnce. Pa., April 12, Hyde Purk 13, Taylllr^vllle U,Muscuw l£,StTuudnburB li<. THE EVUA AUnuTT EyilLkiH-uVRRA CO. OCCUp; tile Uul. Uday-inrevt Thentrr, Baltimore. Md., t'.ie prts.'nt week. A. Bacr's nublicMtiuon In tlic wa>* of baAio sonjpi and mitnlc seoendly are noticed fn bin card elN^wlierv. A M*3f UER of T. B. Kelley'ri melodious son£^oinposlllona are nutlecd in bU canja elacw*faer«. ler parts were all aatlalaclorily filled. Amonc tbe t noticeable narot>era uf the opera n,ny be mentioned 'My Inspiration Cumen Ihim Yuu,'' nunff by Bucaccio In tbe flnit act; two aereoadea, one auog by Lambcrtucclo. Lottennghl and Scalza, aud oue by Bocatxio, Leonetto and PIciro; tbe diorua "Come, Wonby Cltlzeoa, Come;" "TuMyHuiband I'll be True," sung bylnalwlla; and a mnrch septet In tbe Innt acL In tula luit-named num- ber tbe author baa Houcht to repeat the nucceaa or the famous "Charge! Charpel" trio In "Fatlniuo." *'Buote- cio°' can nerer ue as popular as "Fatiniua," liotrever, be- o&uae Its iKtbdc la of aitumewhat higher grade, and hence cannot be no easily caa;;lit and remembered. "Bocatcclo" will be nunz until lunlier notice, lb? .Mohn Company re- maining till May 1. James £. Murdoch, the vi-teran Shakespearian actor, bo;;ins on eDf^aeement May 3 in a round of le:;ltimate purtn. IlA\-EKLV°S CUCKCU-CUOIR "PINAFORE" CO. Closed a two niRhtA* engagement In St. Paul, .Minn., April 3, to IPkh] buNlncva, but, nuyri our correspondent, "the cuiupany did not Klve Ita wuoted HatLtfactlun, theelionulbelngamaH- cr than usiuiL Ilayden TlUa Jolne.1 the troupe here 3, and la tbeevculD^aMUDieUtbe rvJe of l^olph Ituckst raw very accepubly. relieviiik' Ed. De.\ler, wbo left same date fur Chlca^. . Tbe combination bi hereafter to be knuwn as Haveriy'a Cburcb - choir Opera Company. It In to be under tlie management ul Juu Mack, with Ilnyden TlUa as stage -maoagiu-. Ada Somcni and John Mc- Wade leave for their bouiu In Chlcajto tbla week, but the cuupany Is relnfnrccd by the arrival of Mku Oeor^e Conolin, MIm Jenulc X>elmar, O. £. Skiff, Jolin Benoltx. and Edward >foulton. -The Bohemian Girl' Is to be sung. The Clilines of Normandy" la In aciire rehearsal, ond tilrode-Olrufla' imd t^annen* are to be added to tbe repertory- 'Ploaiora' will be continued for a abort wbUe imtll the aitliitri aru profielimt In tbtdr new parts, when It will be dbuarded." TBK Tbcxsbt Concert in Lincoln Han, 'W.aahlngton, D. C. April 7, attracted an overfiuwiog Iioum*. miiw Thunhy and Ole Ball will appear at tbe name place In a comblnatloa concert April Zl, nnder the direction or Mau- rice Strakoncb "Tbe Pirates of Penzance" waa pro- dnced lor the first time m Washington at Ford's Opero- bonae AprU 6 bv one of D'Oylcy Carte's onmpanlen, under tbe management of Mr. Lunsdale. Chas. IL Keeahln la advance-agent. The success of the opera was sounelllns in a sketch. Business gooiL Departures lO: Harvey CoUlns, to Washington, D. C; Levantine and Earle and uullter and Goldrich, Bradford, Pou: Max Arnold, New York: Johnny Patterson and BeUe Clifton, Philadelphia; Klt^ Gardner, Cleveland; and Lottie Wlnnett, Clncln- natL To arrive 12: Ulnnle Oscar Gray and W. T. Stephens, Daisy KemeU, Carrie Brewer, Harry Uack, Alice Sherwood, Harry P. Wmiams, Steve Evans, Chas, Lathrop, Master Louis, Smith and Ohimer and John Parkest At the Oaroen Thbatbs, Indianapolis, Ind., the past week, the drama of "Diamonds" monopolized the greater portion of the programme. Fred Hober and Kitty Allyne sppearea In an attractive sketch; WlUlam Manrlttins manipulated Indian clnhiand later displayed bis pantomimic abilities; and Han- ley and Logan gave songe-and-dances. Jack Bech- tel, offlcer of tbe Boose, beneflta 2L The attrac- tions 12 will be the Uayles, Little Harry, Mao- rice and Ryan John H. Greonert of In- lUanapoUs baa purchased of Scott Laini— con dltloned on the renewal of the license, some time since revoked — the lease of the Adelphi Theatre In Qnlncy, 111., and expects to open It in abont two weeks Jacob Crone ap- proprlatelj celebrated bis thlrty-flltli birthday e. Sam Cole and Dan Powers have formed a partnerehlp, and wlU be known as Cole A Powers. At the National Theatre, Hartford, Ct., busi- ness tbe pant week averaged Iblr. The arrivals were O'Donagbne and Hclnnls (their flrst appear- ance on the professional stage), Emily Sylvester, Llbble Ross, Carrie Edwards, J. W. McAndrews, the Seamans, Lon Sanford, Lord and Van Leer, Harry Clarke and Satsuma. Leaving 10 were Sat- snma, to Join SUckney's Clrcns; J. \r. McAndrews, to Philadelphia: the Seamans, Troy; Ross and Ed- wards and EmUy Sylvester, New York: Lon San- ford. Providence; Lord and Van Leer, Springfield; and Harry Clark, idle. Coming 12: Tom Sayers, the Et2elUne Sisters, ProL Kel Mueab, TlUlo Antonio, Dob Allen, Sallle Mason, Rob V. Ferguson ami Press Eldrldge. The arrivals at the Comlqne Theatre, St. Lonis, tlo., April 4, were Mark Hughes and Ben Collins, Charley McCarthy, Sadie Hosaon and Robert Nlckle. The Hurd Brothers and the Canadian Atliletes were blUetl, but failed to appear. Closures 10 : Mason and Sally, to Fort Wayne, Ind.,; Hughes and Col- lins, Sam Lang and Dollle Sharpe. LonlsvlUe, Ky., I.esicr and Wiuiams, Kansas City, Mo.; RobeF> Klckle, destination unknown. To come 11: MnUen and Hagee, Keating aud Flynn, Fred Uul>er, Kitty Allynne, Chas. King, Marlowe and McBriile and Sweeny and McCarthy F. H. Cross in 'Enoch Arden,' supported by the stock company, and the usual olio, In which May OUve, serjo-comlc, and Don Santiago (ilbbonnolse, contortionist, appeared, drew fair audiences to the Globe. F H. Cross, to Evans- vUle, Ind., and Olbbonnolse, to Chicago, closed 10. Alice Placlde and Wm. M. Pratt are to open II. Tbe Acadbht op Mcaic, Wheeling, w. Va., dur- ing the past week, was crowded. The only new Ihces April 6 were Hackin and Coleman and the Dolan Bros., the Mnrpbys Iklllns to connect. De- partures 10: Sheridan and RIeUy dhd Frank Liv- ingstone, to rbUadelphla. Kew people 12: McPher- son and O'Ncil, the Warrens— Tom und ElBe — Ma- son and Wesly, Maud Leigh, Mons Veutlne and wife. Smith and Btraseer, and De Witt Cook. IIndeb the proprietorship of Maurice Ileppard and Frank O'Brien, the Falrmonnt Summer Garden Theatre, Philadelphia, a notice of the reopening of whlcb appeared in tbe last Clipper, did a Olr busi- ness the post week,wlth C. King, Maurice Ileppard, Bessie Leon, May Raymond, May Edwarils, Annie Andrews, John Peny and Eil. Andrews. The arriv- als 12 'will be Tony Porrell, OUe Kaj-mond, and Car- rie La Monde. Ueppard i O'Brien are thepro- prletore; Maurice Heppard, business and stage- manager; Ed. Andrews, advertising agent; and Prof. Nolle, leader of OTche.stra. Time passed pleasantly to tbe large number ol Qnakera wbo attended the International Comlque, Philadelphia, last week, while witnessing the acts of BlUy and Kellle Uasson, Amy Santley, Stanford and Price, Joyce Mortelle, SIg. Novlsslmo's Ballet Troupe, Golille, Steele and Sallle St. Clair, James Goodwin, J. H. Graham and Jennie Ward. Those begttmlng April 12 are Cloonoy and Ryan, Billy Moloney and Mabel Gray, Black Diamond Qnar- tec, Maggie BurreU, Roach and Fash, Ed. Lynch and Louise De Lulnl, and Cronln and O'Kell. The season at this honse will close 17. It will be re- opened for pool-selling 19 by its present proprie- tor, James McColgan. Slg. Novlssimo and his bal- let troupe, having closed 10, leave 12ror Deadwood, in the Black Hills. Tbe party Inclndes Slg. Novls- simo, Senorltas Bareto and Glovlana, Rosle Wln- thers, Amelia Gorenflo, Sallio Wesner and Amy Santley. Miller's Winter Garden, Philadelphia, was moderately well patronized during tbe week end- ing April 10. Scllon and Bums, Louise De Lntst, Julian and Albert Martlnettl, Belle Gabrlelle, Pau- line Grossl. Ada Stanwood, the Dutch Mendels, Uz- zle Daly, Frank Ward, Lizzie Richmond, liarry Gulon, Clark GIbbs, Charley Reynolds, and R. Y. Jones giving the show. ' New faces 12: Laura Rus- sell and d7b. Emery, Welby and Pearl, Fernando Floury, Prot Anderson and Harry C. Horton. A Joint complimentary benefit will sliortly be tendered by Proprietor Ueno' MlUer to Harry Gulon, busi- ness and stage manager; Don Fox, treasurer; and Frank Wclblo, sjieclal-olllcer. The geutlcmen arc aU obliging onicials, and descr\-e a bumper. Tbe cream of fu.s was ladled out to good andl- ences at the Alhumbra, Philadelphia, the past week, liy the Hognn Bros., Lou Edwards, Alice Shenvood, Elolse Allen, Emma UoSluan, Boyd and Sarsfleld, Geo. Edwards, W. T. Bryant, Cbas. Young, Geo. Elwood, Blanche Cleveland, and Pete Donnelly. Stan to shine 12: J. W. McAndrews, Mons. Leopold and Wm. Maurrltus, Mile. Lottie and tbe BaUIwln Bros., NelUe Thome, Carrie Lewis, Belle ClUton, Loalsa Jewell, and Fred T. Shaw. Goodly numders attended the Gnmd Central Theatre, PhiUidelphIa, during the week ending April 10, the blU being lUled by May Zimmerman, Annie Wells, Cent Havre, John and Maggie Field- ing, Major Burk, the Megatherlan ElghtrHavmond and Murphy, Billy Lester, Blandowskl's Minnet Dancers, James Ueame, George A. Mill, and the stock people. Billed to open 12: Mclntlre and Heath, Frank Bosh, Lottie Grant, Cronln and Sul- livan, Alice Bateman, Suydam Brotners, Jen and Georgle Powers, and Alice Somers. Jones Ai. C. Opening 12: Hurry Fielding. Maggie Walker, Mons. Henrico. May Aruottand Dick Smith. The Uovlston Musecm. Huston, Mass., wns crowded on tlic afternoon of April S and at the sub- sequent performances, the ft-csli features of which were J. D. Roorae, banjolst: AVIIllau and Claudia Ripley, parlor acrobats and athletes; Nellie I>arker. serio-comic; Dyronand Wll5on,hlgh-kloker3; Favcr and Shields, Irish song-and-daucu; J. D. Itoome's skctcli "The Arrl\'al of Neilson;" Add Weaver and Nellie Piirker in the sketch "The Old Man's Drunk Agnln;" T. F. Grant, one-legin:d dnncer; and Fred Macavoy's musical novelty "Frolics, or Paddy Miles In Irish Opera," performed by Jerry Coban, Fred Warren, Harry LInson, M. llyron, Eva Constan- tlne and Emma Murdcn. New appearances 12: John D. Grliun and Morgan and Mullen The Rcntz-Santley Novelty Company drew large audiences to the Howard Atheusum during the week. The variety prucramme was concluded with a burlesque on '-The Pirates of Penzance,'' written for this company by Sidney Rosenfeld, and entitled "Penn's Aunts Among the Pirates." Tbe company that Manager M, U. Leavltt has gathered about turn Includes Rosa Lee, Llda Kenyon, Lulu Mortimer, Fanny Florence, Kate Vaughn, Hattle Forrest. Fannie and Minnie Kent, Frank Bennett and Nellie Rlcbards, Charles and Annie Whiting, Thomas and Annie Dayton, Mabel Santley, Fanny Harrison, Marlon Requea, Blanche Maeder, Kate Raynham, Victoria Norih, Sanford and Wilson, Lew Benedict, and Sam UoldsworttL E. T. Stetson In "Kentuck" opens 12. A FINE PROOBAMUE attracted large audiences the past week at Slensby's Favorite Theatre,JiIII- waDkee, Wis. The people appearing were Fred and Annie Barry In musical sketcbes; Julia Em- monds, serio-comic; John P. and May Carroll, sketcbes; AlUe Jackson, serio-comic: Sunlln and Du Rell, sonnn-and-dances; Louisa Bllsn, ballads; and B. S. Hodges, character-sonin. Deiiartures April 1: B. 3. Hodges and Loalsa Bliss and Fred and Annie Barry, to Chicago, and ttie Carrolls, who lay oO: Announced for 12: UcOlU and Ry. land, Jnlla Bennett and Gracia Thomao: At the Pack Theatre the following people appeared: Ma; Linn, serio-comic; Tmdell and Kowan, songs-and dances; John and Delia Shepard, sketches; Josle MorvlUe, serio-comic; and NeUle West, vocalist. Mons. Niblo, Aggie Clllton and Nellie Hornlngstar are to open there 12. Tbe new variety tbbatbe in Louisville, Ky, nnder tho management of Arthur St Olalr, which Is christened the Standard, makes its flnt call for pubUc patronage April 12, Car correspondent says "It is the most attractive variety theatre in Louls- Tllle, the haU being large and the scenery of the newest and neatest description. The company on the opening night will be Zoe, aerial artist; Hawkins and Kelly, Samoel Lang nnd Dollle Sharp, Charles W. Young, Unghcs and CoUlns, Capliola Forrest and Lanra Bennett, Red De Jalma, Jessie Merton, Tom Harper, the Park- er SIstera and Clara Relnman New attractions at the Knickerbocker April 12: J. li. Manning, Jennie Sontllem, ihe Coglll Bros., Ophelia Starr, Richardson and Footc, and Maurice and Ryan. Closing. 10: The Hugheses, the Lee Bros., Grace Garland, ProL Held and J.J. Qnlnland. Large audiences assembled nightly at the Metropolitan Theatre last week. No changes are announced there." Wm. J. Thompson and bis specialty and dramatic combination opened at the New National Theatre, Philadelpbla, April 6, for one week. The specialists appearing were Lew Simmons, W. Uenry Rice, Aine Drayton, Ronoldo Bros., Chas. anil Lewis DockHtadcr, Harry Bennett, and Carrie Lewis. The dramatic company which supported Mr. Thompson and bh) acting dogs Hero and Hector In tbe drama of "Fur a Life" Included W. S. Norman, Jerry Tay. lor, A. R. Phelps, Harry Bennett, Chas. E. Worley, W. J. Irving, La PeUta Marie, Lottie Forrest, Ella Bascombe, Clura Fennoyer, and Jessie Harris. Charley Worley left the company 10 to Join Ninon Ductus' newly-formed party. Frank Moran and Lew Simmons benefited e, when, In addition to the regular bill for the week, Charley Rcynoltls volun- teered, appearing In a sketch with Lew Simmons, and Frank Moran gave bis stump-speecb. The house was crowded. Wm. J. Fleming begins an engagement 12 in "Gen. Custer." J. M. Eabn- weller Is again press-agent at this house. The new faces at the Standard Theatre, Minne- apolis, Minn., April 6, were Connors and Young, who closed 10, going to Milwaukee. Trndell and Ward and Maud Trndell are billed to open 12. Busi- ness good. No changes at the Taeatro Comlque. Tbe Albambba Varieties, BuitaIo, N. Y., Is an- nounced to open April 26. The proprietor, John J. Humphries, advertises for performers. Fhof. Neil Smith and performing dogs are en- iraged for a tonr this Summer with the Pullman Show— tbelr second season with it A card from Manager Miner, published elsewhere, speaks of the proficiency of Prof. Smith's canine pupils. AT BOBDWELL'S OPERA-HOUSE, EOSt SagmaW, Mich., tbe company the past week inclnded Con- nors and Cannon, Joe Creamer and Maggie Christy, Leonard and Flynn, D'Omc and Du Belt, Leonora Creed, Blanche Blancbard, Maggie Leroy, tbe Qnlnnctte Family and Harry LesUe, manager. Dc- Eartures April 10: Connors end Cannon and I'Ome and Dn Rell, to Bay City ; tbe Quinnettes, to Toledo. To open 12: The 'Mortons — Ed. and Ida — the Ralls, the CarroUs and the Shcerano. BOBOWELL's Opera-hocse, Bay City, Mlcb., was reopened April 6 with thefoilowlngcompany: Frey and Marahall, Carlotta Banks, the Halls— James and Ode— the Morions — Ed. and* Ida— the Macks — John and Ida— Ella Edna nnd Charley Peltier. Closed 10: The Halle aud tbe Mortons, to East Saginaw. Billed for 12: Connors and Cannon and D'Ome and Du Rell. JonNNiE PuiNOLE and Sam K. Hodgdon, with the Oates Rrutbers' Concert Company, report that they are meeting with success everywhere In their tour through tbe West. They return thanks in a card In this Issue to T. D. Kelley and Ned Straight fur what they have done to make the song "Ireland To- da}°" attractive. Performers are wanted at the Eagle Palace The- atre. Baltimore, Md. Sec card Quite a youno man 1h wanted as partner In end. Sketch and clog business by "II. B.," wbo advertises. AT the Coliseum Theatre, Fargo, D. T., which was opened for the season March 17, nnder the management of Reynolds , Shenandoah 6, Rlv- crton 7. Essex 8, Vallski 9, Cuming 10, anil are due In Alton 12, Murray U, Melrose 14, Tracy IS, Knox- vine 16. SIgourncy 17. Charles Landis, InRint son of Chnrles landls of Landls and Steele, skatorlal snng-and-dance performers, died In Woshlnirton, D. C, April fi, aged oue year. Mr. Landls has lost five children within tbe past sl.\ years— two girls (twins) and throe boys. The Polttheama. an open-air theatre on the lawn at Myrtle Dank Sanitarium. Kingston, Ja. maica, is open for artists In varions branches of the profession. Manager James Gall advertises that there are many Inducements to moke tbis a desirable place to visit. English artists would meet with more (hvor tbere than American, and tbose In delicate health wonid perhaps be benefited by the change of climate. Tbe Rentz-Sastlev TROirpE appear In Brock- ton Mass., April 1-2, Newport, R. I^ 13, Now Bed- ford, Mass., 14, North Attleboro 15, Providence, R. I., 16, 17. The COMPANY from the Howard Atbeneenm, Bos- ton, Mass., are advertised In Fall River, Ma.S3., April 1-2, New Bedford 13, Brockton 14, Portsmouth, N. H.. 15, Portland, Ue., 16, 17, Bangor IB, 20, Specialtv artists and attractive people in nil branches of the buslncsfl can find time with the Orrtn Brothera k Co.'s Show In Havana, Cuba. See card. The Colisevm Theatre, Kansas City, Mo., Is open for dramatic stara aud specialty arilsts. The proprietor, H. D. Clark, would like to beor Itom some dramatic star having short sen-iatlonnl plavs, and be reqnests oil llrat^lass performera to write for dates. MOZART SuMMBB Gabden, Baltimore, Ud., will reopen May 17, under tbe management of W. U. Ruinpf; with Johnny Booker as stage-manngcr. Variety talent Is adverilsed for. E. D. GoonrNO has a benefit at tbe Brooklyn (N. Y.) Opera-bonse April IT. He advenl.ies that he can t>e engaged for business or stngo manager. Tonv Pastor's Tratelino Company Is due in Albanj- N. Y'.,12, 13. Poughkeepsie 14, Pateraon, N. J., 15 .Tersey City 16, 17. JOHN E. iiassett Is leading the orchestra and brass band at the Coliseum Theatre, Atchison, Kas., where Baby Rblnehart and Cluirles and Lulu May arc among the chief attractions. 'TUE NEW FACES Rt the Theatre Comlqne. Brad ford, I'a., 6, were the D'Alve Sisters, the Barlow Brothers, tbe Morosco Brothers, Lew Baker, Aubrey and Dasbway, and Llllle Howard. Departures lo Aubrey and Dasbway, to Detroit, Ulcb.; Llllle Howard, Troy, N. V.; Daisy Kernell and tbe Morosco Brothera, llnOUIo. Uookeil for 12: (Inllter and Goldrich, Levnntlne and Earle, and others. A troupe of performing dogs are wanted by Dr. Jas. L. Thayer. See card. NO pautob, however tony, was ever more wannlv welcomed by the fdltlilBI brotbcra and .listers of tbe Quaker City than Tony Pastor was when be opened there at the Waluut-street Theatre 6 for a week's engagement The audience overflowed the audi torium, and the acts of Harry and John KcrueU^ Bryant and Hoey, Perry, Magrew, Curdy, and Hughes — the Four Eccentrics- St. Felix Sisters, Flora Moore, the Rankin Bros., the French Twin SIstera, Fanny Ueane and Chas. CUdav, Lena Tet- tenbom— ber first appearance In Philadelphia- Bonnie Rnnnells, Chas. Diamond. Tonv Pastor,.ond Frank Olrard were applauded till echoes returned the sonnds of approl>atlon. At THE AcADEMV, Cblcngo, 111., bonlnennwaa large the past week. In the opculni; olio llumer and Holly, Tom and Maude Slorrlaney, lliirr)- Wootbton. and Karoll and Auf^unta Ordey presented their nppclaltlen, the perfonn* aocen concluding wltb John R. Wearer and tne stock company In **Toby." All atara done. Opening 12: Em- iiienmn, Clark and tne Daly Brothers, Sheehan and Jones. Muater Rice and Geo. C. Chnrlca The Collins Rruthem have renewed copattnenhlp W. H. MnrrU of the Olympic ThORtre. Port Wayue, Ind,, and Mrs. Vnl Luvo (Nellie .Ma>kelll of the Theatre Coml'iue, Kansa.i City, Mu., have been In town the pant we«k engaging talent. Olcar WlUla arrived S and left 9 lor Baltimore, where be has contract ed lor twelve people fbr tbe Gem Theatre, Dead. wood At the Amerlcnn bunincM ban been good, Stage- manayer Gus Dutaoln baTlnga croa-ded house at hhi bene* fill M. Closing: Pete Brady, Mlino Poncho, N. B. Shlmer and Flora Bingham. Opening 12: B. a Uodgea and Louisa Bllna, Billy and Lydia west At tbe London tbere was an aTerage gnod attendance. Departures: Nellie Moralng. ntnr, Jnlm F. and Mmile Prince, to Milwaukee; James McAvoy and Kelly and Welch. Arrivals Ul Dellno rancbo. Otla Buwera, flco. M. Pellmore. Ulna O-NcUl Fenton, Alile Forbes, Randolph Children— JImmIe and LIzxIe— Cont Cuabman, Frankle Clark. Hairy Beck. with realims the management of this theatre 26 At Monroe's there were lair assemblages. Leaving: Hawkins and Kelley, to LouliiTllle; Turn Harper and Jennie Merlon remain In town. Coming 12: McGiU and Bylond, Julia Bennett and Helena Wentworth. Tea TUKATBE coaiqi'E, Washington, S. C, did a fair banlnena the past weelc. Tlie fTeah appearances were Clark and Edwards, Ckinway and EKnn, Hawley and Man- ning, Frank Warden, Mile. Mabrena and Landis and Rteele. Departures April 10: Hawley and Manning, to PlilladelphU; Conway and Egnn, Plttaburg: and tllle. Mahretto, Idle. Announced for 12: Doolcy and Tenbrooke, tho Leona. and Georgo France and Ethel Earle Our currespuDdent sends no repoi t of the Arlington Theatra. Laror AtmiKNces weru nightly In attendance at the Cnll.cned an a Iatko alore May 1 At the Volka' TheMtre lo.-t week Ibe company appeared to excellent bunlneiia. ThU week the Eight Megathcrlana — Gibbn, Kelly, O'Brien, Lyons, Mngrath, I'urka, Xear)' and Sherman—the Philhar- monic Qiiartel— W. Dbcon, Add dork, U. f'pr.si and If. Campbell— the La Bona Brotbers, Allle Dayton. UIck Kalpn, tbe Murphys and Mluule Hanleyare the firesb at- tructlons At the Olympic the Female Minstrels, under the manneement of CulllnH k Foster, arc the feature. Miss .Nkllie Woon has been dangeroualy Ul at her retl- dcnco In St. Louln, Mo. John MoHltis and wlfolFloreoee Irwin) nrrlrcd In Lon- don, Eng., during the week ending Uareh 27. TiiK LoNi>oN PALACK Varicties, Albany, N. Y-, 1a re- ported tq be doing n good buxlno^a The company playing nt thin houiie tbe pnjtl week included Paddy and Clla Mur- phy, Bobby Dally, Ma(;^e nnd Annie -Murmy, Mile. Ce- rlnei nnd Ulll>-'llogau. Depanuren April 10: Paddy and Ella Murphy, tu Bnajklyn: Mile. Cerlnl. to New York; and Billy llogan, on the lusd Rllli a feinalfailnstrel party. Ttt arrive 1:2: Dan Reean. Ada Forreni, Annie Mamland, Minnie Kerwin and Sadie Irvlu^. Manager Austin Mullen advcrtines for perfoniiers. Leading fkoi>le for Lorleaquo and specialty aitUis are wanted by Ninon Duclo.-,, a.,* per card. SiiKsnA.N- AND Jones hare recently brought out acomedy nketdi. In fbur acenea, by Con Murphy, entitled "Looney the Wrestler, or the Unknown." It was produced at the Academy uf Uusic, Pittsburg, Pa., recently, and Is cred- Itt-d by the press, according to extracts publlahud else- where, wltb havln;r rande a hit. It la aald to be fbnny and clever. They perfumi in It at the Academy of 3ltislc, CJiicngo, IIL, April 12, Ibr two weeks; Oetrult, Mich., to follow. TiiK TnsATRE con IQI-R, Provldcnce. R. I., presented the rollowlug perfunuera liuit week : Bobby Newcumb* Bob Al- len, MItchel, Flunk Bolton aal AdaBradfurd and Tom Say- en. Frld:iy evi-nini; Uennlevreene tuok a benefit, when tiiere were aet-tiis between Oney Creamer and Carltsa Boy, Jack llogun and Hilly Kent, tireeno nnd Yuudk Murphy. New faces 12: Hicliutond Si^tera. Mollio Wilson, Ida Morris, tbo HenneaNyn. and Luulae Monta^nie. Departures 10: Bob A lieu and Tom Sayers, to llartfurd : Frank Bolton and Ada Uradfnrd, tu New Vork; aiid Mllcliel, Idle. Jl-LiAN Kent hit 'eui bardut the Gruud Ventral, Troy, N. v.. In "Wild Bill." the past week. While here be copy, righted a new senutluiul Ihree-bcur drama entitled "Dead-shot Hurry." A young nctor named George W. Wnrren surprised bis friends by Ills i-emorkablc persona- tion ol Old Gloat, It burder-lrapper. The departures 10 were Shurplo^* uuil \Vv«t, to Spriuicdeld, Mhas. ; Ada For- rest nnd Junon Kent, to Neiv Vork. Tuupen 12: K. T. Gondrlch, tbe LcamuilS, LUlle llowurd, and tbo Uogan Brothers. AT TUE Treatrs Cosiqce, Richmond, Va., there were no new nttructluns the past week. Miittie Bllsa closed April 5, going tu Philadelphia to Join Porepaui;b*H Circus. Eliu .Newton Is to leave Helena, M. T.,for San Fran- cisco, Cat, about AprU IS. to organize a company tu travel tbruugh Montana. Lizzie Watson and Ifarry Braham bej^n an encnge- ment In thu Britannia MumIc Hall, Glasgow, Scutland, March -29. AT LONQ-a Gaibtt TiiKATRB. DanTllle, HI., tbe new peuiilc to oiien April 12 are Manning and Drew, Tommy Adunis and Annie Raymond, FTx-d lUteblo and Doda Zan- iVclta. Cloning lU: Andy nnd Lottlo Amanu und Jeiw and Wade, tu Cairo, IIL Business Is reported guud. Specialty people are advertised fur. Lew anu Fhank Collins are to^lbcr again, and are open fur engagements. See e.ird. LOTTIE WiNNETT, Jig-danccr and burlesnue artist, lias lust chucd an eogogemeut at Slirlby'rt Adelphi Tlieatre, ButfaJo, N, v.. where she met with no favomble a receptlun that tbe management liave buuked her lor a return vLut- Uer address Is publinlied In lier cart] el>«wbere. SKETCRES, suoHS, etc., can bo ubtalucd uf "Olp," wbo advertises. LiuuY Boss and Carry Edwards, feminine e.vponents of the science of self-defeuse, are open fur ensugemeuta lu vaiiely theatres. See curd. Major Bl-hk citiennat the Volkn' Theatre. Brooklyn. N*. v., April 1',:. Ills .Mcgutberlan Nine appear also, ftlving Zutiav-t drill, cloe-dance.-*. Jigs, singing aud burleitfiue cir- cus. -M.-dur BuTK Introduces Ills weU-knuwn apcclalty tbe lii:hnll)g drill. See card. TllK 3IONCAVO BltorilERS. perfurmer* on double-bars, etc., advertise fur engagements. Harry nLOOocooo's Minstrels are tr- Tokera. The vocalinu ar« nil excellent In tbelr line, and the orcbestm, by Eddie Fux. Is unusually good. The iir- ganlxatUm u In all riatpevcs cumplete, and tbrr best kind of mlnatrel enienainnieDt Is tbe result of tbelr work. The m'n"'rein play itor one wcvk.— A-eui Orlean* Plcapunr, Murcbaa ACAnesT or Mrsic.-One ot the fluent minstrel entcr- talnmcnis given bi Netv Orleans In many a dav waa wlt- nessol by an Immense bouse last night nt the Acidemr. . " coarsenesa, humor without broadnesji. can be tnithlUllv acrordM to the nionarchs of mlusin>lsy. the Barlow, ttllson. Primrose 4 West Mtosttvls. This ixrel- lont connteliatlon. composed of the cream of the bumt- cork profossion. stands to-day without any superior— Indi- vidually or rollectlvely-on tlw ntai;e. Tills A a sweeping assertluo, but nevertlielens It u tmth. Last night tlie programme, Ijroin alnha to ome^ gave evldemv of the high degree of pniflcfeney to which this brandi of amuse- ment liHS arrived. Nut a stale luko. nut an uld gag, uut an 4ild sung, iiur nn old act was benrd or seeiL Again to- night. — Sew Orleans Tlmes^ March 30. ACADKMV OP Mfsic— Another large audience last night greeted the fnninus iiilnstrets, hcadt-d by Hnrlow, Wilson, I'rlniro.ve A Wei^t. We see no rea.sun to recall our opinion, fonned from ibo first appearance of the troupe, and after seeing them nsain and ngaln we cnn but reiterate what we said at first— that they bnve never beonniirpas.scd, and Ml dum. II ever. i..|un1ed. — A'no Orleans JVMOcrar, AprU 1. ACADEMY 0¥ Mt'sic. — "The bert iuin*trel truupe that ban visited thin city In very nuiny years" Is the unirersai verdict of all who hare utteniled the Academy during the lu.,.t two evenings. The Barlow, Wilson, Primrose JkiVest MljistreliS who havecaUed titrXU sncli positive expressions of opinions from old citizens, while not being us large as one ut the mammoth oignnizatiuns on the rond. Is never- theless laryer than the luiOurlty. aud eiubmceii mure first- chi-ss artists than any other- U Itli ten flrst-cl-iss comedlnna as --end-tucn," they keep up a fire of wit that con\'ulses the audience with laughter, and which Is only softened by tfie sweet tones of their iKillad-slngers. Ourreaders sliould not mlsM ilila unique eotertjilnnieiit, -nod bear In niinu that their eoga^n^ment Is but for one week. — New Orleans Price Current. March .-)l. AcADEiiY OP Mt'Hia— Tbe Barlow, Wilson, Primrose A West Minstrels «-lu>ed their remarkably suceessfUl week's engngeiiient nt the Academy lost night. The boys iniikmg uptldsorgHnlzstlnn hare given a first-class, huneat show, und they will bo welcome when they return again another season.— A'ew Orleanx Picagune AprU 5. ACADKMV or .Mi-sia— The Barlow, Wilson, Primmae i West Minstrel Combination cloned a very snc^saful en- gngenient last night. During Its stay the compaay has mnde many Orlends, and leave the cliy with the endorse- inenl ol the tbeatru-golDe pitblle, that It Is tbe tKit show ot Ihe kind whieta bss struck the town m years.- A'eis Orleans J>emocrat, April 5. TRkVU.VT OPERA-norsc— The minstrel Ironpe of Menara. Barlow, Wilson, Primrosn A West waa ln.st night preeted by a large audience. That tbry axe by all tMiLs the best troupe of minstrels that have visited this section of theSule In years cnnnnt be gainsaid. The sln'.(inB In pan first was excellent, and the gnuid finale. "Our Plnafure." made a hit. The son^-andHiance act thatfolluwed, as given by Mr- I'htcnlx, was un apt illuatratlon ol tlie poetry uf motion. Fields and Hanson, In tbelr musical net, were Immense, anil Geo- Wilson's uratoiy os laughable ma can be imairlnf^. .Messrs. Primrose. West, Ken:iedy, Doyle, Fux. Ward, Pensley and Venetta, as dniicers, delighted the audience, and tlielr conibttt dug was uno uf the rtnest acta yet seen upon tbo minstrel stage. Taken as a whole, the tnittpe Is a luost e.xcellent one, imd everything nupenalnliig to Im- mode.sty Is carefully e.vcludcu Aoui tuii perlunuai:ce.— Oafrerron News, April 7. Billy Allen, endman and comedian, can be engaged by HppKioK Its per utrd. TiiK Orhin Bkotiieks Co. oifer good engagements lo lierformers in llavuna, Cub:u See advenUemetit. -1 HE OKini.VAL New Orleans .MiN.'fTRELs uud Gorton's Gold Bund (A. D. .Miller, bu>lness-mantti;erl clus^-d a i*ue- ccssriil non.sun In Mlddletowu, .V- Y., -^prll la They ore nuw In New Vurk City, reorgnnttlng f,ir tin Ir .*^tlmmer lonr, commelldnt: April 2a. In uddltli,u to thi-lr regular cuin- psny, tiiey have vni.';ise SrSARl-K'S COLOSSAL ClRCtS A!Ci> (IRRAT ELECTRIC- L GHr Sbot la tu be^ln Its aeo-son on or uuout Mny I. the first stand tieing at Dundee. 111., where the trontsf U now forming. All details aru nut yet complete. Z. W_ Sprague la tbe proprietor and manager; K. C. Tburber. treasutvr; Wlllhim Mayo, director; Wash Blod-.:elt. gen. etal-agent; A- F. Wood, master of bUlnusiIng brigade: E. P. Young, press-agent: M. A. Tburbcr, lI'boiiTttrber: llanlc Wise, tmss-canrasmau; 11. A. Klngu-de, eiiuestrian di- rector: James Khigcade. bunlle and Ii diai rider: Mile. Lee Etta, ceribrmcni; Charles How- Ut. leaner; William Weems, contunfcmlst and Juf^ler: NIblo. Piencb pantomime clowu; O. II, De Oastitt and bick Oslesby. cluwna; Mma. Do La Costa. MUe. Maita- Icna, Mile. Elhie, Mile. De Gaicon, Jamea Rnarh, C. W. Prlncltf and Mono. Magny, nneral perfonuer*; flOeen tumblers and leapeia. A dve biimer electric light wtU be used. Tlibi show will travel by waauus, visiting amaUer towns, n • menagerie being atiacneu. Tia L. Kin-u icit Chlemea, lU., April 6t lojoht the W. W . Colo ITIreus In St l,ouy. CiRCTS Ness Rim ibx Wmr IxniB— MATTiAam PuKTU niCII, W. L,MMcb'Jl, IftU— MH. PRANK <^t'EE»— Bear sir: Tblnklnga little newanilgbt beaccvnlable. I send a few lines. Lowande's Brazilian (^ivmi, wblcli gave tea penUnnnncea here, lett for Punce, P. R., W. I., ca\-c eight perfonnances tlivre. and then went to (^mw, Venexueia» S. A., where all nre liemmi'd In on account of the rcvolu- tloD. Tht^ Shednian Bra.*.. Wlnfiehl and t'feor:^ aild An- drew Wiitrigant. left Lowande's t^.mpanr and Joined Coo- md Jfc Wataim'n Tnuuatlantic Cnnijiany, at pre^nt m .Mnvngueze, P. R. Tliey give tbelr last porliiniianca t,>-dar, Sunday, March 21, ami leave ±t fbr South Aiiierica. They have been here two weeks. Tbecurapanylncludestba Shodman Brua.. llousabiiro Sam IJapanme). Andrew Wuirii^nl, II. Nelson, Wm. Gnfirnd, V\ in. Wainon, Senonta Ondliia, and a few SpauLinUwhuM^namfs 1 liavenotyet become familiar with. Later. .Mnrcli ZL— The Puno Rico Lottery drawings c.-ime "If tu-dA.v, and llonsaburu Sam (Jafwitnie) Idt one part of tho capital prize, which ls3l3,IJUI tune part Is one-lrnth uf the prize). Other prizes have bevu wim by the ctuiipan,r, but mit Iarf;c enougu to men- tion. Mr. Walmniimdeabit, as also did the Shednian Bnm Kespeetrully yours. W. S. S. Tont P.\stor extends libi tl^ ' :ikn tn the management of Cooper, Ralley JtCu.'s Lund- - •''^eus fur their cuurtesy in &0 timing tbelr parmdu li . '"hla. Pa., erenlugur April 10, tbat they would nui Interi. .- ^rith b!s company's performances at the Walnut-filrvvlTUei.'.ra. Mr. Pastnrin his card states tbat "It Is a compllnieut gmtcndly appreci- ated." P. T. Barnps's Show bi to exhibit In Bridgeport. Ct.. May s, ^ew Haven 4, llanfonl 5, SpriDcfiold, Ma-sa., 0, Wor- cester 7. Pttivldenee, K. I., a, Boston, Mosa., lu^ one week. GEO. B. CoLB uf Chlca^ had been eugai^ to innnage the concert, as lieretarnt«,twlth t l>l I CIRCUSES. PROF. E. Hamilton's Great New York Cir- cus Is to give Its first exhibition In OnvelL O., May 1. Welsh & Sands' New Orleans and San Frak- CISCO CIRCUS AND ROYAL ENULISB MENAOEBIE have been wintering In Topeka, Kaa., and are to open their season In Leavenworth April 13; thence to Atchison 14, SC Joseph, Mo., IS, Lathrop 10, Hamilton IT, ChllUcothe 19 Macon 20, Palmyra 21, Clnrksvllle 22, Canton 23 .Katokia 24, Comlon 28, Centrevllle, Is., 27, Lancaster 28, Memptus, Mo., 29, Keokuk, la., 30. The advance brigade is com- posed of C. U. Castle, general agent; F. U. Rose, Sress-agent; Geo. Mcintosh, contracting-agent; F. ;ockIl;ltcr, lithographer; Geo. B. I'ratt, chief of paste-brigade, and elgbt assistants. Dr. o. R. Spalding died at ten o'clock P. M. April 6 at the residence of one of his former part- nera, David Bidwell, in New Orleans, La., where he bad been in a precarious condition for several weeks. Tbe canse of bla death was cystitis, from which he bad stiifered a long time. His biography may be fonnd npon an outside page. cocp's CiBcoa did a good business at tbe E-tposl- tlon Building, Louisville, Ky., last week. Our cor- respondent saya: '-Among the moat noticeable of the attractions may be mentioned Prof. Fryer's rid- ing dogs and goats, the Japanese in their balancing andjnggllng feats. Prof. Fryer's periormlng ponies and broncho horses In their military drill, Napo- leon's glided coach, Emma Stokes, equestrian: Mme. Lottie Belmont, balancing trapezlst; and James UelvUle's reinarkatdy clever bareback rid- ing. Mr.ConpbasalsoaflnecoUectlonoranlinalH." Tbb musicians engaged for tbe Van Ambnrg Show assembled in IndlaoapoUs, Ind., AprU 0, and left that evening Ibr Valley Falls, Kas Colonel FUUns Is in town looking after tbe Interests of the Conp Show, which inangorates tbe tenting season here 20 Tbe Sella Show follows in Hay. Jobn Robinson's Gbeat Wobld's Exposition AMD HKNAOBniB Is blUed In Cnmmlnsvllle, O., April 14, SedansvlUe IS, Covington, Ky., la, Fiilton, O., IT, New Richmond 19, Augusta M, Ripley 21, .... „ ^ _ — Porta- MaysTlUe, mouth 24. Ey., 22, Manchester, 0., 23, A tobchliqct procession was given In Phila- delphia on tbe night of April 10 by tbe united Cooper k Bailey and Forepaugh Shows. It was a splendid pageant. AU along tbe ronto flreworks were con- stantly being sent np from all parts of the line, mak- ing, with the aid of 1,200 torches, borne by a corre- sponding number Of men, tbe streets as light as day. There were knights In armor, ladles on notseback, several Bonds of mnslc, cages, tsbleaa cars, ele- phants, camels, and many other features to attract attention and excite admlrotioiL Tboa- santls of people occupied the windows, door- steps, bonsetops and sidewalks, and loud and ftequcnt were tbe expressions of snrprise and delight at the elegance and beauty of the costumes, caparisons, and parapbemalla of all kinils. 'the proces^aon as a whole surpassed any former effort of tbe kind by clrcns people In the Quaker City, and was a llttlog Introtlnc- Uon to tbe opening there ol the two allied great abowa for a two weeks' tieason, which begins 12. Representatives of tbe press partook of the hos- pitality of Messrs. Forepaugh and Cooper k Bailey at the Glrard House, where an elegant repast of comforting solids and cheering liquids was en- Joyed, and ITom the wludows and balconies of whlcb hostelry tbe knights of tbe lead-pencU re- viewed the parade. As the procession was passing the comer of Broad and EUswortli streets, one of the employes was thrown from a chariot and con- siderably hurt. ACCIDENT.— A correspondent sends the following account of remarkable endurance on the part of a showman, and an assistant editor of a local Journal voQches for Its tmth: "Slgnor Montanio, manager of the Original Arkansas 1-ravelera, and one of tho proprietors of the Great Kew York Show, now or- ganizing In Smith Centre, Kaa., met wltb a serious accident at Stockton on March 2S. While perform- ing some of hla daring acts on the tight-rope, twen- ty-eight feet from the ground, the rope parted, und be feu wltb great force, allgbtlog on his feet and breaking several of the bones in his right heel and foot. Ue was taken to the hotel, where he had the best of medical attendance, hail all the bones re- set, and, although In a nearly fainting condition, went on the stage at night and played bis part or the programme through, but fainted twice in so do- ing. He was taken tu bis home tbe next day, and la now at bis liirm near Smith Centre, doing well, with every prospect of a speedy recovery." Tbe Ricky bkos. have the sideshow privileges with tbe Dr. Thayer Show this season. Keating and Ryan, vaulters, tumblere and aerial performera, advertise tbat they wUl be dls- engngeu alter May 1. all the people engoged for the Cooper k Jack- son Shows are ordered to report at Hurst's Hotel, St. Lonis, Mo-- April 23. A lady trapeze or fiylng- rlngs artist Is wanteiL See call. Pekformehs and otbera engaged for Rot>ert SUckney's Imperial Circus, Museum and Menagerie are requested to report at Pittsburg, Fa,, Apnl 22. See Manager S. E. Stlckney's card. TuE Great New York Snow, now organizing at Smith's Centre, Kansas, Is announced to start out June 1. A number of perfuriuera. Including musicians, are wanted. The privileges are also advertised fur sale, and Jas. Roberis Is requested to write. Happy Jack Lawton, clown, who is spending a few days wltb his brother lu St. l.uuls. Mo., will travel this season with Col. Hay ward's Circus and Hippodrome, which starts from I'ana, IIL, May l. CoufEK A JACKSON'S OKKAT PARISIAN ClHCCS AND EslET's .'IIE-VAOKKIE AND Mt'SEUM Is urguutzed an ful- lows: C. P- Cooper Ls general inana;;er; Furman II- Sloan, assistant manager; Lyman A. Jackson, treas- luvr; Martin J. Bills, asaiKtant trcMMurvr; Clias. M. Pratt, pivss agent; Stewart M. Daris, efiueslrlan tUrector; Homer O. Corrnl, duurkeeper; Prul. Add. Vugel, leader orchestra; J. M. Bnrr^', siiperlntendeiii of liursea; J. O. Baruum, nuperbitcndent of canvaai Paul Edmoad.s.atew. ard. Advauce brigade— W. C. Boyd, general uguit; J. B. Kennedy, nKsislsiit acent: Wm. II. Sutton, director uf publlcutloos ; Edwunl Ellintt and E. J. Lmi kins, lithograph aesnts: J. A. Murray, cliiel blliiaister: and E. II. Osburg, Geo. Lung and Perrv Stevens, asslnuiuts. Performers: Mile- Auiilo Worland. Mile. Rosa Cordelia and Mile. E.Ut Deverv. euue-Htrlennes; Mile. MIniietta. Irun-Juw perfomi. er; Mile- Fntiiees Uairy, wlre-ascenjlonbt; \v. W. NIeboK N. A. Lowondl and Auolph Muuclilu, e«iuestrlkUs; Hetlaw and Alton, britther-ucls; J. L. Diivenpuri, Oban. Itoycc and Matt. Edmoiitls, cluwns; Wui. Klngrade, l»ri.ev and lluw. ard, James Elms ^^'m. Kursbe>-. Krvd Castlo and Wll le I. eun. leapers and tuinlters; wm. Weuma nnd Edwaru Lester, ctintortluiilsts: l,<-ruyand .\dAiiiK, euinedhitis; Eu- cene Carl Zewartz. lUuslonlst; Mile. Stella Carl Zewatu. nueen uf rtre; and PruL UB<'sr Hunt, areuiiaiit. They mn nil their own privileges. Hume:. Mlasuuil, Ituve weeks; then tu Illliiola aud Hast. THE GREAT Eastern Snow was organized In New Orleans March a. lojU- Thus- W. VIOMm Is Uie uian- oger: J- K. Ma:k and Hubert JuiiuMjti.assislant-maiiHgers; II. 11. Gliley. treasurer; i;ua I'. Murrls. geiieral-Sicent: Will llHllley. assUlant-sgenI : W- .McOi,rd. s. Ilullley and B. Myers, bUlpusters; John Warden. proKntininer; Law- rence Weaver, propi-riies: J.W. I'age.prlvlleges. Per- fonnera: FlUiufin- luiil Bu>'d, doiiljle-ti'uiH.-ze uua ucrobiitle artists; Phil lloldon. lUMleslal clog uud llg dancer: Charles Brouxiard. with Edl:rf)U's ptiuniigniph; Bub JuiinMin. acto- Uatlc down ; the Belmuut Bros., Juhnsiiu and tbe :>tanley Brothers, horizontal-bars; (?hurles aud Gabo GarUviiial, coiulc vncalUta; Archie KlUmure, pedestal club-swinging: l*ror. Bellmunt. Creole giant nnd strougman; lliiber and VInsen, specialty perlurners: Golden and Kevnun, sun^- ■ Stnoley Boyd, fiylng rings; Prui. De latzka, . '.,"Av.*fl iS..tiil,Mm Mliiwrri,l,t — Amianfi and-dknce, , niaglclan; and Gllley s Snuiliem Minstrels — Anuan< Veaxey. James Modesie. J. B. Orlunaoe, Tom Wllluiot, Bub Mack, Will U. Simmons, (I. E. NeuvUIe. J. Ol NeuvUla and Then, llsnlcy. The sldesUov Is under the management of J. M. Pbk*. -rbey l>er10rmed In Bmux'a Bndse .April a. LaGayetle 7. Roy vllle 9. CblculrlUe 10. and are due inSver- ereen 12, Washington It, Opekiusas IS, Natchez 19. Op Buuoick £ au.e.n's Qi-adrci-lk combination Bunllck A AUen are the pnpricluta and managers: b. Leopold, director of unosemenu: Dl ClepB. e™;»»cUnf agent; fted Mlnger.chleluf paste-brlgaile: »-D?>ff'SI?' leader of band; J. Durberty, mnsterotcanvM, H. Bur- dlck. master ofrtock. Perlbrmets: S''^y,^f!SS^^S^ Thome. PetOtt and White. C. C. '^'•"Ife, ?°S7.y^*;-S worth, tbe Lonmdu Bros., Jerry ^'wly. Don AUen. tidi Bnrdlck. They bare twenty burses, an. top audaut. middle-piece e«ivas, twolione-icnts. men In advance corpo. They open In As^jtabiua. O.. Mar LTilJ?^!^nibl?nt. ''PedalWPMple eta. tteilrtogen. gaeements can addreas as per adTortisemant, antf the sli^how prirllrm ll to rent. , „„„,„,k„.v. Pekmhibciis and attracUona ol merit are wanted by the OizlnliiuihctsJtCu.rvrllaTana,Cuba. bveotnL aaSCEUiANEOVS.^ \ . Master O. A. Osborne, under the manogtmcnt of C. U. Wheeler, Is to give readings and imita- tions In Anrora, N. Y., April 19. Holland 30, Arcade 21, Ulnsdole 22, SpringviUe 23, FrankllnvlUe 34. A. L. BinT esblblted bis panorama of the *'Bootc of Revelations" in Colombia, S. C, April e, T. Canvas and poles are for sale at Burgh's ex- press omce. See canL DowoBTH's HiBEBNiCA Is to Iw exhibited la Trenton. N. J., AprU 13;, Gloncester City 14, Con- ahohocken. Pa., li, Noirlstown 10, PbccnlxvUIe IT, PottsvUielo. TnB Opbba-bofse, AUentown, Pa., la dosed. During tbe Snmmer It wUI be enUrely remodeled, and greatly Improveil In stage-room, dressing- rooms and andltorinm. and wlU lie reopened Sept. 1. No arrangements bave been made at present for the opening of the bouse, but Manager Uagenbncli Is In correspondence with some of the best compa- nies In tbe cotmtry, and be icqnesu managcra to write to blm as per card. This nouse was the first opera-house ever bnUt In that section of tbe State. Dl a spirit of enterprise, Mr. Hsgcnbuch completetl it when tbere was considerable hazard about tbe undertaking. His example was qnlckly copied, and, proUtlng by his experieace, those wbo follow ed at Reading, Easton, Betblehem and other filaces did so on Improved plans. AsMr. Hagen. luch wishes to be abreast of the times, he wlU en; deavor to make his bnllding safe and commodloun, elegantly flimlshed, and adapted to tbe presenta- tion of any play. The Blooms qnote some of tbelr prices In tbelr cartl elsewhere for theatrical nnd simrtlng oatMs. It will be seen that tbey have articles In tblB line at uniisuouy low figures. Tbelr extensive stock offers a chance for almost anyone to lie sultetL The Eng- Ush super Btont flesh tights -priced at $Le9 in tho liSt elsewhere should be Sl-60. GDBiosiTiBS and specialty artlBts are wanted for Alton's Mnsenm nnd Theatre, to be located at Coney- laliind tills Summer. See adverilsemcnL Wabd's silk and worsted ttchts, shirts, etc, and other articles In the way of ontflts for profes- sionals end amateurs, cither theatrical or sporting, are noticed in auotber column. lndlg>s Lady Royal tights, an elaborate article, 1h speclaUy men- tioned. This bouse announces that they luive an extensive stock on band, and that It is of tbe best description. Bbcce's snow-FAiNTiNOS are advertised In this issue. J. H. Connors annonnces tbat be can bundle to advantage aU the latest noveUlcs. Sc« canL John Alt a, advance-agent or manager, can be engaged. See advertlsemenL SiONOB Bosco, wizard, wbo perfbrmed In Green- acid, Mass., April «, 10, lis, WlU be In Nonbamptoa 13. 14, 16. Professionals leaving town can store fbmltnre, etc., at the adtlress advertised elsewhere. Rooma can also be secured at the same aiBIress. The Olvmpio Tbbatbe, Brooklyn, N. Y., can lia rented by applying to Hyde k Bebman, as per canL Tiiknev ACAoniTor Mrsia Norfolk, va.. Is now be- ng built, and will be ready fur occupancy Oct. I. Tbe new building, according tu the onaounevmenln, will have all tbe most recent Improrements, ond will be fitted up Pmerally In hnndsoine alyle. Tbe aeatlng capacity wlU bo Oa Seo 11. D. Van Wyck'a advertlaament. Te.NTS AND aluuatobs Ore adrettlaed tot sale by J. W. Couclu Peoanto, farmnaitle aenmaut, Ugbt-rope artist, etc., advertlsen for engagements. CuAHLis BBNTO.t, buslncas agent, can be addressed lor an engagement as per card. COL. robirt a. laoiRSOLL's new lecture "What Must We Do to BeSavcdT" wlU t>e ileUrered In the National The- atre, Washingion. April IL Cantas, pules, curtain, lights, etc, are for sale at F. Donaldson's address. See canL The DvrftoiT astoonumical clock la on cxtdbUlon la tbe Globe Theatre. Cleveland, O. Prop. Zera gave eleven performances to average larn aadlencea m Heading, Pa., the past week, lie metwIUi a sad affliction In the loas of bis infknt aon. who «Ucd ot braln-fhver- TOB Tbdmb, wipe and TRom appear this week at tbo Dime Museum. Bruoklyn. PlIUL— Tbe Opera-boune, Petroletim Centre, Pa-, was eis- tlrely destnyeu by fire AprU IV. AN-VA Dickinson gave a' dramatic reading In Wheeling, . .._ .o . ..... ...^ . "DoeaDemtlt W. Va.. ApnlS.. End .\11 V^9. . .Joseph Cook lectured on * The Jerskt Crrr (N. J.) OrERA-Borsi can be pnrctuued or leased by applying to W. 11. Butllong, aa per canL Laxoo a Co 'h ubpot for cheap Jewelry la advenhtcd In tbIs Issue. They make a specialty ofgoous for showmen. Prop. d. J. Dare Is to frive bigh-rupe ascensions In Aus- tin. Texas, April 1^ U, 14, Ileame Culvert leL Waco 17. 19. AN iiTrERTAi:iBElinlst; and Maiy W. CampbeU, pianist A whole, captured and fcUled near Pruvlnc«towo, Mann., la on ex- hibition In this city Tbe Nautblua, tbe Hide etaft tbat crtisscd tbe Atlantic, and tbe talldng-maehme am on ex- hibition at tbe Old South Cliurch George BIddle com- mence* six readlnip at Uawibome UaU afternoon of lA with "TheTempesl." CFRlosmn. paintings, organn, tents, etc, ai« ofTercil for sale by "IV lid Wuud," wbu caji be addressed core of tills ottlco. Magical ArrABATrR,Juj!gllogtoobi, etc, ore manniac- ttired by -rhoraan W. Vovt, wbo advertloeSL Davis A Co., collecting agents, wbose address find In another culomn, offer tu collect claims anywhere In tho United Staten. Gkoroe W. CoXEV. who had been an ageoiforvariona troupes, died In SomervlUe, Mass., Dee. 12, 1X79, and this Is the flrst loiitnaUon we have bad ul the occurrence. Miss (iBuKOtA Cayvan U to read In Belfast, Me., AprU 12, EUnwortb 13, Biicknpon 14, Wstervllle li. AT TUE Ri.fx, Philadelphia, tberv was a lancy-drcss car- nival on roller skatea April S Jan. P. Boyd lectured a£ A-soclailanUallSbefoivtbe Y. M. C. A. an "Tbe Weather Family." John L. Stoddard lectured at Asaodaiioa HaU 6 and 9, and wlU sneak-again at tbe same place U |mtlliiB selections, tba luroe uf "TLe Riaiuese Tn-lus." uud a tulilesu of "Bliia Heard.-* "Tline and tho Hour" was fierfurmed by tbo Khus llriimiiilj Cluh ut L-ulikU llaJI 7. befure mcjubetsuT the Bo.tuii Vuiiiii! Jlen's i;hrlstlsu fnluu. -1-HK Uavuakkhs" was sung In Uncon Hall, Somer- vUte, .-Uaas., 7, 8. by lucnl andnuialeitr talent. THE Camukidiie coueuv Cobpanv played "Tbe Two Ori'halls" nt lustllute llall. East Cambridge, Mass., Fatft- evvning. THE frankun Ati.NSTKELS. perftwDMd lo FrtinkHn, ^TmiOKASi-vTicCLCUor the Knlcbtsof Father Mathew of IndUinaisills, lad-^ plaoied --Tbv TIckct-uFlcare MonT in Audenuin, lod.. Apnl lu. "TIIK Bells op Counvville" was sung in Harubid, Ct., April by the Uartfurd Ajuatear 0|>eim Comrany, to a MuaU audience An etdoyablis entertainment was glvenat tbe Kttrcata byE. n. Euunons* orchestra, aa- Blaicd by local nusical (aleuL To Atu TIIK PAlutRLL Kl'ND thft Excclslor Dimmatlo Union of dila city are to peribnu "The Tlcket-ot:ieave Man" and "Tlie Sbunese Twins" la Ttmce Garden AprU U. CaowoED Al-oiENCKS mrceted tbe uttfcera* Dramai a Club of tbe Nlnety.aeventh Beglment In the Arademv of Mutic, UallIkx.M.8..A*cUI.% to viineos 'The Critic." '*Tl*E CUUIES or NuRMANOV" wm . be given at Llbrrry Hall, IMttsbtus, Pa.. AprU IS. by a company oompoeed ot home talent, imder the direcuon of ProL Tetedoux. A PLKASirRABLB ErrsRTAiMiE.'rr was gtvea by the Scotia Masonic Aiaocbitlon at Lyric IlalL this dty, AprU & Tha prflcramma included Meson. D. B. Dtysdole, J. A. Adams, J. Qaddia, Harry Faulkner, F. J. Utllfilhs and O II. Pattefson, and the Mlanca Bcader, Mrs. C. W. Oakley. MriL A. C -Taylor and Mlsa Jenule Townaend llkvucala^ lectlona; D. W. Howell, Miss llatUe Anderson and Mainla C Dannie In racltaUoiia; and a sketch by W. W. I>niilap and Thos. Fowler. , _ . . "IIABLET" was ployed hv the Whcatley DramaUo Ano- ciatlouof PhUndelplila / pr.l 7 Fur the benefit of thai Newsboys' Uomo amat4.-uni gavo "Sweethearts'* ^aniL "Weak Woman" at tbe Amatcuc OtawlDg-nom I inalLa ' NEW YOUK, S^TTJRD^Y, J^^IlIL 17, 1880. Prloe Ten Cente. ■^Jj^^pyNTAiMS* SECRET. . "^ p. SI rTT TDU dJUM. ' M Oo< with mcfurllmiake CSJSBaariit(M»i •top. . - mill. mavnM them. almd In mule njJKSnlollUTmllejB — •a»k»'w/>'™« rlren, to ifta mboni neee, ■gSii ftM«ad proud. ■.iikiaKftom ilnddtin ,duk mom an 18, echoes till. iiTiuiintiin-''— T**"" >» ^iMttrTWund'"'- piE BLONDE SmEN: ADULTEROUS DRAMA. BI XAVIEB DE HONTEPIN. ha tto «flhaped glasses, "what think lOe Utemal Inmishings of my pretty ■ In effitacka with them," replied PanL '■JM I remark prodigality m magnifl- ^wtilso evidonce of pure and ezqclslte _lto hihttoatcd to thlnga of beauty, but woetoa charmed. Becelve my sincere WisBoochard drew his head visibly up- ™™,li(WaTer,dld not prevent htm from aasnmptlon of false modesty, o endently prepared and committed iSiif 'Sfi'°'l°°'^''»* ^ bandsome, hS:.!™' °" gewgaws In a RTWrnlng compared with Uie faily im- lr™^^ln whose midstour forolatheiB ■tl fclSK^ within reach of thoro r la within oms to-day, for S Ullr^i ^ a""ent '1 would snffooate, believe Sb^JI^iS^ of one of your men-at^ "j^!J«'l»le, and It is doubtful a* whether »rv,f???S''*°"'*l^ sword. Now, lS3S,S?V"J'*°"'"ered. "Never- i£i^.i^?J°^*"'^=oo' true merit.' ">e thread of his little im- I^MUwrionsly prepared: reUcs of t r«i!i^2.°'^'"=®'"l»e said, deslgnat-^ ftimltuielnnft- "aldst of i5lori6u8 rominis- iT <£SJ?%P'^<=1» lam a deseend- bfc^fd ««)m work, of whlcbl ■-wing abashed, means wherewith ^^m7^L'S."=^ ""i eold vfherewith _ '^Sf.^^e^eecufihaon. FoUovf^ ■^Mhnif one gemtloman ot 1(4 my ffi'ln Placeol girding on the S^mJlr P«"liaJi^otej5^ °' spending my' last (jj^J^wagentlemanl Do you approve '«<*^B „ marvels surronnd- the the 'J* mSSm?-' *PI»»r to me the more 4?S«." °' I ^ 't^hwflv^SffS^ly touched. eebed SIlS'^K^f^fBy andir^aed "° o»n with redoubled enthusl- ^^'tad'l^' * p*""' "yo" £5«Htt^J?'\.'™°'' not as yat - ^te^nm^^'ty- IS;^]f2;J«pUed,the worthy man. ?'itoa??S,Si?:L'^M Mademolsella >4I wETiS^^"* "ady." repBed the host, the precious S*. certainly in herlllfle ■^o-i- " ™8 passes her afternoons '* la mrair^,P*^ afternoons but I do not re^SShe iS^uWvtmi V*^ darSng baa iJte^Xf m? ^ you^Sh^iat I to order Bta- Jh<»? prafwrSat ii^sedc all things, not t».caus8 Madb- molselle Karguerite any inconvenlenoe, and I oeg ot yon to oondnct ns into her ptesenee." "Gome," sold Nicholas Bonchud,' arising: 'WB will take the avenao of . the HnH(>tiQ to have shade, and at tbe same time to visit a portion ot •mir modest pork. It Is not aa laige its those ■ ' -, "PeHiaps'; atlU -yoii hive not -worn ibftiikf! ■• • Marguerite inquired no more. A fresh rush ot blood empurpled hor face, and, she knew not why, her heart beat as It had never beaten be- fore. "Do you refuse me that fiower?" continued PauL No; Marguerite refused not. Slowly she detached one of the roses from her Imuquet, and, with a trembling hand, ten- dered It. "Thanks 1" he stammered — "oh, thanks t" And before placing it In his button-hole he pressed It to bis lips. "Bravo 1" exclaimed a Joyous voice— "btuvo I Count I Gallantry has revived 1 Behold the tra- ditions of the ancient French nobility. Blche- Iteu personified I" Nloholns Bouchard, who thus spoke, rubl>ed his hands -with indescribable satisfaction. He and Lebel-Gttard, softly retracing their steps, had found themselves separated from the young people merely by a mass ot lilacs, and they had witnessed, unseen, the graceful little scene we have depicted, and it appeared to them, by good right, a nappy augury for the muriage both had at hoart. -Marguerite, much affected, threw herself into her father's arms. Nicholas Bouohard em- braced her enthuBlastioally, Baying with pride : "It is a Countess I embrace 1" The young girl esperienoed aprof onnd trouble, tor which ehe could not account, tor she -was In Ignorance of its cause ; still it appeared to her dalioious. By a species ot instrucU've shams she did not reproach' Paul, and, eelzliig her father's hand, led him In the direction of the house. . "Eh, Count," Bald Lebel-Olranl in a semitone, "what think you ot our little friend? Have I spoken too highly ol her?" "You have not spoken sufaclenUy," responded Paul, with enthusiasm. "She Is an angel— an actual angel 1 Bhe hides her wings, but I am sure she bss them. I am an idiot 1 Still she must need to love me ! Believe you that she can ever love me?" "Bhe will love you. I -will answer fo^ that, Bhe loves you already without being aware of It Did yon not comprehend her manner of pre- senting the rose?' replied the upholsterer, with a smQe, and laying emphasis on his last word. "Then to you I owe my happiness I" "And, fortunately for mb, you owe me mor9," thought Lebel-Girard. "Since it lij thus, make your declaration," he added aloud. "So soon?" ranttered BauL "It Is never too eoon to dose a good baigain ! Moreover, what do you risk? Hb oonsanf is a foregone oonduslon, os the affair Is pieanang- ed. Desire you an Immediate tete-a-tete with Nicholas? I -will take care ot Margfuerite." Panl reflected an instant. "No," he said finally ; "not immediatalv." "When, Uien?" «u««iy. "This evenlng-^after dinner." "Be it BO. But no absurd tUnidity'I Declare ypurs^ before leaving, and oany with vou Bouchard's promise." - Friend. Bouchard awaited his. guests In the bOilard-room, the only apartment In the minia- ture castie wherein, thanks to the ImportnnitlM ot-atchiteat and of upholsterers, concessions had been made to modem tastes, and the furni- ture of the middle ages and the Benalasanoe -was replaced I>y contemporanfxms utensils. The game commenoed, and in -Marguerite's fireeenoe, she having recoivod trOTn her father le important mission ot marking up the points That presanoe, however, causedPanI such dls^ trneUon that, akhon^ti a more than ordlnarr playtf, h« was easfly beaten by Nicholas Bou- bhud^whoee repeated victories fairly turned his ,;;^8lx_ o'clock precteay^^^ In stale unUDim;: foUowod by two footmen with snpeib; qaltes, pfMaponaly antiouneei^ tij^ dftr ner was upon the table. Paul gave his arm to Marguerite, and they passed into the dinlng- hall, where, as may be imagined, the young folks found themoelves placed side by side. As Lebel-OIrard had observed to De Nancey, the cook ot the eccentric descendant ot the Montmorendes proved a veritable cordon bleu, while his cellar contained an Imposing collec- tion of celebrated vrines, whose tiueeand parch- ments could be bettor authenticated than thoeo of the master of the house. The dinner -was ezqulalta— aUghUv too much moistened, per^ chance, by Nicholas Bouchard, who, ' In the eo- Btaoy ot joy and arlEtocistio aspirations, placed little reetmlntupbn himself and his cups, recited his armorial history and related family aneo- dotas lof . dubious accuracy, while proposing significant toasts as to the union ot the ancient escutcheons and the noble names ot French his- tory. In fine, the worthy man -was unendura- ble ; but the Count paid little heed to him l>e- yond giving adroit replies when necessity de-^ manded, as he. -was wnoUy absorbed in a par- ticular conversation vrith Marguerite. The young girl, instinctively at her ease, betzayed her expansive Inqnisltiveness, while revealing the treasures ot an upright soul and candid nature. As the second course-was served. Nich- olas Bouchard arose unexpectedly and address- ed his guests with comic solemnity. "My good friends," quoth he, "your court- eons attention I Ourahceetorasurpafisedus; let us resusoitnte some of tbelrgood old oustoms, Hertofore, at their boiapltable tables, in the midst of a repast, they tailed not to drain a middle cup. Let us imitate .them' in their -wisdom. Copying their habits, we pave the -way for social regener- ation 1" Nicholas resumed his seat, when his nutifrs d^hotfl presented upon a silver salver to each ot his guests, not excepting even Marguerite, a Tenetian glass filled -with absinthe. "To the perpetuation ot old customs I" said the retired cork - manufacturer, draining bis glass at a gulp. Thus did the worthy fellow understand social regeneration. Paul and Lebel-OIrard smiled, and contented themsei'ves -with moistening their lipe with the emerald-colored beverage, which Marguerite took pains bimply to touch. The dessert arrived, and with it coffee, to which the master of the house added liquors in such Infinite varieties that, npon leaving the table, he was not to say InebnatPd, but more animated than rational, while his countenance, habitually colored, glowed -with -a violet tinge, prophetic of immlneiit apoplexy. Tne upholsterer took De Nancey by the arm, and addieased him in a whisper: ••Have I deceived you? Look at the good fel- low. He certainly cannot last long, Helaab- solntely a most desirable tathor^-law. Pass into the parior, where I -will contrive to leave yon alone, and then make your , declaration. , This marriage must come to pass before another flow ot Mood to his head, which may happen from hour to hour." . They quitted the dining-room. Nicholas stag- gered, deddedly. Marguerite appeared neither surprised nor uneasy at nis oondluon. Undoubt- edly, she had become huMtimtiw l to IL . mie eJaeed doon ot the-porior, thrown open, afforded entrance to the fresh air from the park. Night had fiillen. The moon, at full, was emerging -above the horizon behind the tail treoB,' flooding the greensward with a sflvery light OlranTIad aside the young 'lady, and the Count discovered himself, notwEoUyunem- faartaased, taoe to face with BouchsnL. whose boistwous breathing announced a pouiful di- gestion. "HOW to broach thesubjeot?" medliatal FboL- ".Is my destitaed. father-in-law. in a oonditUn'to: nndeiBtand'me?';. • . , . ' ' ,:\ . '■ i -■ ' - His embeLnaasmsot and hesitation , wen ^>f short di^tloiL.: The -fine' wines, chkt^riiii. alalnthe and liquors had moved the ex-eoik- maker ' to tendeneBS. He advanced towards the young man, njt without gyiatfons, and, oom- preaslng his hands witliin his Own, stonunered In a pntemaV tone of voice words intanmpted by frequent hlocnps : "Count, or rather my chfld— my dear chUd-^ yon allow bo near a term, haive yoa aught tb say to me? Speak feariessly. Open youi heart ; ft Is, a father listening to you-^and'ftom heaven on high the gr«kt Constaole hears you." Tb this pathetic invocation, . evidenUy pre- pared alnee morning, like all tus important dis- courses, Paul responded: . •'I am slnoerely touched, sir, try'yonr gtaoioosr neas and encouragement; stiil, can you not read my heart as well ss myself, and divine that which I am burning to express?" "Wb: t if I do not divine Itr responded Nich-. olas Bouchard. "Can I not leam it, my dear Count, better from your own lipe? Come, un- bosom yourself all the same, although I know what's coming." "Well I" exclaimed Paul, "I have been unable to see Mademoiselle Marguerite -without loving her." "Ah! ah I my fine fellow 1" Interrupted the worthy Bouchard, -with a hearty laugh, presto I you have a flne taste I My little Mugot Is a perfect treasure I .1 sometunes call her Margot in honor of the queen by the same name, wno. had a kindly feeling tor one ot my ancestore." "And," continued De 'Nbnoey, "I claim the honor of asking her kaad^.' "I bestow it uppn j[on." replied Nicholas. "To my arms, my sbn-In-Iaw 1" Paul passively obeyed this invitation; then, after a hearty accolade, the master ot the house resumed: "Do not sccusa me of acting frivolously. I am well Informed, that I am I In the flrst place, personally you pleased me greatly, and mat Is but one reason. I could have found yon per- fection, and could have replied : 'Touch taernotl You cannot have my daughter.' That which; de- cides me, see you, is that there -was In Palestine a Baron de Nancey attached to the person of his MaJentyLouisIX, ordinarily known as Baint Louis. Your escutcheon Is emblazoned azure, with numberless stars. I have longed to view It with my own eyes in the Hall of the Cmsodere, and I have done so. I was atTeisailles this moming expressly for that purpose. It is Im- possible for my daughter not to be happy be- neath that blaaonment. Hence I give her to yoii. Take her I Lebel-Glrard has concealed nothing trom me.. You are In debt. So mudh the better. It la a'algn ot pure blood I We -will pay your debts, and the descendant of the Con- stable -will bring you In her petticoat more crowns than -will be needed to dose up holes and sll manner ot breeches. Now I vnll call Marguerite and announce to the lltUe ilnHing that -within fifteen days she -will be Cotrntess ■ -il? Nicholss Bouchard -was advancing towards one ot the glass doors -with a tread rendered more unsteady from this, outburst ot his elo- quence, when Paul stopped him. "I pray you, my dear sir," he said, "do noth- ing :" "Ah, t>ah I and why not?" "For reasons to you apparently foolish. I do not desire Mademoiselle Marguerite to re- gard me as yet as her official betrothed. Now that I have the joyful honor of being accepted by you, permit me to attempt pleasing herwnom I ad-^re. Allow me to pay court to her, and, after having obtained her from yon, permit me to endea-vor to -win her from herself.'' "Charming 1 charming r' BtammeredNldiolas. ru bbing his hanir ■ ^iddiokma, upon my honor I By the teith of -a knight^lt Is a rdinement worthy ot cblvalty I I wilfsay nothing to Mar- euertte.' - Tov liAve'"n-<£Bt0-blanche. and- the hijasalB opentfl you l Wjr-yrtlr court, my dear Count, pay your court 1 Only hurry- about it. for to please and to marry I only allow fifteen days, which Is fifteen times longer thou fs-need- od by a knight ot your worth, and who beaiB azure, -with numbeness stars:" The oonversaUon -was at this point when Lobel-Glnud reeppeared -with Marguerite. At a flrst glance the upbolstererrecogmzed the two converBotionalists to have harmonized, and, conceiving his bill ss good as liquidated, con- gratulated himself warmly. An hour snbsequently, De Nancey reascend- ed into his carriage -with his ImproviBed mat- rimonial agent, and resumed his route for Fails, after having deposited upon Maiguerite's trem- bling hand a kiss replete with- eloquence. "Well?" anxiously inquired the upholsterer when the brilliant equipage resumed motion. "All Is aminged," responded Paul. "I many Marguerite within fifteen days." "And you love her?" "I adore herl" "And I gave her to him," thought Lebd- Oliard to himself as he scratched an ear. "By right I should claim a bonos 1 Well, IH ponder over it" TO BE OONTINUSD. ed npon an entirely new plt& the Brtgi^tta^ Hanaaii was pnrahMed and fitted with aocoamiv •lattons Siraotraiu eompainvaM the next'two years -were poMd la Bnd^ Vtagnay, Buenos Anea and the West Indleo. O^ktha retaura vnvm the veMel-was inecked at liinirBiansh. N. jltit- people and bono, togethsr wllE eomeo} the lag- S€?' *'?S.S"*' *™» "» -wiufl- robe. proMitlea aad vtMel wm laat.' . Motwttb- Manbng Ihli dlsa^er. the ventnnwM ' i^cnS aaandal incoeaa, and it is niffthatmtmltSBDTB were bestowed npoir the oamBnTtlmrliad' bean ship, and Mr. land. mUMSpaMlngABoaeisdlaolvedBBiteS^ Id, and Mr. BogetB rettied^ftom proSadoasi Ulb. id has since reatdad near Phuad^ua, nT- Tbe "DR." GILBERT R. SPALDING, whose portrait appears on this page and wboee death is recorded in our circus deptotment, 'was bom elxlv-elgiit years ago in Coey mane, Albany Ooonty, N. If., and toe title of "Doctor" was generallr pre- fixed to bis name by his filends and acquaintances becsnae, irom about 1840 to istf, be kept a drag- store at the comer of Lvdloa and Pearl sheets, In Albany. The cause of his entering the abow bnal- neas waa the loaning of aome money to Sam NIobolB, a well-kno-wn circus-manager, who gave him for aecuri^ a mortgage upon tus circus prop- erty. Bad boslneaa prevented Mr. Nletaols from r»- .ylng the money at the time apecilled, and Dr. Idlng foreclosed the mortgage, bat permitted Nichols to 'run the show. Finding, however, that by pntBulng auch a course be was not likely to epeedUy recover bis money, he personally vtslted the circus with the Intention of rannlng it into Al- bany, and tbere dlapoalng of the property by auction orprivateaale. BeiorereactilngAlliauy be discover- ed that nnder hla energetic management the abow was TnttMng money, and, aa be liked the bnalneas, he detennlnee used for either a dreuB or a theatre. ItwasctirlBtenedSpald- ding A Bogers' Amphitheatre, which title aome £ ears later was changed to that of the Academy of [ualc, which It atlll Rtelns. It has undergone sev- eral reeonatrueUons, la no w a very beanlUul tbeatie, and Is owned and ' managed by David BldweU. During tbe next ffew yean Spalding A Rogars bad two and Bomettmes three companies tounng this country and Canada, traveling by railroads, wagons and water. In 18S0 they put a olrons and dnmatio companr Into the Bowery Theatre, this dty, and prodncea eauestrion diamas in isectae^ nlar Style, and from there they tranalbrred their entln threes to- the Boston afMa.l l1ieatn (tben known - as tlie Academy or-lCnde), wbere tBSy ^ayed a hlglily sneceaaftal engagement of some weeks' dttnaraL In the;. Spring of. im smg- nUcent portable ' luspUtbaa^. .eonftnia^ copaitDenhip between-BpoidingABidwelleaoHn- ned, ud sborUyafleiwaida they teaaed'aot'iebailt the Olvmplo Tbeatre. St. Lonu, Ho. HfevlK al- ready the Academy of kualo. New Orteana, LaZttaey leased theatres in Mobile, Ala., and MempuallMm., and eatabllahed a theatrical olTonlt, which they eondnetcd succeasfully tor a As w seasona, Thomas B, HacDonough being associated -with them In a man- agerial caiMclw, and tbe flrm-Utia belng-BbaldlDg, Bldwell A alBCDDnongtL In 1887 a scheme was de- 'vlaed to send an American clrons company to Paris, France, to perform during the ExpenaotL Tbe managers and capitalists were Aveir Smith, Gerard O. Quick, John J. Nathans, Di: O. K Spald- ing and David Bldwell Air edifice in which they were to harre performed was built forthe purpose by Mr. Kennedy of Albsny. N. T. It waa orwood, with a canvas top, and botftbe n>U)wlngoM«olty: Forty-fonr prlvate-boxea, besides on ImperlaMopr, aeven hundred and sixty parqiuetseata, Ittnrteen bnndred and twenty balcony aeats, and' a> gallarv capable or accommodating nearly twO' thouaanil peraons, the seats belngall oane-bottom obaUsL CoL van Orden bad been sent In-advance te-Paris to prepare tbe way for tbe company, which waa vaiy strong. The chief attractions, aoeordinic to the files of TBI CuPTxa,^ included Ames BoUnson and bis son Clarence, Fnak Pastor; Bobeit Bttck- ney Q. M: Kelly, Lorenzo Maya, the BoOande Brotbera, Wm. Conrad, Ctaariea Riven, the per- forming horse Hiram, a perfbnnlng buflkiorand a troupe of Indians. Moat of the company and all tbe stock, Gonslatlng of twenty-tbree boiaea, two mnlea, and a bmiuo, also^ four noraee belonalng to James Robinson, loft New Terk In the stSmBilp GuldingStar Uareh 30, 188T, David BldweU'and Oer- ard O . Quick accompanying thank The other per- formen Ibllowed in steamanlps tbat sailed at later dates. After arrt-vlng lib Pails, and wbemneaity an the preparations for their sbo-wlng hadlieen made. It was (ilscovcred that a Toeal I&w prevented the erection of any wooden' boUaing within the city Umlts; consequently they could not use their pavilion, and, all ottnr places belngengamd; the venture was about to end In bnnre, wnen- for- tunately opportunity was given the Amertcaa com- pany to play for a brief time, bnt the reanltwaa not wtiat bad been expected. In un Dr.- Spalding again put Dan Rice on tbe roaiT-irltfa' a abow man- aged by Hairy W. Spalding, who -was dangeronalr wounded by a platol ataotin Baxter- Springs, Kaa., which -waa proliably the remote cause of bis death, which took place at his lktbar native town. _ _ - 7 "t>Tleit. . Tfl|tii Ilia liii II II ilifi lamiM Then, rtAoplnc down. I plodMl t^^h ailw And puhedaslde tbablulaB of. gnu, BatUftthoTlolrtnna ii rtial,! - To kiM lb* upbjn mm th^ fuml . Next mora 1 wuida«lt^n asbbi. Altai tbe cnel wreck I t>tiM! Somcono bad cut tl^a rtlffn Im twau^ Aad ton tbe toots ftthn. oat th» gioBDil. I llscered bat a neacaltben. Wbm jtRodaj'iAlviotel Eiew. So BwMt, BO tfndtir. aDd ao &lr. That Ood bad irivaa ma fa vtav. Aod ao, I tboofht, baw true, ladaed, Tha homan ncB Uka TtDleuaeem; If ttom obaearity th«Tl» ft t ad. Tbej vnck not danscr buka uaean, • ••••• • Aht ameaaea. and acton, tofly My flover'a Ikta yoa moat dlvidab Beeaue haU-hldden ooae yoa na cnalilag pea, miiifi Jim Jiial tiTiwuiiIaa, warafljund: Tbey braia your glocT from tba atam. And daibad your caatlea to tb* iToand. JIfeiaart, Man. FOB MAUM CHEAP VAUm KIFOMIERt. warms ros tbi im tou cinrxi, BT JOHN H. BTBNB. SnaioHT MxH. — One old-man wig, an old morn- InR-gown and a cane. CoMEniAM (for tbe aeason).— One doee-erep wig, one Mcht-wlg, an .old pair of paste abnndantff Satctaed.old vest and coat, and an oM hat of any eacripaon. Allot tlie above pieces of -wardrobe must be as dirty as possible, to create a langtL BNDifSH.— Tbe usual apology for an erenug snlt —swallow-tailed coat, diagonal Test, any kind of fianm, so long as tbey are not blafck; and (be bl- owing remark alter the lady vocalist has siii«>^^ her ballad: "Say. Mr. Cbestarfield, that's a nice song. Did yon ever Bee my girl t (w, aba Is • dar- ling, you bet she la. S-a-y, I got a coiiundrhm for yon. 'Why am I like a tmttle of beert .dnaiMr.— BecanseI'm ccAed up." Baiuo40l«i8ts.— An orOlnaiT pair of pante of any description, a coat of suiBclent length In the tails to mop up tbe floor of tbe stage, red vest, old white hat, ahoes laige enough to.cover a cool-hole If necessary, and a very cheap ban]o. Alter' going threugh the naual bnalneas of alldlngftot acreas tbe seat of tbe chair, tlwn dastinglt off with ooat- talls, tbey proceed to tone up: and while doing so they inform yon of the Ibct that they -will sing a new Bong, written for them by a Oomanehe in — 2ul^-- - Italian, and vocallxed by a Zulu' in Oonstantl- llil -with the Bed-beaded nople^^ entitled "The Ob SONO-AMD-DAMCB ABTisr& — Any -kind of attire for the pedal extremities, itom a pair fO" idaek tigbte to a pair of pante with material enoagh In- ttiem to make a bed-tick, and an old "idng" hat to kick— though tbey don't "kick" half ao lond On the Btage as tbey do at the boaidlng-houae If they don't get turkey, pie, lee-cream and ralidnsaeven'tbnca a week for five doUois. SxxrcH Aansrs.— Cbaraeten: one male, one ife. male. The female Is a sta a u aUu ck maUen who aspires to do Juliet or "I hope I don't intrnde." (But she does Intrude, and ehonld have steyetfkt her old poalUon of cook and dlih-poUahsr at the GUIy House.) The gentleman la a hoaB»4ervant of a sable complexion, and la diesaed in llu way that an taonse-Bervante are— a huge pair of plantatlan ahoea,. and an extravagant pair of pante made of calico or bed-ticking. .They tell ssvetal connadnmis and Jokes, sing a medley and Then comeii the best part of tbe act— the scenes close In on them, and out comes the Mono Voc&usr He is gotten np reaaidleaa at expense, in fbll evening-dresa, white eoUor, whits necktie, white cnlB, white gloves, ano-and' whii^ white— paper iMUom. He sings, withastnmg nam twang, that be Is "Something in the Cltr,"aBi yon tblnlc tie Is— ra vagrant, and sttoold get elereA months and Uility-one oays on tbe Isle de Blaak' welL '_'..., Skbio-cokics A thing of the past. Hovthey are made nowadays: Tmkt a woman, give her a satin drees (mode orsUlda, slz eante per yud), one box of powder, one box of rouge, a aatebel taeany make-up to the theatre, and a towel to ptlt her dress l£-ahe nsverhasahoU-tnuik. That te her -wardrobe. Tbte Is btt repertoij: Ona madley-— ■Tha Babies on Our BtocK," and an Imitation of ^TOoS^ABTisiB^In Uieatricsi Boilance "Mn- sl^Koka," "Mualeal Hikes" or "Undeal MofSL" Their stock in trade eoniista of an osthiBatte se- cordeon,a concertina, two baujoa, a baby-llddle and a tin-wbUUe, and the funny ibller wean a goat tbat is "sidlt from the collar to the talL" . itoths ingredlsnte In the above recipes are to be added one jpes oenu of talent to nlnety-Blae per cent of gall, together with a happy OKQltyftireoiii- ' mltang .M memoix everything the artltts ate or ' bear dene or said t7"prodoeen" (L r.,, neopla wh» origlmite acteor aaylnmi)' and at tbe next tan - , doing it one week ahead of the orlglnalaL -» - ' i" ■ ■ . - . — : .. ■> » »■ .: All vlattbbt Is dongerono. thtnkj^lf itisaddreaad to ot' it Is addressed t^ UtemaclTes, otlten,-b«t i5 ii M ■j W i g^.^af. _ I mxvo so* jwhleh »J«e»-pol hM been »p*a»» '" ' 'J *',*'^ «ntMa to nii L iiiiiT to tbe tourdo or "e^Ytortow bb S£ss!^t'i2s^o'?ia'iss/^io*^r«.s: WJil£fi?5.^fL iHSMoiHlcr to miuma tbxt wtau • tenoUek-poL ivUlbcd him. AU SSehliSrada Uim trlilB r the proprietor, wtwther the loaer^n _ ;et or ^rtr centa oat of hla r'with bla Color ctaeeka, which the piopnetor la lie reMvn at two and a hau emu apiece. We i>«a t*iifar laat I iHanng alretdTKOt foaj cheek* each, the; had aJxtAlr'all thai were one tbem. If bat four ^mea were l^elL' nelhct Out the .game waapbipool cannot alter C'&.iCa. Bl— L Then wOl alw-ja bo qnlte a dlrUon or inpOBthatmbJeO. We nerer tlTe tbe drtal atlona en, nor anjr Idea aa to which haa the uneet. ^•Upapen hare the lanmn, the oaertkai U r baaed iipon tb« emmeoos Idea that tbe elKnU' • erieadlne papen are permanent, whereaa ther are ■nalr floetmHw In -the eo., CMcan.— A left-bandedbmiaM-jteTerAoahl plCT 'ttieaiMt«i5eftom the rhtbt-haiid«lde uT the whits ball'a nc-nd a> nsfet-handed player ahoald take the oppoalto ..Sift. Bat If be nerer playa aoythlns bat cuabton.caroma, ' U .'jdA^ no - alUmacv dUTcieooe which able be plays It bom, altbonch for the take of bmUlarlty aiid la aa dead ms U It were so clevra.«pot. f nmtmimM Giokci. Ke V Odeana— P I* rtzht In bet- I tmct liat "fl i es of any kind beatrun»ot the asms kind at I pokerHUce,*' and P Is rlcht la iMitdnff thai **flvs Ueoocs . beatfinrsAeo." Both an bettlnjc on rlnnally the nme 1blnf,'accotiluip to tbe ataioment sohmlttctl, which has ' pcobablj omitted sometbloc. . T. H. a.— We ntcitt It, but In the limited time at com- aand we have been imable to find oot the location or a leetina-mom In thla dty of tbe Jmpcoved Order •rued W*t la ibSicl^ttiibtVV commenoed tl|«r tetla oTUb 'geUcr under tbaV^Kne employen ' partnen lo bmlBCtti, m well w LiM fide bT Hide for in«nrT«*nBttcT Rtlilnjr from acttreBft; ud flD&Ily died on ue use dky and of the ume nutedr' Aldneb tuul loDff been known «8 » DlMtral rapporter of an charitable prq)ecti>, and he wu one of the earilaat and most coniuot ooDtrlbatorv to St. liOke*! HoepUal— bere, AprflA,aKd7SL BOtLeB, WllUam— a. Toteran of the War of iai2-Clrele- jOt, Apm 7,mA n. BisST, John— 8aid to be the oMevt Mawn Ln the United Sute*. HU Maaonlc life oorend a period of •erenty-aevea rean— Nev Coocnnl, O.. AprU 3. BABTHOLOXEVr. HUw Eltzabetb-^ eent«DArian. She waa bom In Baden, Gennany, and came to thin coon try when about eight jean old. Her hnthaad died aboot flJtr jeare aco, and she left thne children, ten mnd- chUdiva and one Kreawgnndchlld. She retained ul her Oicultlea ap towlthtntwo or three weeks aoo— PtdUd^ phu; April 6, a^ced 102. .CAB80N,,Alfk«d— Well known for hU lonjc oonnectkm. year* he had been aoioe aa flre-anrrejror lor a city Inmr- ane« compAQT— Jene; City. N. J., April 7. ■ COLUNB. Ermrtua ■ -One of the Icadlor and wealthloet eltlzenB of Hartford. CL, where he waa a dlrectiir of many corporatlono, both floanclal and phllaaUiroplo— Hanfonii April 7. CAXfBKLL, Jamea— An old and well-known dtlzen of Brookl)!!, nTy.. where he was fbrmerlj a poUcs-captaln— Ahere, April 5. aged 78. DAjaSLS, Wealey— An old wctler of FaretteriUe, Ind.— there. Apnl fi. aJied 89. EICEnSLBBROER, T. W.~Edltor of The (Iowa) StaU BealMUr—Det Molnea. la., April 4. aced SS. rRBEMAN. Or. Warren— An did bomoopathlo phyalclan of this dty, where he bad praeUoed for the last twenty- five ream— «are. Api^ fi. agvd OL ^ FISHEB, R. 8.— i. prominent dtuen ofUnlonClty, Ind., where be waa cashier of the Conunardai Bank— there, April a QOUTBBNBnR, 'U'""*'^ A well-known dtlsen of Washington, P. C. Ue was the gxandaonof President Mon- roe, and entered the United States army in early life, and serred aa an offloer of InUntryln Xexloa In IBIS be re- algocd and entered the Third Auditor's otflee, and was aflar* wards appointed Consol to one of the China porta, where b« remained tlB IfiSZ. On his rctnm to America he extahHshed i*V JVorvlArvf H>TaId at Frederick City, and remored to WasMnnr— ahoBt aenn ycaxa aga— Washington, Api U agedU. UUL*U>, Joaeph— An cHi merchant of Newark, N. J. ffe was formerly a reiildent of SllcUnn, and had sored thr ee- ter ms In Conjereaa— Kewmrk. April lO. HUTTOX. Rer. MandusS.— A prominent preacherof the Belhrmed (Dutch) Church for nearly ftnty yeara. Stnca tbe dlsaolntloa of hla najrtorate m thla city he h4tfdeTOt«d hlitUnetoAiUUHng bUdutlot ss a trustee of Odnmbla College, aa a director of the Bible Sodeij, and as president of the Board of Edueatlon of the Keforaied Chnrch— here. ^OTTAKb. Winiam H.— GoTCraor. of Dakota— Washing- ton, D. C. AprU la tLBLMUTH, Dr. WlUlam 8.— sV prominent homsopathlc phyaldan of Philadelphia, Pa., who waa actiTe In the establishment of the Dahnemanu Collage of that elty— Philadelphia, April S, aged 79. phyaldan of Philadelphia. Pa., _ . ^_ .eiphia, April 0.igL HTATT. Georce E. I*.— A retired merchant of this dty. who in antMaTecy times was a leading aboUttonist— herv, April aged Ol HA02IER, Henzy— A well-known Uwyer of Brooklyn. N. Y. Ue was secnftarv of the Brooklyn Law Library for the past thirty yeara— Brooklyii, April 4, aged fi&;E.,-Maatgomer7.— Tbebet to^ofcede tM si toed bythe lut ot us ralJimg or not raining In Montcomery. Ala., and rei^idlesB of any other placa. That no other place waa menboned is the strongest kind ofpmnmptlon tnas Mont- ' j/maery was meant. ' M. O. O.. Nashua.— Nicholas Murphy won the flrs( prize, tS-flOO and the 0*Leary belt. In the ^-day race at Madl- aon-«>«osre Garden, this dty, Oct. 6 to 11, 187V. Tbe gate- JneM7^■ns not divided among the cntestanis, the casb- prlies being SS»oaQ, t2.eax Sl.uau and VOX BnmoTosr Cojioam. Fuluin.- L Uader the drann- ftaneea the re&ree was right In so dedding. and Ln any case hla dedidon was finaL 2. In slUe-hold wrcMttlnr no , -fui nnless one of the eoDtestanta Is thrown ouriy nblnhack. . J. fiWTU, Colombia.— W. B. Graham did noC compete dnst J. B. Clark, who Is an amaseor and does not walk Ormoney. atMadiKon-iqaare Garden, this cUj. SepLS. ■ 1879: nor old Mias Bertha Marshall ew coniend In a race bete. F. W. OOTOBKD A:n> Tox McALrm. Grass TaBey.— L Boeb a blow aa yoa dcucrtbe rtiould net bo eonaldered a ftMiL.1. A nlerae whoold not gin a deeialoa mtal appealed . 10 by OM or the Other Of the tuopiioi appoiated to look afiov the tnteimta «f th« pcindpaiL Cm.— ChrlstlsB Faber wasnot a eonteatant In tbe sec- •ODd sace Or the Astley belt Id Madlson-aqnare Garden, aept.^ioS^187S; wfalcfa was wonbyBoweO, with Merrici ■ecvndand Hazael third. &0. &, BnoklyiL— The steamboat J. & Scbnrler last week begsn -running between Baltimore andBuhmond, taking Norfidk In on the route. It Is not at all IBcaly that ahe iml;nu to Coney Island this Snnuner. J. J.tB., Boston.— If yoa mean the modem borse-car. It «as.|BtTOdnoed In this country about lBtf>4a^ In New Or- leans. PasscBcera were drawn in cars by hocaea twenty years ormorv before tbaL Gaxa^oon, Boeton.— He had nothing to do with the •management of the O'Leary-belt race last week. He en- tend aman dr the contcac and attended to him on tbe J. 8. CL. Baltimore.— L See Cliptkb Auuaao tor rec- ords. X .The departments of the principal eUica use ma- lX l8M,*tandsait. Uln. In Aelght, and he osed toflgfatatlOA. BTv. E. P ower Brown did not. while In this eoantir* start In any other ilx-day rsea (IC houn) than that Ibr the «*LearT belt. HvrrT.— Prank Hart made ftlO!^ mflea when be won the imee for th« Boee Belt at Madlsonaqoam Gardun last De- c emher . LTon, Boston.- Tbe reieree Informs ns that Dofar acted morn on the deteoslTe than his opponent did. We were notpre^cnt at tbe contest. Pnsn WnioBT, MobOe.— It would be deddedly against tbeeodanlestnpbiTcafth tenth man, hot we hare adTO- ^aMLKAaartttlaotrthe game. T. W- K.. Troy.— If nvc ucooDted for the hlgbext tramp at forty-flTCs. he who plsys the fire-Cngera at any time that tie naa bat ten to ao can claim out. J. a. Babto^, Ssn PtandaooL- U the time waa oOdally taken and anaoaiiced aajdreamtha paperfurwarded.it conMltuxceanRvnt; tmt we do not bellere It waa ao lakeo. Old Be>n»a. WUmlngtop. — i. PlTe-poasd Bot««ara Ura lowest denamlnailoo hvued by the Bank of g« ir»««'i 2. Good Aidaytia not atnational holiday here. A. JOMOtC, Preaeott.— Bepeat yoor qneetlott, if yoa ara sore It baa not been answered. Implicate It as nearly as OtJ> BUDKB. Jersey Ctty.— Too win dad tha pepolatlcm ' * ' countries In Tag CLUTkB of Fcaaea, Anstria and other < HOUTOBK.— The came bdng fltteen-haU pool, yon conld pnah.the cne-hall against the object-hall and aaoeeze the latter into the peckec J09EW. flot Springa,— At whlskey-poker any player can knodt who haa-not Just drawn. B could dose the game at Bbdos Aim Ovaaaa. Brooklyn. — Unleas Itlsspedally agreed to dlay stralgfat^doshea, the beat hand that can be hdAat.pokerlsooeeontalnlng foaracea. B. T., Norway^— We.do not Imow of any. No one could win k. weta any prise aBercd lor the trae ^TnMT^n of the OemPniIe. ODBTAliaEa.- Tbe ppllt la the half of tbe dUTerenee be- tween Ave doUara and twenty-flTe. A la to pay B ten dol- lars. mkicasaa>-4.-Of itheitwo men named, O'Leary Is Che better hael-aad-loe wulker. X. tfee answers in liramaUo WM. •cvBS. Bock Island.— L Blower Brown*o best . xeeord.ftariov-daya* go-as-yoo pleaaa radag (M honca) la 40&BlleaiayanU. X Yea. Dov. St. J Jaxaa Hau, Brie.— See tablea m CXa^rva jVzJtaxaa BkurAaao.— He must deal 10 an aha players allka. IT. N. B. JLoiiisriUa.^eB Tn Curm AumuQ. a. H.. fl O ieMctatfy.— See Tna Ckjms jf J. Poank— L Out of wlDt. 1. Ahoot sUty eeni ' L- BelatlMaBniBdirldaaL r.fU Xo Bap.- We bare not. Bmil If has been sent Cv. ' Ipjuvrveft^at cadet were cBa^.ofaUttlBv : tteauBoTWUliMer.ftinmnillyMb tbatsflgtctf : wwtwgtM thnvsoqilcloa oa oasof tts hw liCWftSB ILOhtO. . ' IP HlWtCfX AHP^BBBB dOB^ WW BIV Wn 'doCbestim jnott a9cnMiii|«ndo,Umoittoiia thftt B dZMril)|g-|iOOBl fl%ht be illqMMiai>^t witli bUi^ MABSHALL. John G.— A retired Judge, who was also wtddy known throughout British Araencaaaarolnmlnous wrlt«r on religion, temperance and politics— Hahlhx. N. S.. April 6, Sim) 95. . MOOBE. EllEabeth— A centaarlan— Phlladdphla, Pa.. ^^lcCCT^ST,'Bubert H.— A Tcnerable and c«teemcd red- dent and retired marehant of ihia city, where he waa prominent In many charitable moremenia, and eonoeeled with the management of maoy tin and al and bcnerolent im rtlttitlo nw^ei^, April A. ajtedSi. NEWTON, Chaoncey— One of tbe editor* of Thf. Ctacin- ftotf £nqaira-^ with which be had beeo oooncctcd for the part ten yeara a.1 correspondent, political writar and man- nglag editor— Cincinnati. O., April B. aged O. VarJUSH, I>aolfll— In former years a prominent mer- chant ot thla dty. He retired from business many yearn a^ and waa noted fur his liberality to public aod private cbaridea— here. April A. aged SI. PAEINOTON. John Soraeraec— A member of the Britlnh Parliament for over forty veora. In lft74 he was crmted Lord Hampton- London. Eng.. cable dispatch dated April 10: aged 8L BEVNC _YNULD6, OencralJames Ic— A promiaent dtlzen of Lancaster. Pa. At the outbreak of the late war be enter- ed tbe Union Army aa a private;. He serred aa Quarter- master-general of PennjtylTanla under Ooveraur Curtlo. He was a leading member of the Pennsylvania Conntltu- tlonal Contention of 1872— PhUadelpbla. April 5. ased aa. SPALDING, G. B.— A well-known drcua-mansger (see elsewhcTe>^New Orleans, April 6. aced GA. SATRB. Dr. Cbaa, U. H.— A well-known young phyalclan of this dty— here, April II, ued 29. 6U0RBRlDaE,Samaal— One ol the oldest and maatr«- spected citizens or Laiayette, Ind. He had serred a term In the state I.e5talatore in 1S73— LAfkyena, April 7. aged sa SAUNDESa. Jamea Mowton— Englaeer of tbfl Gaallght Company of Baltlmora, Md., lor the paiit thirty-one ream. Ho was formany years a director In tbe Maryland insti- tute and In the Haiylaod Hortlcultnral Bodeiy— Baltl- moTV, April 7, aged6«. (iCUENUK. J. R.— A weD-known New Jersey JnornalUt. He had been cdJior of sereral weekly Jfrarnala In that State, iBdodlog TfttfOoeiim Ooim£|r Arawerar. opna which he was engaged at the time of bla death— Fleminsion, N. j.tApriia: ST. JOHN. General laaati Mai . ■Mlnlnic-cnglneer of the Cbesapoke and Ohio RaDroad, and eoasnltug-engl- necT of other roada. Prior to the late war be waa oonaect- ed with variohs railroads in the South, and heaftarwarda served In the Confederate Army as eommUssiy-general ^l^nerabder. White Sulphur Springs, W. Va.. April 7* THATCHER, Heniy K.— Bear-admlral of the United States Nary on the retired Usl Hewmsbem In Maine, and enterad tbe navy March 4. m. During the Rebellion he did good serrlce while In command of the Wertcrn GuU Bunadrun. He was retired In 110— Boston, Mssa.. April 0. WEILAOE, John O.— Sexton of Zloo German Lutheran Church. Balrimore, Md.. Ibr the past tblity^one yi BalUmotv. AprU 0l aged 74. YOUNG. Csptain Jo^- the port of PhUadetphli _ some ofthe largest merchant shlpa salhng oot of that poet — PbOsdeliAla, AprU 8. aged 72. ZBB. Darid— One ol ttic oldest busloeaa-men of Albany. N. r.— there. April 6, aged 78. John H.— Sblpping-oommisaionflT at He. hsd furmeriy oomiuanded 6ILL1ABOS. SIfOSSOZV -rs* WIOlTAVrX. Snns^e or tbe Te»v**Vlfl A1ft««d 175 4 AprU 11. r Ute Te»v**Vln«vu April 10 mn points. Theao rana aggiegato TTT polnta, tbns leaving Idm but 20 Iter hla remaining tea Inalnga. Each player had flttccn hmlngs. whtcn makes tbe averages for the night 63 1-9 for VIgnanx. and 412.3 tor SlosaoiL Tbe latter certainly dla him- self cxvdit, eonslderlng that bo Is among a Ktange peo- ple. Both ofhlschlefrone,sr In the fifth and 291 In the ninth Inning; wet* made alter Tlgnaux bad agt bis long lead by running 421 In the fooith inning This nm was ended by a fbuL Slnsaon also claimed firu] on Vlgnaux early la his ran of OB, but It wma not allowed. The only *fteeta** appears to have been enctmntcied by Sloaaon, ^tcdoffspotted balls at Us zasth shot, tmt made mora, lie seams to hare never got the lead, as between bis 937 ind Si (the rail coming to him In tbe at ZD VIgnanx pot In Utt in tbe seventh inning, hav- ing got the *'Taii"atd. TbeoaatestdidnotbeginnnUl&4JL The Ct. named by Vlpianx, and an American ama- teur who fhr the past daces yeara baa resided In Paris. No one here knows bow It Is designed to carry oot this unusual featutv, save that It wns pmpoeed that that player who dkould be first to reach BD sbouJd name the ref- evee for the last 800. Accordlnnly. Plot will be therefereo at tbe dose, and he waa the referee at the beglnninjE. This Isalsoapecnilaracranirement Insisted upon by Vlgnaux, It Is ondtAtood. AslntheuatnraefthmgBsUoMonshoola be at a dlasdvaotage at the start, and therefore the unlike^ llertoreachaDDflrst.lt is 10 be Inferred thathe would not have vlTen In hla adhesion to this part of the proKnunme could he havefotamatchwlthoutqulngaa JacqooiGlbelln was umpire SorVignaux-Slaesonhadtodo his own timplring. Tbe atwndanoe was excellent, bnt not suffldent to lUl thebalL Among the spcctatoiB was tbe Prince of Wor- tcmbur^ AL Smith 1* betting on SloMon, and that ahme ooghttosaneeiocIlpthewlngsortheAmerittn eagle. A dlsQstrh to 7»e ZATOid saynuiat Smith laid 3,(DD frano, even np,,aa the game brcan, and that at the end ol the third tnnine be bet 10,(0) Dance with H. JanovkL It vraa then that Bloason mlSMd alter making 24, and Tlgnaux ran bis 422. In this dty tbe betdng; so Ctr as pooliwere concerned, was two to one on Slonnn before tbe game be- gan, btit there wct« DO raTestmenta worth speaklinroC VIGNAUZ DOES ALL THE PLAVINO ON THE SBC _ OND NIGHT. Tha a m s trnr . Mr. Tboma^ was the relooe on Sun- day night. AprU U. Tbe game did not bc«ln nntU twelve mlnutca of nine. NotwltbstsBdloir that Tignaox bad the "nil" to start with, tbe baDs baring been plaead In ttke poslclon they oocaaplad at the dose the first alghc'splay, boTasaonnlnckyas to amka bat 101 "fraes- Ukf^* and falling to make tha apot-stnke. vhlcta filosson had a»ade twice, never arisslng u, the night befcn. The i^glean did nothing to speak oC and In tbe ; OP TBB jEABTvito Ml tbo w^Tsfale Bttiiei»> ::^eBt go^frjw i yU aa u ■» Umamttavtm Gai40D» ilxtb mnlng VIgnanx. who meanwhile bad also been ovmpanaivOT idle, tan ftl on the raU. A dpbff frtmi Wnainn then IhDowei), aod VIgnanx again rallaa the balla. Jg W SlaasoQ claimed "No count Tlgnaax tnaistod Ahaate bad counted, trat the ruSeree-'s dedslonwas that Abaaaiud.bm no carom. It waa received by Tignanx*a AtlWVBDta wBa tbe strangest marks ofdlsapprobuon. It nay ha gxpTalgfd here thst in Prmnea, vhsra proftaskmals caiinnirM need to cross cnea, «acb being ffoJeBkau of blsmsCAimMnC be Is lolh to Jeopaidlioltevui In what woctla bare be caatd a mere telubltlon game,* the wmd of » jaiiliaaiii of himsr^ aa beta called there, is nerar one*- Hotted. If be Bsya ltfooonled.lt Is taken for granted t^ hg thooiht bo did. tud ibat aetUei IL ^wmsmg la- of *mj f ft , ■ ^ i n ubI In the Saxtoo-Tlpumc match, ■la latter tbonght It tha proper thing, aa ho eonld Vk ttaa wrt ifio •HU," tv im*&t HAW! ntqiiinff _ oir^ pratttuB Indenled tiiyrff^ tbat.ttia match ^. tbe (dd dotbl Chat bad bat also -with the. old halls, -- — ooorsa oot of true;, and the referee, • Prendi ptoaBBBor, sustained VIgnanx. Thus Sottoa never got the ffhanan to pablldy show the **rnil." then In its tn- o. In hla laiAjboi tach-'ankalonc^ iafl,ha . (n . ooorsa ■ InthalVench capliaL During the game Vlgnaux BUdomnn Aoulntbe crotditUaa tbe rnlea permuted, and Sevtob dslmed fooL It waa'a aoMdoo of arithmetical lid. Had',tbe player made two-AoCs In the outeh, or three r.^Tbo dcdslso of the retova was: **Mr. Vlgbaox iaaya ha ansa*! made aa many ahoca ae Mr. Sexton says he lu^n Tlgnaax ooodnned playing Tbese Incidents ara recalled aa sao turn." This Is Che longest lane filooaon haa ever found himself In, and after his surprise at hla queer ptwUcament Is over he should make the longest " reootd" ran of bis life Than Is one heavy drawback. With rcforeea who have vlitualty beenasada paitisana ot, every caram must needs be ao solidly made as to be andlble asweU as visible. Then „ , visible. woold be something mora than a glimmer of hope for Slosson were both rabrees not maldenu of Paris. Ho re- torna to America, but they have.Cu stay there. ■ Baring waited untU ia4D p. k. on April 12 for a cable dis- patch giving tu the rvulu ol the third night's play, we infer trom lu non-arrivml, Paris being fire hoore or ou ahmif of New York In time, that the graoml Is being disputed Inch by inch throogboot the thlio BD points, or else that Sloa- son. with bis wide margin to operate upon. Is gvttlng In runs of some Importanoh and thus dderrins Vigiiaax's arrival at the 2, 4CD-polnt iruaL Yet it Is an equally r j^* 'jjy^-PLV^^ press of telagn^»Uo business Is keeping BTAAT SaOTS. cable-dlRpatcbea as to the piugiia a ot tbe Paris game are reeelred nightly at Hlonaoa'a raom, Twenty-third rtreot, near Sixth avenue Wednesday nlglit, April 14. will aee the end Loo Morris Jr. arrived hen Qnm the Hot Springs on the night ofthe lOih Uerman P. Budurhas the reAisal of a place In lihepaid'A room H. W. COUeo- derhasrcmoved to Stammd, CX, for the Summer. Tank Adams Is In Boston, and thla week Is to give a series of exhibitions at Manhall's room Louis Shaw was to have given an exhibition In Sterling, Dl., on the 9th in Clinton, la.,, on tbe Ukh, Omaha, Neb., on the Ifitb and 17th, and thence to Cheyenne and Denver. Ue Is luder en- gagement for two weeks In LeadriDe. CoL. begianloc April 17.. ..On April 5 tbe following weia elected membenof the Marion el BOllard-playera' AoMdailon : Jacob Aronson. Jaa. Palmer, H. J. Bergman. P. J. Bogera, C. C. Bcmd. W. H Bartlett, and Seiton and Schatffer E. Kvefe of &) Bfdkch street, Boston, Is dolnc sn veil that lie hss jurt put In a new pool-Ublc After thU his place will be known aa *^e Haunted House.".... ..Tbepool-Uble kee]»era of Phlladdphia met on the uh Inst, to uke measurca towarda releaalng them ttom the operation of the law requiring a tax of C30 on the first bUllard-table In every public room, and glu on every addlttonal table. It la mportvd that Orunie Sbooc. oav In Prwi- dcncc. R. I., la to be superintendeat of tbe 8l Clond The exiubltlon recently given In aid of the Philadelphia Billiard Aaaadaticm rwllcojl £7*7 Amaad Dariot la to give exhlblllonsat lUner's. Tremont, April IS, and at BabbotC's Boom, Jersey City. ID Tbeestabllsbmentol a branch boose In San Fran- cltoo, Spoken of by oa wme weeks sgo ai ono of tha pro- Jecu ot the Brunswick A Balke Co.. Is dow an aodom- pushed tact, according to a dlinatcb toaChlcaao paper C. C Bond, announced as Intending to wmblUh In Paris a branch boose ot the H. W. Collender Co sailed from Philadelphia 00 the 7th Inst The money is all up for the Schaefer-Sexton match In a letter dated March 31. Slosson reqnexta Tub CuprgR 10 anooonce that It is not trae that, as be sees an American Jonraal baa stated, he is being repre s ented to the dctalbi of the m sfrh by Mortimer Uomphaey. Sloason had written on the Uth thauMr. H. woold not ivpreaeDt-.hlinJn any way, and at the ^oso ot March h«< epeelaliy a^TaiMie-moRaAtt to thatelTecL In hisleaerot March 31 Sloesoh annoonoea the arrival of AL Smith, and that the latter and ser- eral others thought 00 well of Ids (Slosaon's) play that they had made op a purse of tOUXU ftanea, which they had offered the Vlgnaux party- for aoeept- ancceven up, the French player'K chief backera belng memberaof the Jockey Club, fifoaaon ahm nates that £r aareral days Vlgnaux rvAuied to proceed with the making of the match onlews hla opponent agreed to divide the re- oelpta. Our Imprcmlon iram the tone- of the letter Is that sionon woold not bo agree. Ue speaks with pradent and proper eonfldcnce of his abluty to win. ■tales that he woold sooner Iono his right arm than be deftated. and adds that "VIgnanx [a a proud man. who would itoc be beaten for all the world." Tnnn n a uma In c r ova for Barry Cole. THE BIWe. OOSa AHD' KTAV. The match for the hcan.welAtehuiploaablp betreen 'SW..'?^ /*" eS? o?"" »"> "emm what lo««amlll"de«lretoae«lt. .The prindpata bare aeOM den to hanl work at their tnlalnic.qiianetB — Oaa at Fort Haoilltoli and Bran at Par Bockawar, L. L-«ad ara StBdoaUj-nuliiCridaroaeleu valiht. The final demit gf taoaJle mn«t be ttaked at fiuiT Tner'a, syWai TwentT.Blntb ttRet,OD MoDday erenlnc, April U; between 7 and V r. a., when tha final itakehelder hu to be eboeen. and tbe men or their repvcaenteHw are to torn for cboica of mUllns iroood. On Taeadar, AprO 6L Otma had a tin boue at hla benefit In JCoale Bono, Maaa. A flrat-claai entertainment wma (iTen, Im which. In addition to local talent, BamaT Aam, BUirand WanrEdnidA.. AnhiirClnBibeii,FtankWbllsand otbara frnmtbladw and FbUadelpbla participated. Coaa met SoUlran. a roooc hea.7.nlt of tha Hab, In tbe wtnd.ap, alltoDoaiU.tli^utter pnfoimed InamonSai nuuiBer aiaB bla antajionUC ■' i Bunsxxa, Mci^uw— Tbe ««bt blcween then mi with baidjiloTM, fertaoo a aids, came off within " mlleaof ^rTada Oty, CaL, April 1 They (boHit ^ nunda In etabtaen mlnutca. when tbe referee (wnhomt Infc appealed ta wean toldi deelaied a blow wblehi cauabtonRulJa-a aini and gUnccd off onto bu thIgbT fnaU and awarded tbe mon.y to blm. HcAlpioe cUma that be waa oolalrlr dealt wltb, aa h« had the bi tier of the flgbrinc and liad no reaiion to commit a foul, whieb be ■ajabedld notdo. He baa depo.lted 9100 in the handaxir Bpeneer Hobbj of Aran Valley, with a cballenice to Rodda to fidbt a«aln with .Imllar iiloTea, In acandance with the Qneenabeny ralea, fur a like mm. Boon xxD pomrA.'r— Tbe ebamploutalp match be- tween thoae mlddlo-wclobt hoiem Oeone Rouke and Mike Dononn, Ibr tl.OD a dde, prarieiiaca latlalartnrilr. Both menarelncloeelralnlnjr. and Itom the manner In which tber take their daily allowance of exerdae. and bMr tli. Tliian Of ptrpatatlon. It U erident that Men haa hla heart In the work. Tbe next deposit ofSSD a ildemiut he poatcd ApxU 21, on which date tbe princlpala or thdr le v ie a e u ta- tlrea win meet between t and S o*clock f.M. uttam for choice of figbtlng-groand, and Klect a final oakeholder. FBor. A. Acmx of London, Epii, where he la looked opoa aa oDeof tbe moiit acmmpllabed expooenta of tbe att flutlc haa been a iculdent of N'ew Ynrk Ibr Mi-cral month., and propoaee lo hold a tnxlnc matinee at Harrr mU*. on Thundmy, April eomiDrnciDir .t lhre« o*clock. The rntcrtalumeot promlMMio bo ain.43iM, and we hope to Me oar tImIiot well tn^lcd by both tbe public and hrolber proTcMiooalji. Four Wuiti and Bennle Cnwn are at tniit likely to come together In tliat lonff-talked'or elore^unlcHt. On Tbtuvday, April 8, tbry rart In Prornience, R. L, aod .Iffned an agreement to contend for a purvo of two faun, dred and fifty dollara In l^\1Uencc some time In Jane. iJBBlKItoBa^ BACKKK called on April., but there waa no rvprewntatire of Nettie Bnrt to meet blm. He then wllbdrew hla depoalt. Mlaa Roaa thinkc MUa Bnrt l> mtt*ii to meet her in a glore^onteat, Ibr Am or money, at any time and place. BlLLT ASD Wabrt EDWABD9 and Frank Wblto In Ihlii way make their acknowlMlcmpota to Patny 8beppard and J. A. Boutelle for courtealea extended them wbUe In Boa. ton recently. A BPARRirra and athletic entertainment In annooneed to take place on Raturdoy erenlnit, April 17, at Prof Nea- baaer'0 Gymnaalom, Oreeopolot, L. L T>x:i DoiTOHKKTT taken a beoeflt at Jeraey City, N. J., on Satnrday erenliu, April 17. Bo will wind. op with l/aa- Seroua Jack, dabbed the **colot«d champion." \ri BATX LXTTBU) for Joc OoM and ProC W. C. MeCTdlan. TH» ApiEBirosi cmm* t Ct-^ T-rJ^j*^**?, newcriekati andwblcb ■ ^o ui i d ln' uenacnei. FadytB. C dan wka B $tp»tM ^M -Tbe memHCv-aDd-^neanoC iro>Ball!r. f Ttams:'«, able not only on account of the unpreeedeotedly large Kora made by the winner, but because of the ihct that of thuse wbo foIhHved him one beat by three and thr««- ouarter mllea (he best prvrlous performance in this cuuo* try, and ono that hsd been but twice excelled In EngUnd, woUe the three following each covrrvd a greater nunber of miles than had competitors who finished In the same rala* tlrepMUlons In any former toumamenu and two others ralleunpmora than fire huodrvd miles. This made seren man who xeached the flve-buodrtMl-mlle mark— one less Chan arrired at that now (hmlUor point on tbe occasion of tba ]t' on Uoodsy morning, Apnl &, and ihe result was the drirlng fk-om the inckuf aereral Ibr one or an* Other reason, but mainly from tbe elTectt of tba unusually hard and fkat work they wera called upon to perform. Thoone thing which was more regretted than any other In connection with this alTslr waa tbe partial ^Usabllnic of Dan O^Leary's man, John Dobler, by a serere cold which settled Lu tb^ Itifl knee end lower psrt of bis leg, at a time aheo he held a splendid position, and waa by o>any good Judges bellerwl to hare agood chance to win the bulk ol the xanrclsand monoy. If he had oouilnurd sound In wind and llinb throughout tha week, he would lia«e made tlie race clone and exciting uutll the closing hour, and, whether lie «»uM ban won or not, public Intanmt vtimiIU lufcve htt t x luicnAitlfd. and the crowds floeklDg to tbe Garden would bare bcvn conslderablr larger ereu tban tbey were. Ac* eomplUhcJ as It waa wnUe lljthtliig heroloally acalnst con* tinoal lain severe enougb to have loUuccd many men almUarfy latuated lo abandon tbe hopeless task, Dob- ler's performance (531 miles) stamps blm aa a man Of ability as a pedeittrlan Ikr abora the onllnary; and under ituch clrcumstancm be nhonld bare no lack of backcm In the future, lie had firat-dass attend- ance, being liMiked after by Dan 0*Leary, Oeorge Guyon, Jim Smith and W. £. Ilaidloe. When It was ooncedetl that bis chance for gutiilng cliber first or seoood place waa gone, Pegraiu, who by many hod been looked upon as tha probable wloner, wom ctfocrally regarded aa a man and a brother who waM capable of making Hart travri my fast to win; but Petfrnm was affected by the sarerity or the pace at which no had been caxried along during the first three days, and he liitled to do what waa expected of him Ip the last fony-clgiit hours, blling about sixteen milea behind hla previous record for Friday, and nearly aleren behind that Ibr Baturdsy. lie worked In srbednJe time at first, but failed to keep up to the flgoras agr ee d upon aa about the propvr titkug— a lisct a*hlch canaed hla backer, Tom Davis (n-hn whs hIw ooncemed In the busl- nne arrangement, together with Joseph DoylOp wbo en- tend Xleleilurpliy) kevo dluupitlntmrnt and not a little ebagi1ii,as be had proreRseu coofldence IntbeabOlty of bis men, Peirram and lf»n-nrs Eeene Blchanls seoood. The erenta arranged for dedsloa at New Orlaana, I^, April a. were, owing to Indemcnt weather, portponed till the lOih, when the track was heavy, but the weather plea- sant and the attendance lam. ameng thoae on the stand being Qeneral Orant. The tfnt e\TAt waa an extra race of hair a mlI«for two-yrar-olda, torapomo of glS^ of which $& to the second. The raee was a good one. although mamdbyasUgfataccldentto Bonny, wbo fell In tbe turn Just bcfVnw entering the aovtch. The result, howeTcr. waa never In doubt,, for. Batfcly J: Bngglns*,Hl« Blanch won by ten lengths in Ms., with Jaa. Borget'a La Perl- chole second and BarUy 4 Hojarioa' ,Bcasle_ Davis third- The second event waa of a mile and a ftarlong, for a puree of VOO, of whldi SBO to the second, ffvor-ycar-olda and upwards to carry 110 ponnda. tht«e-ycar-olds to carry their proper weight, with the usual allowanoca ibr sex. Baikly £ Co.*8 L'Aiven- ttne took the lead at the start and was nenr headed. winnmg canly In 2:U9^ with Bride's Gabriel eeeond aod Walsh's MoIUe Halt inUd. The next race waa a daab ul three-Qnartera of a mile for sB agea, at weight tor ace, for a pniae ot 9SDt of wbkh tbe accond received VO. At the start Battle U. took the lead, and, keeping It, won by half a length In 1:1101^. with BarklyA Bujolns* Jsck llardy second and Bride'a Gabrld third. Tue last race ol the day wasadaahofamlloand three-qoartera -for allagea, nb to tbe wlimer aod $30 to Ihe second. Morris' Loog Taw was an easy wloner bf half-a^oxen lengtlis In 3:1(1 with Barkly A Hu£glos* Elhi Bowett (aged) second and Lakeland*s Typhooo (aged> third. Lakeland's Jim Fay (aged) waa beaten off. CBICKET. TBK CBIOKSTKBS* ASSOCIATION. The third annual meeting ofthe Cricketers^ AaaocUtloa ofthe United SUtee was hdd at fiOB Walnut street, Phlia. ddpUa. Pa., oo April 0. when the delegates preaent were D Q. Xewball, Tounjg America Club: Llndley Halnea, Herion: C. H. Tarnall. Belmont: H. W. Br^own. German- town: A. a. Oatcrbrtdse. Philadelphia; K. P. TomUn and W Vonon, airard; J- r. Grsen, Peninsular of Detroit; J. A. Page. OxfbnL The ezacntlTe commtttee were In- structed to arrange a match tKCwoen the meraben of tbe ehiha fhrmlng tho assodatlon for Its benefit This game wUl moetUk^ ba Phlladdphia va. United Btatea, and wm be played soon after the opening of tbe seaaon. The ro- poctof the executive eommltiaa waa read and approved, and the fidlowlng ofBoers wen dected for the ensuing jmr: President. A. A. OoteTbrtdge^ Phlladdphia; fltA Tloe^resldent. J. T. Boater, 6t. George of New Voi^; sao- oad vieo- president. J. Barry Lee, Bahlfflore; seeretaiy and treasurer, John P. Green, Bdmont; cozraapondlag se u e tary, H. W. Brown, Oomantovn Clob; axecntivo committee— D. a. b'ewbalL Tonng America; J. BUgway Moora, Staten Island; L. Hs ^ ua. MerioiL CBlcxvr KoTxa.— George Wright In a reoeat latttr to ua nya: "I have been over to HsTkard twice awaekfortba paat month practicing oleket -rith tha studenta. and have Et up qnlte an interest smongthem— eomocB so that tbey ,re- Ibrmed a dub of 7B membcra. Tbey bare Just lected a ground, and eoncraelad to have It Isid oot In the pcover shape. While bowUqg to them I vaa sniprtaed with tbeDod form they showed at the bat." The Manhat. tnn dnh will open the season on flatardar* AprU Zf. at Pnapaet faxk, wHbapncMcofamCr gldai Domg efaann «tSr.X There U a pro^iect this season of soeUig A ■cries c# games played h at a een alevan ot Harvard and ctiombia ooucm bctwraColDBiUaua nmu^l* TgiiU ynjTBiABi', plaeis. Insteadol second and third, whleb they did C^pt. T. £. Halleck ur BoAton was also bi'hud PecTam, who was attended by Magec'and uthrm, while Jack Oottld- Ing had charge of Howunl. who coveted mllea, and Uiertby astonlidicd all bi-huldera; fbr, althoogh conceded to be possessed of vxcrllrnt staying power, be waa not thought to he »peeily enc»ugb to get well to the fan In such cnmpanv. Allen managed to get fUth place. wUh OWf mtli-a, and by travrilng the greatest distance during the last twenty-two hours, tH mDea, won the handsome easy-chair ofTered as a priie by a ftamltnre mannfacturug firm. Ho wua trained for tbe mcaand attetided doring the content by John SkaMr. the running and walklng-ahoe manaJhcturcr. l^ng-rtriding Fred Krttfane was In dllfleulttoe with hU Internal depart- ment during the early psrt of the race, which interfered with tbe plans he had laid out; still, by Industry and per. •everanee he maoagad, almoac enurely by walking, to reach a total of 516 mllea, which was nineteen miles and a lap lesa than his score In tbe contest for the Boee bdL Tbe nxrctm of the toomamcot floaoclaDy was proportlooste to Its success ttom a profh«rionaJ standpoint, rh^— ^j^j of paiBons paying admlsalon nluhily ; while the greater throng was present on the first night (when oonsldenble **paper" came In), the greaio' number of tickets were sold on Friday, and tha next largest od the doalng night, when complimentary tickets, excrptsnchas were Issued tome n- benonhepreeaandtoUdlrB,werenotrecelved. Therrwin moee lad lc« in attendanee each day than wera preaent at the maiorUy of almUar entertainments held here, while tha feBKtal character of tho aasemblagca was nnnmialiy good modi l»Kter. In fket, than those Kathetvd at many 'ous competitions as to ftviuently exdte remark.- VTBngnuents for>- ooorlDr, etc, were- simply aa ptiiOct aa experience and InteUlgentsystemaasIng I make tbetn, while tba men cmplojred on the shecta and dials petlormed their labors consckAtlously, and with greater ability than was obaerrableupon former occaidona. The sheets were careftilly examined by men of large expc^ rieooe In ssch mattcta, and every precaution was taken to guard against poaidble error; and aa capable men were in charge, and the track was a measnred eight h-of-a-mlle around, the records given an not likely to admit of qu» uoo. The Introductuo of tho system of telephoning the miles as made to the man at the mammoth blackboard, opoa which the names of all the contestants appeared In Urge white letters, with the miles traveled set op- po^te, being pot op as soon as made, was a com- plete suoccas, glring entire Bsilsfhctlon to the peofrie^ wbo oonld thereby we, at any stage of the oontcat, ... ... - - - . _ _ the relatlvo poaltluns of tbe men. genera] man- agement waa also excellent, proper arrangements hav- loir tieen made to handle a ug crowd, and there waa a nodceabla abaenee of anything approaching rowdyism, while saeb efTecttve meamuea bad bcfn adoptrd lor the protection of the financial Intcresta of tbe men on tbe back that there were, we think, fhwer "teaksgea" than in any other of tbe miny similar events, and cutueqnently the pedestrians wertf not the sufferers lo cash that It H ptvtty well ktwwn ther nsnally are whvn anch nfegwrds are dUpenjied with. The arrenKemeMt by which the tents of the men were placed togrtiivr at the ean end Of Ihe gardon. outride thn truck, worked well. harrluK that It waa a bit draughty: and the Intcrioruf the building was made more nttractlvc and chevrfUl, as well as ciimlonable, by the IndiffL'rence shown by the management tn regard to the quantity of gas cnnsumpd. The account of the cootcKt which appears upon an out- side pa«e carries us up to the dose ot the filth day, when tJie order of the cumpctltorn was as follows: Hart. Pegnm, Howard, Dobler. Krubne, Allen, WlllUma and HanwaKer, these being all who remslned ofthe eighteen who started. The leader was neariy eleven mlln ahead ot the best record prerioudy made, and ttv\n this time forward heountlnoed to tvel orf bcA-on-rccurds mile after mile nntU time waa up. Ue looked so fteah and went over the ground with so elastic a step that It sevmed an oner ImiKHtslblUty for Uart to fan to win handdy; nut In such oontet-ts there Is always a chance lor acddeou which mlitbt transform a winner Into a loser, and with this lor- lorn hope to ding to Pegrem, wbo had given up the Idea of overtaking Uart by showing superior npeed and endnrenoe, kept up a tmlform pace; and, although hla hopeii were not reauxed. he eaally kept Howard at a very respectable distance In the rvar. Howard and Dobler wera wlihln a few miles of each ottier when the day^s work was begun by the latter, and. as he was looking better than ha bad shown up during the preeedlog fOrty-elgbt hours, and — a jjjg (at-' ' ■- was making cood time- over _ _ , trainer eonaldered It wise to bring his msn back to awdust, Howard's the track, which ho did a fbw mlnutca before _ _ M. Wltliln ao hour Pegram. Allen, llsnwaker and Williams returned to tUe path, ai.d tbry were fbl- lowed an hour f>r no later by Itart and Krohne, ao that all were at It agaliL There were but a few hundred people In the Oarden, and the procesalun around the track waa any- thing hut lively; but the rivalry between Howard and Dobter. aud between Allen and Krohne. who were re- •pecCvaly alrrrtog for third and fburth blaoea, waa sufll- aent to make oach put his t>est toot forward, and the struggle between them csused tho drowsy spcctaiora to wake up and occaslooally encourage the oonteaianta with applaose. The fact that Uiey had enterrd upon the Isist day of their prolonged tramp served to in- fiiRO new life mto oil the eompetlton, and after the stiffneaa reniltUiR fnm. rrvt wore otf the consciousness that tbe end was uat approaching had tlte vO^ofcanaliig ibemtostepoutmoreTigoroutly, aodthdr countenanou to sbowiewer timcenof tlie phjraical nulTering endured In a more or less dM[ree by all during the five preceding dava AUthe men did good work, the leader oontlnnlng rnilni ahesd of Brown's great soot«. Uart completed five hun- dred mllea at 4h. Zttn. tfa. A. M., and atSh. Um. 20s. Pegram reached tbe same point— nearly lour faoure* dllfmnce In time; and yet tbe tatter was doing a periormance nn- enttaied In America. At 12 o'clock u. Hart hwfl acorvd fB8>£ mllea and Pegram fil7 miles, and 1 1 wasjnst 5h. fiOm.9t^. P. X. when the fignres on the blackboard were altered to UO fbr tlie fOmer. The people came earlier than usual on this day. and In greater numbers, there belus aiooitb preeent In toe aitrmoon to quite fill the oesta; but there were ^ewar departures than cnirtomarr as the lime fbr gastronomlr reflresbment drew nigh, those who had nod seats prefMog to keep them. Thetpmalorafbllyraeog- njred the mt^t of. the work being done by the majority ol the men on the back, and applause was contlnuuua, Ik*' quently increasing In volnme until It reached tlie pro- portions of a dearrnlng roar. FI«»rat trilmtcn In ahnudanoe were r«celved by the spry leader, while Dobler waa likewise tho recl|jlent of niimerous similar tokens from tbOAC wh? admired hla splendid plock and aympNthlxed With him on account ofthe mUfintoiw which had deatnycd whatever chance he might have bod of winning fintt bonora. Although still endnnojc much pain, he waa eon- elderably better than ha hsd been, and e.tcltement and grit buoying hin up. bo did some Isst walking and running daring the afternoon and evening. At 6h. Ssm. Sis. Hart placed himself even with Blower Browo's score of AO mll«a,butthe latter took I40h. SDm. to do that acd 170 yds. addltionaL whereas tha womlcrfhl colored youth bad occaplud nm lajh. 33m. BWl thus. It will be seen, having about an hour ami forty-five minutes to spare. The scene which followed the pladog ol theae eagerly-wmlted Ihr figures on the blackboard beggandeacriptlon; and as the champion ran around tbe track, carrying aloft an American flaf nttacbed to the handle of anew broom, a storm of applause arose from the exdted multitude, wbo In a body had risen tnm their scats to give greater fbrce to the measure of their enthusiastic demonsttrntlnn, while Bent^s hand played appropriate music with more tban cus- tomary spirit. Itwasaanprememoment Intbellfeof'Black Dan." and hla countenance beamed forth tbe prerioosly Inexperienced pleasure which It atforued blm. We nred not oecnpy valuable ^psce by describing tbe progress of tbeeompetliton. and tbe scenes which characterued the closing houra, aa no change occurred in the relative pod- tloiu of the coniessaota, and the pruceedlnga were marked (probahly In a lesser degrae.owug tn tha fket that the honore of first and second place woe not divided between tbe two raoea, but ware scooped by gentlemen of the colored per- raasion) by the exdtement and entboalasm rendered fkmll- lar to Kew-Ynrfcen at the aame place In the put. The osoal number of expensive floral plaeea were prencnted. cbleflr by todlw. to the leader and other tkvorltea, tba fcrmer also 5^^?^nSeiaat tolndSe him or £S5»J; ti^8«Bft*» huBdiod *aiai* tob Tain attempt to Jin vJhatraStal ebTlm. IftL. when be had tbe hteUj w wa— rr^^ mllea, 'to was yet S?^t^il! I other monarchs of tbe pedestrian world. When be com- pleted hla aaotb mile, ahoot eight o'clock, a lady threw an elegant reiL white and bhie sDk.sash over Hart's sbool- dcn; sod he msde two drcultj of tba eooiae with It around him, walking square heel-and'toe. as If ha had just started In a mllo-ncc, while the admiring oowd yelled and yelled agaliL The limit of time was I0.-Q5 P. M.. bnt It Is addom that In eompetltfona ot this descrio- tloa any one Is toond on thr ttadk within a half an bon or more of the fixed closliwilou* and this the pohUe have come to nndemand so thorough^ that thoae wbo want to bo In at the death makelt apobtt togoearly; eonseqoent' lytho admission money which maybe loot throng tha failure of the oontestania to remain oo the track uncU tbe an n ounced time Ibr the race to tenntnato amounts to little. lUs eontast waa ao exerndon to the rale In this n- opect, tha flm to leava bdng WlUtanuL at 8h. iOm. SBa. r. JL. wttb a score of 019% mOea, and at fib. -ttn. Ita. Hanwaker ntltad, with 4Sa3£ ullca eepodsa hU name! Tbli man ti not *xat oaf* fbr a looc-dManoa pafJattrian gn(i tha ^ s tt i har e of tha eato-nc0pta to wfilch bt phy-a perfivmance which, tolthfid and eomp*- Qouldlng vaa mlgbtUs 'bleasad *itb. That thenScthnS to^wHh J'0»>««i, ^.SISS aa poMlble after the pedewriana hid dreucd they left tha^aUdlnz and tepalild to hotela or private real- dencaa, where qnaiteta had been prorided fortbem. and where they w«i« properly eared lor and put to bed. Uar^ Pecnm, Bowaid, AIleB and otheia wen out for an alrln* next day. and none of them lUt mocb the worae for the labor they had pertened during tbe week. Underneath we pieaent a table ahowlng the patdtloiu of the « ijt four menandthedManeeaaanmpUahed by them at the end of eveiy hour during the laoe: Jour. I uaaer. I jaee ml. I Hart. I Wn'phy7 UbkYdr. I MliiTda. B MO » tdt. Helntyie. U I.W u I.SD Faber. a (DO 31 l.UD Faber. Halt. a MO a i>o Si 2B S3 2a> 4... ft... «... 7... »... 10... II... 12... U... 14... 1»... 16... IT... 18... SI... 9Z... .*! , sr...... M u M w a ...... to O) X20 9S 8B0 Hart. 100 440 108 440 100 I,»«0 118 440 120 660 m 320 129 1,840 131 QUO ni an U8 1.840 IID 1,810 145 «D Dobler. 147 eso Ml 1.1CD us ZD ISO eao 1S4 asD 188 1,100 000 m 440 m 177 181 IBS 190 440 194 880 Hart. 199 000- BB an> 207 SSO ail 1,330 OS 889 m m 2U «■> 88 m M 930 228 1.S0 SI ODD Dobler. 238 OOO 213 ao Ilart. 218 4M 3U too lyt 1,320 m on SB 000 DO aao (74 seo nV 220 3a UUD sa 40 301 MOD 308 880 3S 1440 Doblar. SB mt 83 aa 318. aeo Hut. 330 SSI SU 848 440 S« 440 SBS ODD SU 440 seo L840 Hart. SO 330 898 UUD SM 000 339 000 ag ao 387 LIOO SB 880 SB. 1.840 400 LUD 404 1,840 408 i«a 40B 189 408 4177 411 418 419 SSD 424 440 428 seo 4S3 I.IOD 438 1,320 4IS 440 447 1.320 482 440 4U 1,100 440 tea 484 1,100 4 1S4 22) IS 1,840 148 SSD Uart. 148 seo 147 1,320 US 29 178 1,1(1) ISl 880 168 220 171 220 ITS 880 119 1,100 UO i,im 1H9 ao 104 an Dobler. 198 l,8<0 303 440 2D7 220 111 8H) US LS40 119 1,100 2B 1^ at 000 224 OOO as.i,3a> ZD 1.320 Han. 333 UCD 238 ZD 242 \JUO Dobler. 247 8H0 291 1,100 23B 880 298 1^ 2S 1,SB SI 277 190 44D 194 1,840 as UB SB 1^ SOT ai ai on BI8 OBO -§» aao mi 8D SI8 1.10) Dobler. 819 LUD - Hart. SM 1,100 3)8 440 sa 40 a> 1,100 SSS 440 841 am SIS SD S3l ID as IJHD SSO 1J30 Dobler. 30 OOO 388 440 sn so 378 1,100 aao 1,100 384 SBD SB SB S91 am SB! aao SI w 391 BU Pegram. 000 Dobler. 304 l,SD 397 440 4U> OUO 402 BSD regrain. 40>r ffio 411 NO 4U OOO 420 000 424 I.IOU 418 1,840 431 (D) 4S8 HO 440 220 444 1.100 448 1.1C0 492 1,840 496 660 469 440 463 aao 488 U) 410 OOO 473 000 473 000 473 ODD 474 1,100 418 440 480 1,100 48S sai 490 000 498 120 439 ao ao4 aeo SIB 1,840 813 1,100 817 UD Ul IBO 621 KU 82S 1,S40 UO flSO tan 440 SB 440 638 88D 842 440 843 1,100 SU 1,840 ntro. Winiama. lOLTda. H 4W Fegram. 18 seo a aao Wooda 27 860 S 1,100 Sr I,99D 43 230 Dobler. 48 OOO 84 ODO m 440 Si 1,100 70 1,S>0 18 680 81 440 87 440 B aeo m coo lOS 230 Faber. lU 220 lie ocD 121 000 121 000 121 OO) 123 1,100 127 MO 131 sao 138 1,810 110 aao 149 22D 149 MO 110 OUO 191 220 Allen U2 1,840 198 SSO US 1.640 183 OD 107 2IU 171 (to ITS OUO ITS 000 Pegram. lis aa IRB eeo UU 1,320 198 SfO IB BO an) SOD Allen. 2D0 220 Pesrara. 201 000 SB 1,100 2IU 440 ZIS 410 117 no 81 SSO ZI7 600 290 1,32) 08 440 MD 440 244 I,aD SB 440 SB 1,100 172 OD as 440 m 440 ai 1,840 ta i.im SB ODD a* OOO' IB ODO SB ao sor ao SU I,SB) SIS LStO ai im. 314 ~ 329 2X) OS '4iD 338 uim 338 LSD 343 SB 348 aao SB OBI .3B 440 371 an; SB . ao aar as ■ an 2a) Dobler. SI 1,390 392 000 393 440 306 ODD 401 000 DObler. 4U6 440 410 000 413 1,320 418 660 420 1,100 424 1,810 438 120 431 1J2D 434 HU 437 1,330 441 SSO 449 660 449 (00 491 1,100 4IS 000 436 2D 490 880 460 ODD 460 000 481 440 489 880 489 ao 471 1,100 4T3 440 479 ODO Howard. 4' 75 OUO flo no . 84. 120 80 ao 93 440 97 220 Mclntyre. lUO l.MO 108 440 10) M) lU 660 117 OU) 121 OUO 121 an m ODD 1Z7 CUO 131 220 I3S 880 19 OUO 142 21) 149 too Allen 147 1.940 Paber 191 220 Hclnlyre. U3 am 157*' "S leu i.iDO 189 I.32U 1,0 1.100 173 080 175 000 Allen. m no UO 410 IST tH) Iftl 2U 195 1.3«) 199 tffi Peatam. m ODD Allen, an 220 2U0 220 208 1,610 208 440 2tz 1,100 217 440 12U ao 2S no a7 220 ai ZD Howard. ZH I.JDO 239 aeo AUaa. 243 Vfitt 20 ODO 293 ao 208 ao IB ao SOS ao aa 1,100 274 zn 238 000 BI 1,810 S4 1,840 M 1,840 2M 1,640 34 1.940 288 aeo 2M e«D 298 ISO SUE mo 307 OUO 310 OUO 314 OOO 318 aao 323 220 336 i,ao sai 440 396 340 318 OOO ODD 000 397 000 381 BSD 366 1.840 3/1 M) 373 OUO SIS ODD 378 ODD 319 000 S77 OOO 3)9 eao Sll ouu 386 1,840 3ie 1.540 302 M V7 1.330 401 1.810 4U7 330 411 - ao 418 440 430 ISO 424 880 49 890 493 HO 4>7 1.840 441 680 444 SO 448 880 491 SB 493 ao 493 220 453 220 434 1.100 468 1,320 4£2 eao 489 220 473 1,840 478 eao Dobler. 4B 1,540 487 OOO 490 «) 494 COO 4» 330 600 nn as 1,840 507 1,100 511 440 514 1,840 518 1,330 521 660 824 1,320 5S 531 _ ^. .DISTAKCECOVERSDEACH.DAT. we benwlth prcaent the dUtance trareled erety day by tbe men who flnlMied. The track. It wUI be remraibmd. nieaaored onoelghth of a mUe, and we will atate here that Bart on the fourth day covered 16B yanli more than B'i mllea, on the fifth day 85 yarda more tnan BRfi mllea. aiid oo Ihe rljnb da^lSSyaida more tban 73 mllea, inaklw hi* Flrel., 8eona< Third Fifth. Po. How- Dob. Kro- Hail. ard. ler. Allen bn*. H L. M. I.. M. L. v. L. M. I.. 131 .n 104 S 9r 4 IS 0 119.8 B S 94 1 98 2 97 4 W "sua al one dollar each extra, waa •28,683. On? haUoflhla amount waa glren to tho ttakeh^er In tnut Sr..iS!„^°"^;?^?' »JSL^?^'¥ deducted uerenom Ibr nlary of repceeenUuVea appointed by Sj?fiTf teS ""^ amonnt to bo tUrldJd waa !S^?^i^'^ the amoont doe to och of thoM JJSft^ H^Ai*"* In the procMda a* followa: Hart, 88.910.78; Pegram, 8X4fn.37: Howard. Si 742.09- DohlAr fpu4: A]ie??Si^Kr£^.«ns': S'luu^Ltuau; Snwaker, »k45. rfart alao reolrea «9.u5) In awee> •takea money and •I.OOO extim for beating ihe moid, mat InghlscaahrrtomtkoraTS. Bealaow^iatheb^hS^ 'be Mgond elx-daT belt now In bla po e e t a u oo. In aBdlttaa nwnea i^it year* IiiODRBKCT.— A eoneapnndent at iToy. H. T., — * — "acBp ecna baa bee n aeodlag you Inoocrece f tnm Troy. Jimmy KUlmil a dOTer fisilow, apoit.muacv at aoma of t&e picnic^ bat U not regarded ?^!?-^*??V*"*'?''*'"'^?*°««'! twrdoen be teach the AttalctleClnboraclaaaoflnatUataatodenta. OenaBoM la aola Initracaor at tbe A. C. gymnaalimi. AmAi. tbe A- C. nerer dreamed of anch a thing aa leaiinc either of the two liorM.tncka In lAnalngbaig, nor do tne tldn eeerOow orer Centra Iiland, altbongh a fteahet Mea to do ao eraiy Spslng." HOLaii VB. ABnnoBa— The aeeond depoaUof tl25a fide lor the tweniy.aTo mUawalklng matclibetwem E• two beat Ipadeatrl^aa EnalaDULuiT. Chrla. Faber of Ilowark. N. J., who ™ ip unlortuMte aa to be dUabled early lo the rare for the 0'I.ean bJt Lut week, bai by no means loat eonlldsiKa In hlmaclt, and that be BtUl haa blende Is ehown by tbe appended ehaDense lo aU walaeni-a deS which ahould not be allovad to panby nnnotlced by Charier Hamman, ""y™! Krohne and otnere who claim epeelal exeoUeoceln th a llneol ■port.andhaTeat dllferent tImea expnaicd ihelr leadlnesa to make a match with anybodr Ibr a large amoan^o^e^lgagelDaaweeI>•lakeaw^th other riod inea. If tbey, or any one of (hem, la ofthe lame mind now, they ara nolUed that we hoU tUD on account of tbu challnge : Nsv Tong, April 12, lAU Funk Oubbm. Eao.— Dev sir: I will match Chrlatlan and.tae78.bonra or ilx-dar match, fbr any snm now tl.OD upwarda: or. he ahaU enter Into a aweeprtakea ra«, each niandepoaUlna«ioa.thewluiertatakealt. lamoluMe- pared to matcb Faber to walk Geo. Uayim for either the ffboor or ilx-day belt bow held by him (Guyon), prorMad be wUl name New Tork Clly aa the place of eontert. S^d race to take plaoe flrom fiirty to auty daya Dom algnatore ofanldeai Iberewlth place In your haoda. one hondred dollara, to be oorered by anyone willing U walk one or other ofthe malchea here pnpoaed. Beepeeiltally. Jambs Smith. BOBIBSUIT AHD MeCABTBT. We now hold all the money, one tbouaand dollara. for the Lancaahlre wxeMUng matcb, ben of three hackfUl^ between Plank EobUuon of Lawrence Haia., and Owen JleCartbyof Manayunk. Pa., the final depoalt. mo Ihim each, baring beeD.made good on Slonday, April IX, Bobln- •oa iwndina hla ehare by eipreiw and Noah MakinanD com- ing to New York wUh MeCarthy'a. MaUnaon akn lelt lUtT dollara to pay Itoblnaon^a expensca, and, aa piondcd for In the aniclea, we wlU fbrward that amount to the New. Englander by expnaa on Tueaday, April IS. , The date of wreatllng haa been brought forward to Satuiday, Alirtl 24. when tho matcb wUI be dcddnl St IndastrUI Ait Hall. Philadelphia, at 8 r. M, The men or their repnaentallta are lo meet this week and c h ooa e a dual stakeholder, to whom we will forward the stakes. SicCarlhyla conSned to 120ft. while Robinson must not exceed UOft. Cbambcra will finish Robinson's trmlnlng. Arthur O'liEABY nv THB PIBU>. Daniel O'Learr la the promoter of a series of pedestrian tournamenta of UieKtyle now popular with the public which he Intends siring tUnjogboot the connby during Ihe prvwnt year. The Initial erent of the aeries will be helu at the Rink la BoSslo. N. Y.. cummendiur on Mou. dar, April 28, and condadlng on Satoidu, May 1, and wlU be a ■sTenty-two.boar go.aa.yoa.preasa contest, cnrapetltors to travel no more than tweire boors dally, and tha prliea will be aa StUow: $6BD and 0>L«ary championship medal to Snt, 9900 lo second. $200 to third, •100 to fourth, sod 830 to fifth. These prises, added to the reputation uf the donor, oiqtht lo ptoooce a good field of omtestaota; and all wbo desire to compete are notified to InclOM twenty-fire dollars to Daniel O'Lesiy. Mansion House, Buflklo, X. Y.. not Ister than Raturday. April 24. Eotrlea wlU be l lmlloJ. . Wbrton'b s-mMFT to beat tbe record of six-days kd.ss. Tou-plcaiu pcdratrUolam Id Ban Fraoclica Csl.. nme to sn end April la It was a bllore In alf respects, the attendance being very light, and the perfonnanee pro- portlonsti'lr poor, the distance covered belmt bur 360 miles. Vertigo Is said to have been the cause of this light score. J. H. IIATKRLT'H first pedestrian tODmamcnt began at the New Inlkntiy Mall, FniTldence. R. T., Apnl 12, and lusts fur six days, tne compeutors baTeUng 13 boors a d:iy. Charles Prico of Tiondun glvea dally exhlbltlona of ninnlng. BiBBY Ta Eixia.— Tbe wrestling-match between Edwin Bihby and Albert Ellis, Lancashire and Deroncblre styles, will take place at Hsrrr lllirs oo Saturday afternoon, April 17, oommenelng at three o'clock. Bah H. MlLUCR, Geo. Chsraberlaln and Chaa. narxlman ate notified of letters awaiting Ihem In oor care. AQUATIC. r Lake- FlaAiaTKD AND SVItliTVAlf. Keaily 16,000 jicople assembled at tbe ne end, Netr Orleana, La., on April &, ia witness the BlDgle^nU race between tbe wen-known ouiimBn FteU Flalstetl of New Tork ana James F. SuIUTan, tbe nnknowii. Tbe parse waa $800, entered by tbe M O. Oltv R. R. Co., aBd the poll was live mlle^ with a tarn, to be rowed imder the roles of the Kattonal Amatenr ABSodatlon. Flalsted waa greatly tbe tsTorlte, bat there were a good man* baeken of SnUlTan. It was suspected that SalllTan was a prolesalonal nnder an assnined name. He was nnt. heard of tn endeavoring to get np a match with one Of the crack amatenr scnUers of New Or- leans, bat thlBftU thronoh because of his own state- ment that he was a proKaaionaL Who he really Is la to this hoar kept a protoand secret there. There is, however, no neceaslty Ibr ftirther eonoealment, as Flalsted beat blm by nearly I0i>ydB. The coarse waa down tha lake-shore In a llqe to tbe llghthonae and retoriL The start was from tbe St. John Boat dab bonse. The water was a true raffled by a good breeze, which acconnts' for the poor time made. Flalsted rowed In Hmnford's boat, tbe "Tootrie," while Solllvan sat in the "Jeanne," one of tbe SC John Clab shells. At 4.23 P. M. the word "Go" was given, which sent the scnuen away. A fair and even start waa had. Flalsted led ofT with a 32 stroke, which sent blm ahead by a length; Solllvan dipped water with a stroke of a, wmcb be anerwards Increased to ao. HIS style waa very poor, he polling a short, Jerkey stroke, well calcolated to tire any oanman, while Flalsted polled a long, sweeping streke. Tbe race was Plal8ted'8 Itom tbe start, for he walked right away ttom BolUvan. Spanish Fort was mased lo wu minutes tram the ontaet. FUlsted here nnt bis oars down In a beaotUhl manner, anil, ronnlng op his stroke to 34, be led the unknown nearly an eighth of amlle, Sullivan still maintaining bis stroke at 30. Flalsted kept bis lead to the stakeboat, which he tnmed at i.42, or In ITmln. SDaeo. ffom tbe start. Sonivan tnmed one mlnnte later. On the homestretch Flalsted dropped to n. and rowed along at tbat speed to the fort. Nearly opposite ttila point Solllvan ran bis stroke np to aa, and endeavored to make a spnrt to dose np the big gap. The New-Yorker did not seem to notice this, for he kept on at tbe same pace. The Interest, which nad almost died oat, sprang op again, bot soon died away as Soni- van, who seetiied to wake op to tbe situation, was seen to nnablp bis oars and stop paniD^ Afler rowing steadily (bra boiHlred yards or so, Flalsted also stopped and took a rest. After this ttie laoe waa vIrtiiaUy over, being T miiir^w ,fri»,|y_ ^•w*-^fHwt^ a spnrt between O'DonneU, an amatenr Bonlieror the Hope cinb (who bad followed tbe men along), and Flalsted wben within a half-mile ofthe onlsh. Flalsted reached home, with a 2S stroke, at 8.07:30. or In 42m. and Solllvan one and a half mlnnte behind. Tbe race was awarded to Fred amidst great cheering Itom the aa.iembled people. 0. L. Foentcs waa tho referee; J. N. Welsh, Hope Clob, nnliib-Jodge for Flalsted; Fat OaUagher, Riverside Clab, dnlsh-Jodge for SolUvan; JTKerri- gan, Peiwverance Clob. Jndge at torn for Flalsted; and U. Gallagher, Jodge at torn for Solllvan. Timer, J. Connlngbain. Starter, J. HcNolty, Hope Clnb. XBE CASASIAir AflSOCIATIOIV. A meeting of delegates fbr the purpose or omulalng a Can s d ls n s se od s tl un of amatenr inrsmen waa held April » at Toronto, OoL BepreaeotatlTca were present fh>m the Argonaut H. CL, Toronto H. C. and Bayside B. C. of To. ronto. Leander aod Nautllna of BamQton. Bearer of Windsor, Lacblne of Xontreal, Chatham B. C. of Chatham, Petertnro of Petecboro, and Poieat City of London. A constitution and bylaws almllar to taosc of other aaaoclatloiu were adopted, and It waa de- cided to bold tbe first snnnsi tegacu on Toronto Bay July SI. The meeting waa very entbualaallc. and the Association promises to be a grand aacceaa. The ballot. Iu0 r.tr olBcen resulted as fullowa; President, Henry O'Brien (Aigonanta): first Tlee.praaldent, Barold Lambe it^andflcs); second elco-prcsident, John Hendenon (To- rMtos); secretary. C T. JefTeils cAigsoanta); treasurer tf. Crewe (Toranto); exeeatlre commluae^A. J. Uuaes. n. Heath (Lschlnes), T. Daridaon, R. J. Doggan (NauUfua). W. a Wella (Chathams). W. Wilson (Baysldes). E. a Ed- "tda, O. C. Rogeta (Peierboroa). O. K. Latimer (Foiest '^W-S-J- U*!! (Argouauta). R. A. Lncaa CLeanden), and J. O'Han (lonmtos). ' THB Ar(io.ui:t Bowuo Club of Toronto, Out., held tiieir annual meeting April 2, and tbe offlcna elected fbr the ensoing year were: President, Ueniy O'Brien: Tlco. president, C. E. Ryetson ; captain, O. P. Calt: secntaiy- treasoiw, T. W. Fisher: committee— C. W. ArmatrotUL T. P. Gait, t T. JeflerJiL W. E. Sloffatt. Philip ToddTBrA. Bobeita. and B. W. Waterwoitb. TbednboS'ered.llgtTeo charge of the Ufe-boat, to proTlde a rrew and man It on all oocashBia«hen It was required. Tbsofler waa inade In conseqnence of an accident on the bay recently by which two Urea were lost, alibooS^i fiity people and half-a-docen boala were on hand TitB FAiB of the Sisters of tba Holy Craas dosed hi Waablngtou, D. C, AprU 10. The rasing abeU for the moat ponaUr member of any boat club waa won by J. R. WbitaaftheAnakwUn Club, recetrlngTSlTotn. W. C. HcKlnoey won the handsome boat-club badge for the moat popular man In the Potomac Uoal ClnbL tecalVlsg aSTolia. Mr.Falrowon tbeAnalostan badge, leeelTlng SSTOtea. Tea LinzjiTB Boat Ctxm at Troy, Jf. T., eontempLite adding a yauut chaiiier, both to be ond^ tbeaame garem- munt, though with separata officers Capt siuea aalltd hU ne w yac ht op flrom New Yoek last w e a k . There are nittcn lint and medlnm aaUboats on tbe Stale 'isi" Tba new tiridae at Lsaslngbunr wUl allow a TT fais tOA topaasnnderltatkiw watSr • «««« sro _Fbbo a. PLAisian csUed to sea na on Vondav. AnrU 12. vS^iiSSS ."^L""> he Vaa moat hospitably treated. Flalsted lalbima ua that hewmbea S?"."'.'? big race to take placs on the Baekonk Rlrtf, Uode Island, In June, and he aipecu to get a piece of that OkOBOE FAITLgRBB, the wldoly-knowa oanmaa of Boa- ^SSt'te^h' the metiopSUa last week. In company Witt Wallace Rosa. Tbey nigiilattd toSmaln irSr daya, and may be here now. tol'S.'c.'A'p'rUia*"''^™ "••^'-^^^ A D0I7BLE4CDU. BAOB, for $300 a glde. SK mlles. S"Satam. Brtll te rowed at VlctoriaTi. AtS 24, between Fred Smith and Torn FluidenorSan FTanclBco, CaL, and Wm. Cotaford and Wm. Clark of victoria. They are to row In light nlessnre- bijau zat. long. Shonid Victoria i^ %otaford, who la champion scnller of British Colombta. wm again challenge Dan Uaby ot San FrancUoo, to row three mllea In May next, for $1,000 a side. f last week elected the following officers; Commodore, Wm. Haner; vtca-commodon, Joseph Wroth: rear-com- modote, John B. ConkUn; secretary, Wm. Davis; clabnomber thlr^-onsand measnre tromlUtieen to twenty-elM foot bi lengtb. The club's nm race tbU season will be held Say IT. ""s"*™* sZS*5"™£°' Vlralnto AmatenrOarmnen's £SS£'"l'"l?V? '""y 9 Ibr the second annnal jgrstta, to be heldon the Bappabannock, u Fred- f JiSH??^' CrewB ttom other States will be i nvited to contest in the tacea. THB Hnjfmtf ,T Rownin fli.imof lTliis.4»Wi Mioh,. have promised to send their fonr-oared crew to tba coming St. John B. C. rMatt* at New Orleans, and tbaCk)fioe8(N.T.)BoatoIubTrtnbe«pr«lejD3^ in the fonr-oared and sln^e-scaUnces. _jy5"Aic KoBBAT, the champion >anIor scalier, » ^"^^ ^ ^ Elizabeth Boat (Anb of Ports- noQtti, Ta., u tbeb nnMsebliilvB at the St. John Bowing Club ivgua, mw oneua. TBB scnnnxxiu. natt tm deoliM M boia tlielt«nBii»irej««»*BiMl»k "^"^ "* spectatoni April U and April 14, Boa AprU 14, u SI April U, "-Til Ti" April u,ufia|fi April 17, OpoSJSfi,,.. April n; bJ^*,SS!sBo *P»)1 17. WorewSSSSCf AprU 17, Knl3^2i»»»ar April 17, TrorSTtSIajt^ April 18. Eaa'l?iiiS'5S?3L The iw ««cma amine v^>a - _ Ue at the dOM 0(lf^S5l*4an;* flistUrae thU M^**^Ufvjl place at rightflSTrillS' ifftS flrrt ban bv MctSniirP "sd iCS' Idl n« Grays to tJsiUiiS* ""-^ ' thenmlSiin¥.Sl'';r^I Eire. TheKsiioaji^'^ ytMpr haw-n^iSJ^ aichlog wete Ibechfiw., SsTlOSAt. T. m.B?M^ MKneUaOjSS 4 0 0 ?i- ,1 Bsker,c.r., 4 1 , ifj 11 Pjwtlllb... 4 1 2 i ! Derbj.'-'-* » I 0 0 . "«hirt?,ik i o"{.T^ Dlgnon.fr.. 4 0 1- o Warner. ».. 5 0 0 a-i «»>Jdtt,c...^ I , ; t 8|»J.., TotaU.. j( TiTji iT"? S«Tldence._..*." ^ " A •i»k,j National l ! •■O^f Earned ratu-NulcBsi: ■ * • ' • hlts--Urota, Bsker aad=^ iiiui--iiro£^.!S« Inning* rtsuhed la hoUi SL^t* UdneMitb Ocrbsrtt ncr, who had pmhaSTnlfiS^X tbe llUrd aiid wlnnEirMSSfl . rHMhardt, 2b. 8 0 Is JJcClllis.! I 14 »i!b-.«lfll PoweU, Irtb. S 0 1 II 1 s SS'St-liH Baker, c. t.. j o 1 J. J ( aS?*' mS pignon,Lt. 8 0 1 0 0 C &&«^tr3 £?lder,c.... J 1 oia 2 r&fl"l|in Warner, 3d b 5 1 0 0 S aJa'^-Ma Lynch, p.... J o 0 0 s iE5l>~-li3 _ — — — *.tUf|S Totals. ...48 3 f aia) , Providence.. 0 I 0 0 a , i^-tlll -National... 0 0 0-0 I a i ! Mil Two.UfseMl*-<;im,," tglilV-'-' " !• ldence.9. »1iitba*eir^^ s. Left on basc*-xiiia.„ .. Strikra callnl-ol LtS^.^..-----«« WUllain l«cL,;?'lffi^{Jj.<« 'sal loence 9. »Vltba«iiSiJ5ES*t S. Left on ba«»-X4u,SilrTS5**» and Start. S^^S!SS£SISnM Strike rallnl-ol Lt5?j<-'^.*:7 pimrcBTos BBtvivs. \ strong pioreasloiial afais hs h ; under the name or the JUhUk* A t., UUf. los under tuc iMuiDiB utejUAlMW ^ J., on AprU 7 snd 14 tetbs siriS'J ton Uulverslly Dtae. FrS uTESis wlilchwe «»»« beUjw.tteHl bf I?*,* credited with a tlctcrr. CbmJSSJ!" to give tbe runs msilslBaa fa ATULKTIC. T. k. 'Bjai.tl«»_„ I JJa-um, lnb8 0 0 7 0 j|dlays-Bc(W i_ hlie-Dufileld. wDna, bSw* Dyke. Cmplte, Mr. Bran (TDtoM • ATHLUIli T. B. B.»J.CJPlwi5Ltii Viuun, lb... n I 1 18 sa^TttU Mym. P 4 2 Ltttf, a a 4 0 Barber. 3b... 4 0 Waltt,L r.... 4 I CaiToll. a 4 0 Cox, r. f..... 4 0 7t24ll Teik^H 1 0 ( 0 1 3 1 1 3 2 2 8 2 0 0 0 4 1 0 0 e TnUlii....3T 4 •2ri<. Rtrack oot-Athlolc, •; I Dndlekl. aammllL Flm Prmcebin. a Eamtd lBi_ Brown of tho Prlnoetai Ckk BOSTOH vs,'H>Kn9L ' The Bostons esf4lv ddteii Us Ba^a team on April IOatllostsa,lK. lliMa lor hanl hitting and poor WaeC' >■ by Jones. -Shattuck and iHsEir.atfk belug a ^uljstlTtite on tteoootar"' James O'ROaikedld by arltsbatiL thv tormvT making a ah Ut Mstjik baL Sooee: BoBTojr. T. B. a.raj.cl BivuktifiL Jonea,Lf.... 8 4 2 2 0 SKkaHKmilli JaaO'B'ke,lf 6 JnaO'B°ke,cl 6 Foley, lb.... S )Ioirill,3b... 8 Brown, c 8 Boxdoek,2b. 6 Bond, p 0 Button, a s. . 6 4 8 10 lBaiai^r.1111 2 110 lObiriKiuMU 1 I 9 ewMptiiig 2 113 trnkKB-iia 8)7 SMU^AwJIfl 2 6 S 2 WfEtlllh 1 3 1 a Bina.'..ii!l, 2 2 1 I SUMWUill Tatals...MOain3 "rsakJIll Boston 4 5 1 « • j 1 '1 Harranl 1 0 0 3 1 1 11] Earned runs-Bonao, 4: Bsnwt 1. MM Jones (21, Jsmes O'llantt, I;iMMa| inns— mowo. BacaOw, nnttA '>*}'.*1 Bniwn. Flist bate oa iiiwi •■•IJ Stinck oot— Boston.]; Hanwil »*r 87: on Ehstnicfc, IOL. Srikss obM Rhattnck. 44. DouMe-flBS-Hgn;* L' Bnm, 2: FoUoo. t;k klu i>m, t »" lock, L Umpire, Powen. nar.A^ trORCBSTKB va. BKflW I The Woreeatef«abBt«%* """i^iiM " " k'^iasp Bushong.c. * » ; 1 1 5i!*rt ii Nlcboisp... S 2 ? > I JHtif-" , , _ : Mann.cf... 5 1 Martin, r. f.. 5 0 Touu. . .48 Worcester ■.0 0 0 t-a.MJ rown u V « , li^vt p Earned ron-Woierter. 1. "HSfas base on bslls-Enlthv Irsla..^ 22^-" ccster, 8; Bruwn. t SUfS^ WbllE, Ladd (21, Rise. W. Greeoe, 108 RiiUns i s l M . i Passed baUa-Bufbooa '^^J^ I ft ■■■SJ; pitch — Greene. BA8BBAU' Went and djrecteriif th; j on Feb. X 18i<> and wbo h«lrag[j yeaisthe lesdUigrappollie ■ Was last week aleosd Bl|W «^ tbat proved hHd««i*<, PJ^gf knawn prolrwoosi PjV^i Bulkeley^s olllce fo?_5''S'2Si was BvneiallT ol>«T»d iwjy- BnoCllnes defesUog tke.Aag" 28 to 9. the Beacoos Of ia*2^iai Doicbeater on tbe laitHr£J3!2 1 a Worths seorisE U to s-jWrtgi^ Lapham ol iMt WKl'SSS Adhan (Hlcb-i^Chib tws f-J- denlet thst h. has "^^iglm m Tho clndnnalU' •'2E5bi'» The DulMiqoissie TSw**' the Ch'cagos this «eek.../-s™^^ ling av?^£« "SL'f^SSSSii best fieidlair average wsrejm—, ,0 nsldlDg m Ksnsss City, ■''i* ~— 5S m£l!ie anloe thU •-g' v^ cantalnofthe BaSiie^^S. this week agalnrt a pUrt brook wl'l pitch •a.'' "Silt*! game, then Mc<:uuila<<'>^,!'^^ SSdtenm and <^'^^t;!S^ and eatcbrr ...Jl.ei^^'Mar' tx playing the BoaloQ. Leaiy ofthe Bay Cl.WCgJSS'- neUed March 21 fur "ioJUik*""— . afterwards relD»tsl«d so U a rather costly li«;;a^ ij^ a iDgCompaoy of 2r*?4!5£ifu, BoTrnTtLavojost 5»»JSS5i»s5j Wd games, the b««i«« T!™ iiS plsyed ar?ew0rwm^5,o,< Noithein P'ol>ssl2™i!r^ n ■ t ptons *2 nett canght. SulUijn pm« WoodfllTedbetwcen jhffl";^^ WUlIamsoa ot the ChlaQ>°^S4W Frsndm st tha close <8,g«i^i9l._ with the lh'|»J"??',S£«S» •aSJ'i been premised ^^'^"Z^,- •^6 r, n-- sua ass.— "Ji'mUf Cinba of New Orleau PjW* A tbe former wlnolBf bf pitcher; E««er»Tf. J«'JJbiSis>J flnghait. •bon-f»Pi»^iS5S.I* a b< vV^?M] umplue on:snlilUL a )!S^1S>* SSSot resldbuOnWa^ Coootr, wbodled stojs"^„, April f, was sbouliweaw of ti«««y«fe7»S5bSKJ?3 iJ? S-^-^'-"' h" •»^'- '-•^■i whlto belt and ""~.i7",,. uuonced Ihr Apnl'^''^ Sim of V'>];L^^Sa%S*£ir Donlap wssl»M"y5?Ji,«»i" ji of that dty t^ts; VrnjatalK^S^ cap snim